Name: Mason Cooper

Race: Standard humanoid, human subspecies, Isu/mutant hybrid [Isu blood concentration 9.94%, X gene power: medium]

Character traits:

Mystic, cold-blooded sharpshooter, master of field first aid, luxurious alchemist, knowledgeable engineer, precise enchanter, efficient inscriber, studious collector, skillful tailor, retro jeweller, calm forging By

Character skills:

Archery Lv5, Fighting Lv2, Alchemy Lv7+1, Engineering Lv7+1, First Aid Lv7, Enchanting Lv4+1, Inscription Lv4+1, Tailoring Lv4+1, Forging Lv4+1, Gathering Lv4+1, Jewelry Processing Lv4 +1

Special Skills: Artisan·Fire Manipulation Lv6, Mutant·Water Flow Manipulation·Excellent, Summon Phoenix

Character talent:

Shooting: Dead Eye, Quick Draw.

Melee: Sudden death.

First Aid: Quick suture, rejuvenation.

Alchemy: Quick eyesight, fast alchemy, potion addiction.

Engineering: Dismantling and assembly, blueprint modification.

Forging: Mineral discrimination, precise grinding, strong and durable.

Tailoring: Wakanda weaving, threading a needle.

Collection: Two Skillful Hands

Enchantment: Fast Spiritualization.

Inscription: Never forget.

Jewelcrafting: Luxurious decoration.

Magic Fire Manipulation: Flame Shaping.

Racial talents:

Isu: sixth sense, energy affinity, ingenuity, blacksmith, Isu heritage

Mutants: Substance Control Water, Water Molecular Structure, Biological Consciousness Perception, Mutant Powers

Special talents:

Left Hand of Creation: creator, dexterous left hand, inspiration, hand of hope

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