Xiao Ming: That sounds great! Art is a powerful form of expression that touches people's hearts. Believe in your dreams, Xi keep practicing and exploring, and you will surely become an outstanding artist.

Cheng Daodao: Yes, girl, don't be afraid to pursue your dreams. Art has infinite creativity, it can change people's thinking and concepts, and make the world more colorful.

Girl: Thank you for your support and encouragement. I will continue to work hard, constantly improve my artistic skills, and contribute my creation to the world.

Xiao Ming: We look forward to seeing your work and are confident that you will be able to create amazing works of art.

(They continue to stroll, immersed in a discussion of hopes and dreams for the future.)

Cheng Daodao: No matter what our dreams are, we need to have firm beliefs and an attitude of continuous efforts. At the same time, we must also learn to enjoy every moment of the journey and appreciate the beauty around us.

Xiao Ming: Yes, life is not only the realization of goals, but also the experience of the process. We need to be kind to ourselves, share joys and difficulties with our friends, and grow together.

Girl: I'm so glad to have met you, you have given me a lot of positive energy and encouragement. I believe that the future will be full of hope and beauty.

Cheng Daodao: We are also very happy to meet you and witness your growth. Remember, no matter what difficulties come your way, we will be there for you.

Xiao Ming: Yes, we have always been friends, facing challenges and pursuing dreams together.

(Cheng Dao, Xiao Ming, and the girl move on, their conversation full of friendship, hope, and dreams.) This journey has witnessed their growth and hard work in the 60s, and it has also left good memories. No matter how time passes, their friendship will last forever and bring strength and support to each other.

(Cheng Daodao, Xiao Ming, and the girl continue to stroll and come to a park.) They found a comfortable bench and sat down and continued talking.

Cheng Daodao: This park is really a peaceful place. I like to come here for a walk and think about some important questions.

Xiao Ming: Yes, the beauty of nature always makes us feel calm and relaxed. Girl, do you have any questions or thoughts on your mind?

Girl: Actually, I've been thinking about a question. I want my art to make a positive impact on the world, but sometimes I wonder if I'll be able to achieve it.

Cheng Daodao: This is a very important question. I believe that as long as you truly love art and create with your heart, your work will convey positive energy and touch people's hearts.

Xiao Ming: Yes, the power of art is endless. It can evoke deep emotions in people, stimulate thinking and change perceptions. As long as you stick to your creative philosophy and believe that your work can make a positive impact, you will be able to achieve your goals.

Girl: Thank you for your encouragement and support. I will continue to pursue my artistic dreams and strive to create works that will warm people's hearts and inspire hope.

Cheng Daodao: We believe you will be able to do it. No matter what difficulties you encounter, remember your original intention and love, and move forward bravely.

Girl: Thank you for your continued companionship and encouragement. I feel very fortunate to have your support.

(In the tranquility of the park, Cheng Daodao, Xiao Ming, and the girl continue to share their insights on dreams and art.) They encourage and support each other and believe in each other's abilities and potential. This conversation bears witness to the journey of friendship, helping others, and pursuing their dreams that they experienced in the 60s. No matter how time passes, their friendship will last forever and bring strength and support to each other.

(Cheng Daodao, Xiao Ming, and the girl continue to walk in the park, enjoying the beauty of nature.) Suddenly, they saw a group of children playing.

Xiao Ming: Look, those kids are having so much fun! Their laughter was truly delightful.

Cheng Daodao: Yes, children are always able to find happiness in simple things. Their innocence and carefree mentality are truly enviable.

Girl: yes, I used to have that happy time. As we grow up, we seem to gradually lose that innocence and simple happiness.

Xiao Ming: But we can still regain that joy by reminiscing and observing the children. And we can integrate this joy into our art and life.

Cheng Daodao: Yes, Xiao Ming is right. Reminiscing and observing the joy of children can spark joy and creativity within us. We can express this joy through art and pass it on to more people.

Girl: I see. Thank you for your inspiration, and I think I will pay more attention to observing and remembering the joy of the children, and then express it through my artwork.

Xiao Ming: This kind of creation will make your work more realistic and warm. I look forward to seeing your work with the joy and innocence of children.

Cheng Daodao: We believe that your creation will definitely bring hope and joy. No matter what difficulties you encounter, remember this innocence and joy, they will be the most precious treasure of your art.

Girl: Thank you for your continued support and encouragement. I feel very fortunate to have you as my friends and mentors.

(Cheng Dao, Xiao Ming, and the girl continue to wander through the park, their conversation filled with happy memories of the children and their love of art.) They believe that through the expression and transmission of art, they can regain that innocent happiness and bring it to more people. No matter how time passes, their friendship will last forever and create a better future together. (Cheng Daodao

, Xiao Ming and the girl continue to stroll in the park, enjoying the harmonious atmosphere.) They came to a flower bed and were attracted by the bright flowers.

Cheng Daodao: Look at these flowers, their colors are really gorgeous and colorful. Each flower has its own unique beauty, just like everyone.

Xiao Ming: The fragrance of the flowers makes the whole park more vibrant. Each flower has its own story, and they are also the miracle of life.

Girl: I often use my paintings to express my love and respect for flowers. I was blown away by their beauty and fragility.

Cheng Daodao: Your artwork will definitely be able to capture the charm and beauty of flowers. Art can bring people a unique feeling and allow us to rediscover the beauty of the world.

Xiao Ming: Yes, through art we can express emotions, think and convey information. The power of art can deeply touch people's hearts and resonate with people.

Girl: I hope that my artwork evokes a love for nature and a desire to protect it. Let people rediscover the beauty and importance of flowers through my work.

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