Cheng Daodao: Your idea is very good. It is a meaningful creation to convey the message of environmental protection and ecological protection through art, and to arouse people's attention to nature.

Ming: We support your ideas, girl. Your work will be a powerful tool for spreading environmental awareness. I hope your art can attract more people's attention and resonance.

Girl: Thank you for your continued support and encouragement. I believe that through the power of art, we can change the world and make people more concerned about and protect our environment.

(Cheng Daodao, Xiao Ming, and the girl continue to talk in front of the flower bed, sharing their love for flowers and art.) They believe in the power of art to draw attention to environmental protection and create a better world. No matter how time passes, their friendship will last forever and continue to support and encourage each other.

(Cheng Daodao, Xiao Ming, and the girl continue to stroll, and they come to a lake.) The lake is sparkling and the breeze brings tranquility.

Cheng Daodao: The tranquility of the lake is refreshing. In such an environment, we can calm down and think about the meaning and value of life.

Xiao Ming: Yes, the tranquility of the lake makes me feel at peace. In such a natural environment, we are able to reflect on our own growth and expectations for the future.

Girl: I also love the beauty and tranquility of the lake. They give me a lot of inspiration and room to think.

Cheng Daodao: The lake symbolizes the flow and change of life. Just as the water of a lake flows to the sea, our lives are constantly evolving and evolving.

Xiao Ming: It is because of this change that we have been able to grow and progress. Each stage has its meaning and value.

Girl: Yes, I hope that through my art, I can convey the beauty of this change and growth. Each piece is a part of my growth and thinking.

Cheng Daodao: Art is a way of expression and exploration, which can help us understand and accept the changes in life. Your work is sure to resonate and make people think.

Xiao Ming: We believe that your creations can make people rethink their lives and inner changes. Through art, we can find answers and peace.

Girl: Thank you for your support and encouragement. I will continue to work hard to create and convey the beauty of life and the power of growth.

(Cheng Daodao, Xiao Ming, and the girl continue to talk by the lake, sharing their thoughts on nature and art.) They believe that art can help people understand and accept the changes in life, and convey the power of beauty and growth through their works. No matter how time passes, their friendship will last forever and continue to support and encourage each other.

(Cheng Daodao, Xiao Ming, and the girl continue to stroll along the lakeside, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere.) Suddenly, they noticed an injured bird near the lake. Girl

: Look, that little bird seems to be hurt. It's so pathetic, is there anything we can do to help it?

Cheng Daodao: Let's go over and see how it goes. Maybe we can find some way to salvage it.

(They cautiously approach the bird and find that one of its wings is injured.)

Xiao Ming: This little bird really needs help. We should do our best to provide it with some support and protection.

Girl: We can find some grass or leaves and make a simple shelter to protect it. Maybe we can also look to a local bird conservation organization for professional help.

Cheng Daodao: That's a good idea. We should act as soon as possible to protect this little bird and help it recover.

(They began to collect leaves and grass, carefully piling them around the birds to provide a makeshift shelter.) They then searched for nearby contact information, found a bird conservation organization, and got in touch with them.

Ming: We just got in touch with the local bird protection organization, and they said they would send someone over to deal with the injured bird as soon as possible.

Girl: Great! I hope it can be professionally cared for and treated and get back to health as soon as possible.

Cheng Daodao: We have done our best, let the professionals take over now. We are confident that it will be taken care of in the best possible way.

Girl: Thank you for your help and support. I really appreciate your presence at this time.

Xiao Ming: We all live in the same society, and it is natural for us to help each other. It is also our responsibility to protect the creatures of the natural world.

Cheng Daodao: Yes, we should do our best to protect and respect life in the natural world. Every small action has the potential to change the fate of a life.

(They watched the bird quietly, hoping it would be properly treated and rehabilitated.) Their conversations and actions once again demonstrate the spirit of caring for and protecting the natural world. They hope this story will inspire more people to protect our environment and biodiversity with kindness and action to create a better future together.

(Cheng Daodao, Xiao Ming, and the girl quietly wait for the arrival of the Bird Conservation Group, continuing to talk about their thoughts on nature conservation.)

Cheng Daodao: In our lives, we often face various challenges, but we cannot ignore the importance of protecting our environment and biodiversity.

Xiao Ming: Yes, each of us has a responsibility to protect and preserve our natural resources. We need to be aware that every small action we take has an impact on the environment.

Girl: I hope to convey the message of protecting nature through my artwork and arouse the awareness of more people. Everyone can contribute to the cause of environmental protection, big or small.

Cheng Daodao: I very much agree. Whether it's participating in environmental activities, reducing the use of plastics, saving energy, or sharing environmental knowledge, everyone has a role to play.

Xiao Ming: We should educate and inspire more people, especially the younger generation, to pay attention to the importance of environmental protection. They will be the leaders and decision-makers of the future, and their awareness and actions will have a profound impact on the future.

Girl: Yes, I want my artwork to draw attention to and protect the natural world. Through the power of art, I believe we can change how people think and behave.

Cheng Daodao: Your artwork will become an important medium to convey the message of environmental protection and arouse people's awareness. We support your creation and look forward to seeing the positive impact your work can make.

(Bird Conservation Officers finally arrived, and they professionally handled the injured bird and said they would give it the best care and rehabilitation.) Cheng Daodao, Xiao Ming and the girl are relieved and hope that the bird will recover soon.

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