(A few more years later, Cheng Daodao, Boss Zhang, and Cheng Xiaoguo got together again, this time in a modern science and technology research center.)

Cheng Xiaoguo: Father, Boss Zhang, welcome to our company's latest science and technology research center! This will be our future base for scientific and technological innovation.

Cheng Daodao: This research center is really amazing! Seeing the facilities and equipment here, I believe that our scientific and technological research will make greater breakthroughs.

Boss Zhang: Yes, this research center is a new milestone in our scientific and technological development. It will provide an excellent environment for young scientists to innovate.

Cheng Xiaoguo: Our mission is not only to make the company better, but more importantly, to make an impact on the entire technology field. I hope that this research center will become the cradle of a new generation of scientists.

Cheng Daodao: Your vision is very far-sighted. This research center will be an important force in promoting scientific and technological progress.

Boss Zhang: Yes, our company has gone through many years of glorious history, but we will not stop there. We must always insist on innovation and lead the trend of science and technology.

Cheng Xiaoguo: It is your inspiration and support that I have the opportunity to get to where I am today. I will continue to work hard to live up to your expectations.

(At the Science and Technology Research Center, young scientists are conducting experiments and innovations.) Their eyes are full of passion, and their exploration of technology never stops.

Cheng Daodao: Seeing the research enthusiasm of these young people, I think our mission is not only to open up the future of the company, but also to cultivate talents for the entire technology industry.

Boss Zhang: Yes, the success of our company lies not only in scientific and technological products, but also in the cultivation and motivation of talents.

Cheng Xiaoguo: It is with such talent support that our company can continue to innovate in the field of science and technology and contribute to social development.

(They stand in front of the window of the research center, watching the work of the young scientists, full of hope for the future.)

Cheng Daodao: Let us continue to move forward hand in hand and work together for the future of science and technology.

Cheng Xiaoguo: Yes, no matter what kind of challenges we face, we must stick to our original intention and continue to promote the progress of science and technology.

Boss Zhang: Let us write our own legend together and contribute our contribution to the future of science and technology and mankind.

(Their eyes meet, determination and passion burn in their hearts.) Their story will continue to be an immortal legend of technological development and social progress.

(A few more years later, Cheng Daodao, Boss Zhang, and Cheng Xiaoguo got together again, this time at an international science and technology conference, where the company's new technology projects would be announced.)

Cheng Xiaoguo: Father, Boss Zhang, I am very happy to be able to participate in this important science and technology conference with you. Our company's new project is about to be released, and I'm looking forward to it.

Cheng Daodao: This conference is of great significance to our company. The launch of the new project will open a new chapter in the company's development.

Boss Zhang: Yes, this new project represents our company's continuous investment in science and technology and innovative spirit. I am sure it will cause a stir in the international scientific and technological community.

Cheng Xiaoguo: It is with your support and trust that I have the confidence to promote the continuous progress of the company. The release of this new project is also our feedback to the global technology market.

(On the stage of the conference, Cheng Xiaoguo represented the company to show the breakthrough technology and application scenarios of the new project to the global science and technology community.)

Cheng Daodao: Looking at your speech, I am very proud. We are reassured by your leadership and courage.

Boss Zhang: Yes, you have inherited our mission and dream, so that the company can go further and develop better.

Cheng Xiaoguo: I will continue to work hard to make the company a global leader in the field of science and technology. At the same time, we should continue to pay attention to social responsibility and let science and technology benefit more people.

(After the press conference, everyone expressed their appreciation and anticipation for the new project.)

Cheng Daodao: Let us work together for the future of the company, continuously promote the progress of science and technology, and contribute to the development of human society.

Cheng Xiaoguo: Yes, our story continues. No matter what challenges lie ahead, I am confident that our team will be able to overcome them together and create more brilliance.

Boss Zhang: Let us continue to write our own legend and contribute our wisdom and strength to the development of science and technology and human progress.

(They clasp each other's hands and look firmly into the future.) Their stories will continue to shine in the field of science and technology, becoming witnesses and promoters of the times.

(After a while, Cheng Daodao, Boss Zhang, and Cheng Xiaoguo got together again, this time in a science and technology museum, exhibiting the history of the company and the development of technology.)

Cheng Xiaoguo: Looking at this exhibition, I feel very emotional. It's not easy for our company to grow from a start-up to a global leader in technology over the years.

Cheng Daodao: Yes, we have gone through ups and downs and paid countless sweat and efforts. And today, I am very pleased to see that our company has left a strong page in this science and technology museum.

Boss Zhang: The company's journey is like a legend. From founding a company, inventing a mobile phone, establishing a science foundation, to promoting scientific and technological research, we have always adhered to our original intention and mission.

Cheng Xiaoguo: Our story continues, and the company will continue to grow and develop. However, I also understand that as an entrepreneur and heir to a tech family, I have a responsibility to pass on our values and ethos.

Cheng Daodao: It is this sense of responsibility and mission that has brought our family to where it is today. I am confident that you will continue to carry forward our family tradition and continue to contribute to the advancement of science and technology and society.

Mr. Zhang: You have shown excellent leadership and vision, and we have full confidence in you. There are still many challenges and opportunities for the future development of science and technology, and you will lead the company to a more brilliant tomorrow.

Cheng Xiaoguo: Thank you for your trust and encouragement. I will continue to learn and Xi grow to keep the company ahead of the curve in the technology field.

(The trio continue to look back at the company's history in the museum, but also look forward to the future.)

Cheng Daodao: Let us continue to move forward hand in hand and work together for the future of science and technology.

Cheng Xiaoguo: Yes, our story continues.

Boss Zhang: No matter what happens, we will stick to our original intention and continue to write our own legend.

(At this intersection of history and the future, they look forward to the future, strengthen their confidence, and contribute their strength to the development of science and technology and human progress.) Their stories will continue to be immortalized and become immortal legends in the history of technological development. )

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