In the 1960s, a small town in China. Cheng Daodao is a smart and hardworking young man who is full of love for the aerospace industry.

Act 1

: (Cheng Daodao is in the small courtyard of his home, looking at the starry sky) Cheng Daodao

: (excitedly) Mom, I have decided! I want to be an astronaut and fly to the stars!

Cheng's mother: (gently) Son, I support you in your ambition. However, it is a challenging path, and you have to be prepared.

Act 2: Persistence and Struggle

(Cheng Daodao walked into the school library, began to learn Xi aerospace knowledge, and actively participated in scientific and technological activities inside and outside the school)

Student 1: Cheng Daodao, what are you going to do? These aerospace things are difficult.

Cheng Daodao: As long as I persevere, I will definitely learn. Believe in yourself!


III: Challenges and Opportunities

(Cheng Daoguo launched the space program when he was in college)

News: Huaxia plans to recruit the first batch of astronauts and prepare to go into space!

Cheng Daodao: (excitedly) This is the opportunity I am waiting for! I'm going to try!

(Cheng Daodao participated in the astronaut selection and faced many tests, but he bravely faced every challenge)

Interviewer: Cheng Daodao, why do you want to become an astronaut?

Cheng Daodao: (Firmly) I love the aerospace industry, and I am willing to contribute to the dream of the motherland and the future of mankind.

Act IV: Interstellar Dream

(After a rigorous selection, Cheng Daodao finally became one of the first astronauts)

Space Command Room: Countdown, 10, 9, 8....

Cheng Daodao: (excited) I want to fly to the stars!

(The rocket lifted off, Cheng Dao went into space, and saw the magnificent earth and the infinite universe

) Cheng Daoguo: (emotionally) This moment is so beautiful!

(In space, Cheng Daoguo carried out tasks, faced various challenges, and showed excellent astronaut quality

) Act V: Return and Glory

(After a period of space missions, Cheng Daoguo successfully returned to Earth)

News: The first batch of Chinese astronauts returned with glory!

(Cheng Daodao returned to his hometown and was warmly welcomed)

Townsman 1: Cheng Daodao, you are amazing!

Cheng Daodao: Thank you for your support, this is the honor I have always dreamed of.

(Cheng Daodao was received by No. 1 and was commended and rewarded)

No. 1: Cheng Daodao, you are the pride of the motherland and the hero of all mankind!

Cheng Daodao: (excitedly) I will always strive for the aerospace industry and dedicate my life to the dream of the starry sky!

(End of story: Cheng Daodao has become a symbol of China's aerospace industry, and his story has inspired generations of young people to move forward for their dreams.) Act

6: Inheritance and Enlightenment

(Cheng Daodao returned to university, became an aerospace engineer, and began to share his space experience on campus) Student 1: Cheng Daodao,

have you really flown in space? What does that feel like?

Cheng Daodao: In space, you will feel incomparably light and tranquil, looking down on the earth, and see how beautiful, fragile and magical it is.

Student 2: You have experienced many challenges in the astronaut selection process, have you ever encountered a time when you were disappointed or gave up?

Cheng Daodao: Of course. But it is precisely in the face of challenges that I know that as long as I have a firm belief and move forward bravely, I can overcome difficulties and realize my dreams.

Act 7: A New Chapter in Aerospace

(Time jumps to modern times, Cheng Daodao has become a senior aerospace expert and is participating in a larger-scale space program)

Colleague 1: Cheng Daodao, this mission is very difficult, are you confident?

Cheng Daodao: (firmly) Of course I am confident! Our team is very strong and we will overcome all difficulties together.


8: A New Era of Stars

(The space mission was successfully completed, and Cheng Daodao and his team returned triumphantly)

No. 1: Cheng Daodao, your contribution is the pride of the motherland's aerospace industry and an important contribution to human civilization!

Cheng Daodao: Thank you for the affirmation, this is the result of the team's joint efforts.


9: The Guardian

of the Stars (Cheng Daodao returned to his hometown, looking at the starry sky, with a lot of thoughts) Cheng Daodao: (talking to himself) Starry sky,

I have always been your guardian. Today, I want to pass on the dream of space to more young people.


10: Future Stars

(Under the influence of the Aerospace Science Education Fund, more young people are engaged in science and astronautics)

Student 3: Mr. Cheng Daodao, your story inspires us. I want to be an astronaut too!

Cheng Daodao: (smiling encouragingly) As long as you have the courage to pursue your dreams and work hard for them, the future of aerospace will be even more brilliant.

(Inspired by Cheng Daoguo, more and more young people have joined the aerospace industry, and Huaxia Aerospace has ushered in a vigorous development in the new era)

(End of story: Cheng Daoguo's aerospace dream has not only become a glorious legend for himself, but also a force that inspires and influences countless young people.) He lit up the starry sky with perseverance and struggle, wrote a new chapter in aerospace with wisdom and courage, and inherited the future star with love and education. His space journey has become a magnificent chapter in China's aerospace industry. Act

11: Return to the Starry Sky

(Cheng Daodao is over the age of six, but his enthusiasm and love for aerospace is still the same)

Student 4: Mr. Cheng Daodao, your aerospace career is really admirable. I've heard that you've been to space many times, what was that experience like?

Cheng Daodao: (smiles) Yes, the space journey is an incomparable experience. Every time I look back at the earth, I can feel the grandeur and fragility of human beings and nature.

Student 5: As a veteran astronaut, you have spent your life exploring the unknown starry sky. In your opinion, where is the future of astronautics?

Cheng Daodao: The future is full of possibilities. Our goal is to explore farther galaxies, deeper into the universe, and open a new interstellar chapter with the dream of mankind and the power of science and technology.

Act 12: The Poetry of the Starry Sky

(Cheng Daodao sat in the small courtyard, recalling his aerospace years) Cheng

Daodao: Starry sky, you are so beautiful, it is the eternal pursuit and yearning of human beings. At the moment when my life was burning, I witnessed the take-off of human spaceflight. Today, a new generation of astronauts is shining in the stars.

Cheng's mother: (walks to Cheng Daodao's side) Son, your aerospace dream has changed this family, your hometown, and even the whole country. I'm so proud of you.

Cheng Daodao: (patting my mother's hand gently) Mom, you have always supported me and allowed me to persevere until today.

(Cheng Daodao's eyes are redirected to the starry sky, and his heart is full of endless love and hope for the aerospace industry)

(End of the story: Cheng Daoguo's space journey is a story about dreams, perseverance and inheritance.) He used his life to compose a magnificent movement in the history of aerospace. His story will forever inspire people to forge ahead in their quest for a broader interstellar future. Under his leadership, China's aerospace industry is thriving and continues to light up the dream of the starry sky. )

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