Cheng Daodao: I feel very relieved to hear you say that. The future of infrastructure needs young people like you who are full of passion and ambition to take over the baton.

Young Engineer: (humbly asking) Mr. Cheng Daodao, do you have any particularly important experiences and lessons that you can pass on to me in the process of infrastructure construction?

Cheng Daodao: (After careful reflection) There are many experiences and lessons, but I think the most important thing is to stick to the original intention. No matter how great the difficulties and challenges we face, as long as we always stick to our original intention and contribute to the country, the people and society, we will not lose our way. At the same time, learn to listen, collaborate with team members, and respect everyone's contributions.

Young Engineer: (silently notes) I will take your teachings to heart. Mr. Cheng Daodao, the position you are holding now is so high, I believe that you have more opportunities to make greater contributions to the country.

Cheng Daodao: (chuckles modestly) I'm just going a little further in the infrastructure sector, and I have more opportunities to influence more people. Everyone has their own mission and responsibility, and as long as we do our job well, we can all contribute to the development of the country.

Young Engineer: Thank you very much for your guidance. I will definitely continue to work hard for the happiness of the country and the people.

Cheng Daodao: (patting the young engineer on the shoulder encouragingly) Young man, you have a good mentality and quality, and I believe you will achieve more. If you have any problems in the field of infrastructure, you can always talk to me.

Young Engineer: Thank you very much, Mr. Cheng Daodao. I will cherish this opportunity and work hard to do a good job in infrastructure construction.

(In this seminar, Cheng Daodao communicated a lot with young engineers, and the young engineers gained a lot of valuable experience and inspiration.) Cheng Daodao is pleased to see the growth and progress of the younger generation of engineers in the field of infrastructure, and he knows that only in this way can the country's infrastructure construction continue to make new achievements.

(A few years later, Cheng continued to make outstanding achievements in the field of infrastructure and became a leader in national infrastructure projects.) At a high-level meeting, he met a familiar face, one of his co-workers who had helped repair the dam in the village. Worker

1: Cheng Daodao! Long time no see!

Cheng Daodao: (smiles) yes, it's been a long time! How's it going, how have you been doing in infrastructure over the years?

Worker 1: I'm also working on infrastructure now, although I don't have the same high position as you, but I'm also in charge of projects on the front line. Your story has always inspired me and kept me passionate about infrastructure.

Cheng Daodao: I am very happy to hear that you have made achievements in the field of infrastructure. Regardless of our position, as long as we contribute to the country and the people, we are very valuable.

Worker 1: When you led us to repair the dam, that was a turning point for us. Now that I think about it, a few of us young people really didn't know anything at that time, thank you for your guidance and trust.

Cheng Daodao: At that time, you were all young people, but you had courage and talent. I'm just giving you a chance, and your achievements are entirely on your own.

Worker 1: But I've always had a question for you. When you left the country, I remember you saying that you would always remember the friendship and the original aspiration there. Now that your position is so high, in the face of so many engineering projects, can you still maintain your original intention?

Cheng Daodao: (after careful reflection) The original intention will always exist for me, no matter where I go, no matter how much I achieve. The original intention is to strive for the prosperity of the country and the happiness of the people. The higher my position, the greater the responsibility, the more I need to stick to my original intention, never forget my original intention, and devote my strength to a wider range of infrastructure undertakings.

Worker 1: I have benefited a lot from your words. I will always keep in mind my original intention and contribute to the country's infrastructure cause.

Cheng Daodao: (pats the co-worker on the shoulder encouragingly) Very good, young man. Keep your original intention and stick to your dreams, and you will definitely be able to achieve more.

(At this meeting, Cheng Daodao communicated a lot with Worker 1, and they realized that the original intention, regardless of the position, is the key to doing a good job in infrastructure construction.) Cheng Dadao knows that only by allowing more young people like Gongyou1 to stick to their original aspirations can we promote the continuous development of the country's infrastructure construction.

(A few years later, Cheng Daodao continued to make outstanding achievements in the field of infrastructure, and his name became synonymous with the infrastructure industry at home and abroad.) At an international infrastructure forum, Cheng Daodao had an exchange with a senior engineer from abroad.

Foreign Engineer: Mr. Cheng Daodao, it is really admirable to hear that you have made great achievements in infrastructure construction in China.

Cheng Daodao: Thank you very much for your compliment. I have also been paying attention to infrastructure development abroad, and many countries have a lot of experience and technology worth learning Xi.

Foreign Engineer: Yes, our country also has some unique projects and technologies in terms of infrastructure, I wonder if you are interested in cooperating?

Cheng Guoguo: Of course, I am very willing to work with your team. I have always believed that the field of infrastructure requires the joint efforts of engineers from all countries to learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses through cooperation to promote the development of infrastructure construction.

Foreign Engineer: Great, I'm very happy to hear your answer. Our country has recently encountered some complex engineering challenges, and we would appreciate your extensive experience for guidance.

Cheng Daodao: I'm very happy to help. If you can provide me with specific problems and project information, I will send a professional team to evaluate and provide solutions as soon as possible.

Foreign Engineer: Thank you so much for your kind help. I will send you the relevant information as soon as possible.

Cheng Daodao: You're welcome, we should help each other. The development of infrastructure requires cooperation on a global scale, and together we will achieve more.

(Subsequently, Cheng Daodao maintained close cooperation with foreign engineers to solve a series of complex infrastructure problems.) Their cooperation has not only promoted the development of infrastructure in the two countries, but also strengthened the friendly relations between the two countries. Cheng Daguo is well aware that infrastructure is not only a project, but also a bridge connecting the country and the people. He firmly believes that only by continuously strengthening international cooperation can the infrastructure industry move towards a more brilliant future on a global scale.

(A few years later, Cheng made a name for himself in the international infrastructure arena when he was invited to a major infrastructure summit to exchange experiences with top engineers from around the world.) During the coffee break at the summit, Cheng met a young engineer from a developing country.

Young Engineer: Hello, Mr. Cheng Daodao! I am a young engineer from country XX and it is a pleasure to meet you.

Cheng Daodao: Hello, young man. Nice to meet you. Do you have any experience and projects in the infrastructure sector?

Young Engineer: (To put it mildly) In country XX, I have been involved in some infrastructure projects, but they are still far from yours.

Cheng Daodao: Everyone has a different experience and growth process. The important thing is to keep learning Xi and improving. I believe that you have a lot of potential, and as long as you keep working hard, your achievements will get bigger and bigger.

Young Engineer: Thank you for your encouragement. In country XX, we face many infrastructure challenges, especially in terms of resources and technology.

Cheng Daodao: I understand. In the field of infrastructure, resources and technology are indeed important factors affecting development. However, do not give up hope, we can overcome these difficulties by working together and sharing experiences.

Young Engineer: You're right. We are also looking for opportunities for international cooperation and hope to receive more support and guidance.

Cheng Daodao: Very good, I would be happy to cooperate with you. You can send me information and questions about infrastructure projects in your country, and we will send a professional team to evaluate and help.

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