Young Engineer: Thank you so much! Your support is very important to us.

Cheng Daodao: You're welcome, we are all peers in the infrastructure field and should help each other. We hope that through our cooperation, we can promote the development of infrastructure in your country and benefit more people.

(After the summit, Cheng maintained close cooperation with the young engineers.) Their team came to country XX to help solve a series of infrastructure problems and contribute to the infrastructure construction of country XX. Cheng Dadao is well aware that as an influential engineer in the field of international infrastructure, his responsibility is not only to serve the country, but also to contribute to the prosperity and development of global infrastructure.

(A few years later, Cheng continues to play an important role in the field of international infrastructure, and his team has been involved in the planning and implementation of many major projects around the world.) At an international infrastructure summit, Cheng met again with a senior engineer from a developing country.

Senior Engineer: Mr. Cheng Daodao, long time no see! It's such a pleasure to meet you again.

Cheng Daodao: Hello, old friend. It's been a long time. Your country's infrastructure has made great progress in recent years, and I have heard that you have made remarkable achievements in a certain project.

Senior Engineer: Yes, thanks to your and your team's help and guidance. Your support in our country is a great asset to us.

Cheng Daodao: You've won the prize. We are in a relationship of helping each other and learning from each other Xi The engineers in your country are also very talented and have potential.

Senior Engineer: (Emotionally) When you came to our country, you helped us solve so many problems and made a major breakthrough in our country's infrastructure development. I have always been very grateful to you.

Cheng Daodao: We are friends, and we should help each other when we are in trouble. In the field of infrastructure, there are no borders, and we work together to promote the construction of the world's infrastructure.

Senior Engineer: You're right. Inspired by you, young engineers in our country are also devoting themselves to infrastructure and hope to achieve as much as you do.

Cheng Daodao: Young engineers are the future of infrastructure. We need to train more young people to inherit and carry forward our original aspirations and spirit.

Senior Engineer: Yes, I have been encouraging young engineers to be innovative and take on challenges. Infrastructure needs continuous progress and development, and only by keeping pace with the times can it be invincible.

Cheng Daodao: You're absolutely right. Let us work together to contribute to the prosperity of infrastructure.

(At the International Infrastructure Summit, Cheng Daodao re-strengthened cooperation with senior engineers and discussed more cooperation plans in the future.) They firmly believe that only through solidarity and cooperation can the global infrastructure cause reach a new level and make greater contributions to the development and happiness of mankind.

(Years later, Cheng continues to play a leading role in international infrastructure, and his team has been involved in many important infrastructure projects in several countries.) At an international cooperation conference, Cheng met a representative of engineers from an underdeveloped country. Engineer

from an underdeveloped country: Mr. Cheng Daodao, hello! I am an engineer representative from YY country, and we have been learning from Xi and learning from your experience in our country's infrastructure projects.

Cheng Daodao: Hello, friends of YY country. Nice to meet you. I have heard that you have recently completed a major infrastructure project with great success.

Underdeveloped country engineer: Yes, our team successfully planned and implemented that project with your help. Your experience and guidance have been crucial to us.

Cheng Daodao: I'm very glad to hear about your achievements. Infrastructure, no matter how big or small, is very valuable as long as we can bring tangible improvements to the country and its people.

Engineer from an underdeveloped country: Our country is relatively scarce in terms of resources and technology, but with your support, we feel the momentum to move forward.

Cheng Daguo: Every country has its own strengths and challenges, and the key is to play to their own strengths and solve them through cooperation and Xi. The purpose of our international cooperation is to achieve mutual benefit and common development.

Engineer from an underdeveloped country: You're quite right. We still need more help and support, and we hope you will continue to play an important role in our nation's infrastructure cause.

Cheng Daodao: My team and I will always work with you to jointly promote the infrastructure development of YY country. We believe that as long as we work together, we will make greater progress in infrastructure.

Engineer from Underdeveloped Countries: Thank you very much for your support and encouragement. You are our role model, and your spirit will continue to inspire us to struggle.

Cheng Daodao: This is what we should do, and I hope we can create a better future together.

(During the meeting, Cheng Daodao had in-depth exchanges with representatives of engineers from underdeveloped countries, and the two sides discussed more cooperation plans.) Cheng Daguo is well aware that international cooperation is crucial to the development of global infrastructure, and he will continue to work hard to contribute his wisdom and strength to the prosperity and progress of global infrastructure.

(A few years later, Cheng Daguo's international cooperation and contributions made him a legend in the field of international infrastructure.) At an international infrastructure summit, Cheng was invited to give a keynote speech, and many young engineers gathered at the venue, hoping to learn from him Xi After the speech, a young female engineer stepped forward and greeted Cheng Daodao with respect.

Young Female Engineer: Mr. Cheng Daodao, your speech is really inspiring, and I have always been a big fan of yours.

Cheng Daodao: Thank you for your support, young man. Glad to hear that my presentation was helpful to you.

Young Female Engineer: Your achievements in the field of international infrastructure are remarkable, and I have always admired your ability and charisma.

Cheng Daodao: (chuckling modestly) I'm just doing my best to contribute to the country and the people in the infrastructure industry.

Young Female Engineer: I was lucky to hear your speech at this summit. Your experience and wisdom are invaluable to me. I don't know if you have time, can you talk to me alone?

Cheng Daodao: Of course, young man. I would be more than happy to communicate with you. Do you have any questions or areas where you can help?

Young Female Engineer: I'm still a newcomer to the infrastructure sector, and I'd like you to give me some advice on how to do better in this industry.

Cheng Daodao: (After serious thinking) Young people, first of all, they must maintain their enthusiasm and passion for infrastructure construction. The industry is challenging, but it's also fun. No matter how great the difficulties are, we must persevere in the pursuit of progress.

Young Female Engineer: I'll take your words to heart, but sometimes at work, it feels hard to stick to it.

Cheng Daodao: Difficulties and challenges are inevitable. We need to learn to face them instead of avoiding them. At the same time, it is important to learn to ask for help and support, and the strength of the team is very important.

Young Female Engineer: Thank you for your advice. In this industry, it can feel lonely at times, but your words have made me more confident.

Cheng Daodao: You are not fighting alone, we are all fighting for the same goal. Moreover, in this industry, you will meet a lot of like-minded partners who will always be with you.

Young Female Engineer: I will persevere and try to contribute my part to the infrastructure industry.

Cheng Daodao: Very good, young man. Believe in yourself, believe in the team, believe in our industry, and you will definitely achieve more.

(Cheng Daodao had an in-depth exchange with the young female engineer and gave her encouragement and suggestions.) He knows that the younger generation of engineers is the future of the infrastructure industry, and he is willing to use his experience and wisdom to provide support and help for the growth and development of young engineers. )

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