Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1577: , Break the shackles!

Yes, his mental power. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

Don't forget, he has maintained a large-scale mental scan for a whole day today, and now he has extended the range of mental perception to the greatest extent.

And, still trying hard to continue to expand.

And all kinds of information emerged into his head, not only the energy in his body, but also his mental power blended with each other.

Although, his mental power has become more energetic because of this information.

But at the same time, his mental strength was also decreasing at a rapid rate under this situation.

This can be known from the fact that the intensity of his mental perception is declining at a rapid rate.

If this continues, two situations will occur.

One is naturally that the insights have been accumulated, the aura of that point has been found, and the breakthrough to the next level instantly.

Then, with the help of the power brought by the breakthrough, he can repair the hidden wounds that he has accumulated by expanding his mental power to the extreme, and he can also recover all his mental power.

But the other kind of ending is not so good.

When his mental power was exhausted to the extreme, he couldn't hold on to maintain this state.

Well, at that time.

The realm he perceives will collapse in an instant, as if the world had collapsed, and the world was torn to pieces in his perception.

It will also affect his mind like the world, causing his mental power to be greatly damaged, and even his soul will be affected.

After all, mental power is something closely related to the soul.

And time just passed away slowly, quietly.

It's like not perceiving any trace of the passage of time.

However, just as the moon hung from one side of the sky to the other side of the sky, it was already four o'clock in the evening, and there was still an hour before the sun appeared.

A strange wave invisible to the naked eye, but slowly spread out from Zhang Xiang's body floating in the air, and waved away.

Ten meters, one hundred meters, one thousand meters, ten thousand meters... until Zhang Xiang can perceive it.

Then, Zhang Xiang was originally bound by an iron frame, and he couldn’t even move forward even a little bit of mental power perception. At the moment when this weird ripple arrived, the spiritual power naturally followed the weird wave. The ripples oscillated.

Even, because of the distortion of the mental power, the range that can be monitored is reduced.

But at the next moment.

With the spread of a strange wave, Zhang Xiang's mental power swayed forward slightly following the wave.

Then, as if the restraint in front suddenly disappeared.

Zhang Xiang's mental power seemed to be easy, he instantly pierced the thin film, and instantly came to a wider sky.

His mental power is like a sea wave, following the ripples to a farther place, and it is still spreading.

It has spread across the grass, across the forest, into the sea, and to the depths of the seabed, and even saw many primitive gut animals lurking in the ocean...

And wherever he spread, whether it was the green grass on the grass, the green leaves in the forest, or the ripples in the ocean, they all began to follow Zhang Xiang's special frequency and began to move.

If there is someone who can understand the sounds of nature here.

Then, he will definitely find that the green grass, green leaves, and ripples are all laughing and releasing their own fluctuations energetically.

Zhang Xiang's mental power is also spreading these fluctuations, and they are intertwined with their fluctuations, enhancing each other's strength.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang's mouth, which had been in this state, had always maintained a comfortable appearance, and a smile appeared.

In the next moment, Zhang Xiang really began to slowly open his eyes.

A silver-white light glowing with vitality flashed through his eyes.

And by that, it was the mental power that was in contact with the natural interaction with nature, and didn't know where it spread to, began to slowly retract into his body.

The powerful mental power fluctuations can even be seen by the naked eye.

When his mental strength shrank to within a few meters of Zhang Xiang's radius, from a distance, it looked like a silver-white sphere surrounding Zhang Xiang.

But in the end, the mental power wandering outside his body was completely suppressed by him.

At the same time, his body fell steadily to the ground.

And the dragon in the sky, as if sensing something, suddenly opened his eyes, and a burst of icy cold air spread from its nose, instantly turning a large piece of grass in front of it into The ice flakes drifted out.

If we stand high in the sky and look down, we can see a sky dragon with a body length of more than three hundred meters in an abandoned town surrounded by forest.

It occupies its body like a snake, as if hibernating.

And around its body, and even the entire town, it was already completely plunged into the white sea of ​​ice and snow.

Strands of snow fell from the sky, adding a bit of whiteness to the world where the vegetation is already frozen.

And this entire area probably occupies hundreds of thousands of square meters.

Moreover, this scope is still expanding with the passage of time.

Don't forget, the virus that lives on the dragon of the sky will continue to swallow nutrients to grow.

However, due to some special reasons, these viruses cannot leave the body of the Sky Dragon for too long.

Otherwise, with the reproduction speed of these viruses, I am afraid that the whole world is already covered by ice and snow.

However, at the next moment.

In the eyes of the sky dragon "Aquarius", there was a glimmer of confusion.

Then, it buried its head and fell into a shallow sleep again.

It is continuously waiting for the appearance of what is calling it.

At the same time, on the grassland 20,000 meters away, Zhang Xiang also raised his head and looked in the direction of the dragon in the sky.

"It's really a sensitive feeling... I can even perceive my prying." Zhang Xiang's face was a little surprised, but he still said with a smile.

"But, forget it, it's time to go to the appointment." Zhang Xiang turned his head and looked towards the camp not far away.

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