Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1578: , Tent conversation

At this time, in the camp a kilometer away.

No, to be more precise, because it is in a tent in the center of the camp.

My head is sitting on a chair in the center of the tent. His broken left foot has been tightly wrapped, and the blood is no longer flowing freely, only a little scarlet is still between the bandages. Revealed.

But the samurai sword that was originally inserted in his waist, together with the scabbard in his hand, was put on his legs by him.

At this moment, he was facing the direction of the tent gate with a serious look.

He also stroked the samurai sword placed on his legs with both hands, and placed his hands where it is easiest to shoot.

And he kept a posture, it was almost a whole night.

However, he did not show the slightest impatience.

In addition to his maintaining this posture, there are six people inside and outside the tent.

Except for his initiator Misheng Zhaoxia, who stood loyally beside him, waiting for Zhang Xiang's arrival.

Other people, especially those standing at the door of the tent, had already expressed sleepiness.

Especially the two people standing outside the tent yawned.

"You said, is the commander's position too careful? It's almost the next morning, and we have to continue to stand guard. I don't know how much energy we spent in the battle yesterday. Let us stand on guard. I really want to sleep..." The man standing on the left side of the tent yawned and said with some complaints.

His eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and he could see how sleepy he was now.

And around the tent, a lot of braziers were lit, placed around the tent, lighting up all around.

And the person he spoke to was naturally his companion who was standing on guard with him.

It's just that his companion is a little thinner than him.

"Shhh... don't talk nonsense. If it is heard by the group leader and others, it will be miserable!" Another thinner young man quickly stepped forward two steps and covered the complaining mouth of the other party. , Looked at the tent behind him a little nervously, and quickly spoke to his companion in a low voice.

Furthermore, he pricked his ears, listening to whether there were footsteps behind the tent.

What made him breathe a sigh of relief was that after waiting for nearly thirty seconds, no sound came from the tent, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

However, at this time, he found that the voice of ‘uu...’ was constantly emitting from his hands.

It turned out that when he was covering his mouth, the companion who accidentally covered his nose was still struggling.

After realizing this, he quickly released his right hand covering the opponent's mouth.

But at this moment, his companion who was already holding back his pale complexion was a relief.

"Ahem ...... ...... whirring you want to kill me? With so much enthusiasm, but also covered my nose ... almost, almost, I'm going to see the death. You know what? "Some of the slightly fat companions patted their chests, and said with some fear, they almost glared at the other side and cursed.

And the thinner youth also discovered his mistake.

"Sorry, sorry! I just got too nervous just now. Because, if it was heard by the group leader, it would be great... You didn't see it. In the previous meeting, the group leader How did he hack to death the opponent with a single knife..." The thin young man quickly apologized to his companion.

However, when he talked about the back, he couldn't help stroking his neck with some fear, and looked in the direction behind him.

"No, no?" There was a look of disbelief on the slightly fat young man's face, but he still swallowed.

"No? Huh! Didn't you see it? According to the news I learned, when the opponent just screamed, the head of the group cut the opponent with a single knife, and the extent of blood splashing, But the surface of the tent that is at least two or three meters away is dyed red!!!" The thin young man vowedly said, almost patted his own chest to make sure.

"No, no..." A look of fear appeared on the face of the slightly fat young man, his neck shrank, his eyes looked at the tent behind him with fear.

I'm afraid that someone will come out at such a time.

"So, do you think I'm not sleepy? You brat did not have as much energy as I did today. I am so sleepy now that I can fall asleep even when lying on the cold grass. But, Why am I still holding on? I'm just afraid that when the team leader comes out, if we see the two of us not standing guard, it won't be worth it if we are smashed to death by an angry!" The thin young man promised.

"It turns out that...then, thank you for your reminder. Without your reminder, I'm afraid I would have suffered a lot if I had just said nonsense..." The face of the chubby young man showed a lingering expression on the face of thin and thin. The young man apologized.

"No thanks, no thanks, who called us brothers? As long as you go back, take me to Ecstasy Street to do a full set of services. With an air of expression, it was as if he had really saved his companion's life.

However, when it comes to the following words.

The smile on his face had already become a ‘smile that all men understand’, and the fat young man started to laugh.

In the shadow not far away, after listening to what they were discussing, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but shook his head, showing a helpless smile.

"It seems that the rumors are really getting worse as they spread," Zhang Xiang said amusedly.

Then my head chief's act of beheading deserters at the meeting was completely changed after it was passed down.

However, Zhang Xiang just listened a little while being bored.

The target of the changed rumors is my head Zheng, but not him. What is his concern?

Next, he cast his gaze into the tent, and disappeared in place...

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