Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1993: , Nyon prophesied!

"Ah, who are you? Why do you appear here? Bao..." Nyon looked at Zhang Xiang who suddenly appeared in front of him and interrupted his chat with the handsome guy. He suddenly became dissatisfied and thought. It is time to call the bodyguard who was thrown away by her to solve Zhang Xiang. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

However, she had forgotten that she sneaked out and the bodyguard was not by her side at all.

Although, even if it is by her side, it must be useless.

But before she shouted out, her eyes suddenly became confused, as if she had lost consciousness.

Because Zhang Xiang glanced at her.

Therefore, she fell into the illusion.

Looking at Nyon who suddenly became unconscious, Kulolo narrowed his eyes, but avoided Zhang Xiang's gaze.

Because he could clearly see just now, it was after Zhang Xiang glanced at the other party that the other party fell into this state.

Looking at Kulolo's keen consciousness, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but sigh.

"Really worthy of being the head of the Phantom Brigade." Zhang Xiang sighed.

However, when Zhang Xiang recognized his identity, Kurolo was not surprised.

Because, after he heard Zhang Xiang point out Xiaodi's identity last night, he already suspected that the identity information of the people in his brigade had been leaked.

"Is it a hunter who specializes in hunting down us?" Kurolo began to search for information about Zhang Xiang.

But listening to Kurolo's words, Zhang Xiang smiled.

"No, don't worry. I don't have any desire to kill your brigade. Yesterday, I just wanted to eat something. However, I didn't expect someone in your brigade to do it to me so irrationally. Now that I have done it, let me help them remember that some people are unattractive, isn't it natural?" Zhang Xiang said indifferently.

"Really? So what is the purpose of your presence here?" Kuroro responded in a flat voice.

Obviously, the other party didn't believe Zhang Xiang's words at all.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't care at all.

"The purpose is similar to yours, but I have not yet reached the point where I want to steal her power." Zhang Xiang said with a smile.

"Oh, predict the future?" Kurolo looked in Nyon's direction.

"Well, how do you say it, be it. It's just that you are the language of the future. I want to see if she can speak my future." Zhang Xiang shrugged.

"By the way, don't you ask me to sit down?" Zhang Xiang glanced at the chair next to him.

"Of course, please sit down." Kurolo pulled his hand back and gestured to Zhang Xiang.

However, the "Secret Book of Thieves" in his hand did not leave his hand in the slightest.

If he had a chance to kill Zhang Xiang, he would definitely not keep his hands.

"Then, let's start. Nyon, language is my future." Zhang Xiang got into the chair and said to Nyon who was hypnotized next to him.

"Yes, Master." Nyon's eyes were confused, but his mouth responded.

At the same time, she also began to display her mindfulness.

"Angel's automatic notes!" Nyon stretched out her right hand, her eyes suddenly turned into a light green color, a green-skinned monster that was hard to see with the naked eye appeared on her right hand, and she But his left hand is holding a piece of paper.

If there are no accidents, after activating this ability, she will predict what will happen to the guy who told her name in the next month by automatically taking notes and writing out four lines of poems (one line represents a week) .

It was just the moment she was about to start.

The automatic pen in her hand cracked in an instant, and when her pen tip touched the paper, it turned into a pile of powder and disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, the green-skinned monster on her right hand disappeared in an instant.

However, seeing this scene, Zhang Xiang's face showed a satisfied expression.

"It seems that it's almost as I expected." Zhang Xiang said, touching his chin.

"That's good, I won't bother you. If you are destined, goodbye." Zhang Xiang said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

But at the next moment, he stood up and walked into the crowd not far away.

And Nyon, who had been hypnotized by Zhang Xiang, suddenly woke up.

"Huh? Did I just lose my mind? Also, what am I doing with the paper in my right hand?" Nyon said strangely.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang had already disappeared in the crowd.

Because the purpose of his trip has been achieved.

Whether it is because he is an intruder from another world, or because his soul is immortal, or because most of his soul is placed in a world that is gradually growing.

However, Nyon could not predict his own future. This was already a certainty.

Originally, he was still worried, since others had the ability to predict.

So, will I be predicted as well?

If one's enemy possesses such abilities, he will undoubtedly suffer severe restraint.

Fortunately, Nyon's ability has not yet reached this level.

As for why he didn't save it, oh, no, it didn't prevent Kuroro from stealing Nyon's ability. It was very simple.

He doesn't like this woman.

Faced with a subordinate who was killed by the brigade instead of participating in the auction, he only cared about the auction item, so it was difficult for him to like it.

Because she didn't like it, she was alive or dead.

Not to mention, losing her ability to predict is not necessarily a bad thing for her.

But just after Zhang Xiang left, Chu Luoluo picked up the letter paper that he had been covering on the desktop.

"The important calendar is missing a part,

The forgotten month will be mourned by Shengdadi.

Under the performance of an orchestra dressed in mourning clothes,

The moon in the November of the lunar calendar moves steadily.

The chrysanthemum withered with the leaves,

Lie down beside the **** red eyes.

Even if the remaining partners are only half,

Your superior position still stands.

Enjoy this intermission time,

You can also find a new partner.

You can go east when you start,

There will be people waiting for you.

But if you meet someone who doesn’t exist before,

Silence is your only choice,

If you resist, the spider will be dyed a bright red color. "

There is one more sentence above the original prophetic poem.

In addition, continue to ask for flowers and evaluation votes for the new book.

In the new book issue, it is very important to the future of a book. If you have time, just drop it.

Thank you!

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