Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1994: , Kill ten old men!

However, Zhang Xiang's cool and departed back did not last long. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Just as Zhang Xiang was walking a street corner, a gang member who was looking around holding a piece of paper suddenly pointed in Zhang Xiang's direction.

"Brothers, it's this guy, kill him!" A gang member holding a bazooka pointed in Zhang Xiang's direction and said.

But at the next moment, the other party didn't even care that he was still on the street, so he picked up the rocket in his hand.

Looking at the other's actions, Zhang Xiang still didn't react. He looked to the left and right, watching the pedestrians avoiding the surroundings, and finally determined which gang members were looking for him.

"I'll go, why don't you find the guys in the brigade, they are all looking for me?" Zhang Xiang couldn't help being a little dumbfounded.

But at this time.

The explosions that began to sound in the distance and the sound of firearms continued to remind him that when the gang members found him, they also found members of the Phantom Brigade.

No, the members of the phantom's brigade have already begun to attack the gang.

Because they are already sure that Wo Jin is kneeling and is launching revenge.

But at this moment, Zhang Xiang has no time to care about such things.

Because, as the gang member in the distance squatted down, the rocket had already shot out in this direction of Zhang Xiang recklessly.

"Madan, since I want to play with me, I'll play with you!" Zhang Xiang snorted secretly, clearly he didn't attack the members of the gangsters at all. The attackers were all from the Phantom Brigade. But these guys have come to him.

However, who called Zhang Xiang swaggered in from under the building, and there was no blockage at all!

So, who is the gangster not looking for?

Faced with the rocket blasted in front of him, Zhang Xiang just made a very simple reaction.

That is, he stretched out the tip of his right finger and tapped in front of the rocket.

A pitch-black hole appeared in front of him and swallowed the rocket.

At the same time, another void appeared above the head of the place where the gang members gathered.

Next, it was a natural thing.

Amidst the sound of ‘Boom’, brilliant and dazzling fireworks bloomed in front of Zhang Xiang.

However, since Zhang Xiang's figure has been discovered.

Then, the gang's tracking will not stop so easily.

The gangster’s vehicle and its members are like locusts. They can't be killed, nor can they be wiped out. After one group is killed, the other group will appear again, which is really annoying.

Even Zhang Xiang moved to the top of the building in an instant, and was spotted by a helicopter flying through the sky, and directly fired.

If it weren't for Zhang Xiang's fast movements, he kicked a water tower on the top of the building with one kick, and kicked the helicopter down.

Then, those who live on the top floor of the building will probably suffer.

However, after being so engaged by members of the gang, Zhang Xiang became angry.

"Damn, tigers don't show their might, you treat me as a sick cat?!" Zhang Xiang slapped his feet suddenly and decided to kill the so-called ten old men who controlled the world's gangsters and let them stop for a while.

After making the decision, Zhang Xiang didn't even dodge, staring directly at a protective cover and walking directly towards the building where the ten old man was.

Of course, along the road, it was naturally discovered by the gangsters who blocked the entire street.

The conflict broke out again in that moment.

However, Zhang Xiang really didn't care about anything this time, after adding an ability to automatically reflect on his protective cover.

He directly held the tortoise shell that caused a lot of casualties and rushed directly to the bottom of the opponent's base camp.

Under the circumstances that things could not be done, the ten gangsters who had offended Zhang Xiang, the old nature, thought of running away.

And the other party is worthy of being in his own base camp. It turned out to be more than a dozen helicopters in various forms of disguise, and fled towards the surroundings.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't even plan to scan mentally, and directly used a silver USB flash drive to create a high-energy sniper rifle.

Shoot down the flying helicopters one by one.

Moreover, due to the use of compressed energy bullets, those helicopters had already exploded into a pile of fireballs in mid-air and fell downward.

At this point, the ten old men died.

In this process, the gang members dispatched about two thousand people, used 23 types of firearms, used more than 50 rockets to attack together, launched tanks to suppress, and even used them frantically in the city center. The missile strikes directly.

However, none of Zhang Xiang's hair was hurt.

The time it took Zhang Xiang to eliminate the ten old men was about ten minutes.

This included nine minutes and fifty seconds to get here.

In other words, he killed ten old men, that is, it only took one second for one person.

If you want to count the condensed high-energy sniper rifle, there is still time to fire, then it is just one shot time.

After killing the ten old men, Zhang Xiang turned around without looking back, and disappeared in place.

There is really something to be done, and the meaning of merit and fame is hidden in it.

It’s just that, looking at Zhang Xiang who patted his **** and left, the gang member who has not yet died left in place is looking at the remains of the fallen helicopter, and the raging fire. There was a deep sense of loss and fear.

As for the point of catching up and continuing to hunt down Zhang Xiang, as long as the people in the field have participated in the siege of Zhang Xiang, they never thought of this.

In other words, I dare not think about it.

And that had already touched the door of the building, and was about to touch in to kill the ten old man Ilmi, and Kurt looked at each other.

Because their task has been completed by others...

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