Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 227: Pseudo Tang thieves are so cunning

When everyone was still arguing, Li Xuan had already made a direct decision, which made Fang Dongquan and Huang Xueren look up at Li Xuan.

Even Qian Mengjiu glanced at Li Xuan!

Because this time Li Xuan is not the same as usual!

In the past, when there was a major event, it was often the civil and military officials who discussed it. After the discussion reached a consensus, Li Xuan would push the boat to make a final decision, or the two sides could not argue and the ministers could not reach a consensus. After the result, Li Xuan will make the final choice.

But today, Li Xuan did not give these civil and military ministers too much time to debate, and even directly planned their debate and made his own decision.

And this kind of thing seems a little strange to Qian Mengjiu and the others.

For everyone's thoughts, Li Xuan didn't care about it.

As time passed, the longer Li Xuan was the emperor, the more control he had in the Tang Dynasty, and he became more and more used to it, and even liked to be arbitrary.

Well, in the words of Liu Bagou and Qian Mengjiu, it is the Holy Inquisition!

This is not only because of his growing desire for power, but also because there are not many civil and military officials in the Tang Dynasty, but their backgrounds and knowledge are different. dispute.

Many times, none of these officials could convince anyone, and in the end, Li Xuanlai had to decide for himself.

In the beginning, in order to avoid provoking Fang Dongquan and Liu Bagou, Li Xuan pretended to be stupid, but today, Li Xuan no longer needs to look at the faces of Fang Dongquan and Huang Xueren, so Li Xuan is also getting more and more Impatient and they quarrel.

This led to Li Xuan, when he encountered a major and urgent matter such as the night attack of the Ming army, he directly planned the deliberation of the ministers, and did not even ask any of the ministers for their opinions. He just made his own decision. Choice, and this choice is still different from what Qian Mengjiu and Fang Dongquan were debating.

However, Qian Mengjiu and the others are strange, but they will not stupidly ask why or express any protest.

Li Xuan is the emperor. In theory, this kind of military affairs requires Li Xuan to make the final choice, but now Li Xuan has only made the decision a little earlier, and the decision he made is not the same as the decision made by the ministers. Just too much.

After Li Xuan finished speaking, he looked around, he naturally saw the surprise in the eyes of Qian Mengjiu and others, but now he didn't care anymore.

Just listen to him continue: "General Huang, you go first with the baggage team, there are more than 40 baggage soldiers in your baggage team, and there are 200 young soldiers, there should be no problem in starting alone! "

Huang Xueren said: "Your Majesty, there is no problem with the baggage team, and Wei Chen must take the baggage team away safely!"

Li Xuan nodded slightly, and then looked at Wang Shanxu and Fang Dongquan again: "The rest of the generals are ready, and in a while, let's lead our headquarters to fight with me!"

Fang Dongquan and Wang Danxu were stunned for a moment, and then they said in unison, "The minister follows the order!"

The military order has been issued. Although the generals Fang Dongquan and Wang Danxu still have doubts, but now the military order is like a mountain, they also have to put down the many doubts in their hearts and find their own subordinates to prepare!

After Li Xuan's order to prepare for the battle was issued, the small valley instantly boiled, a large number of torches were lit, the soldiers were called up, and then they began to prepare weapons and armor in a panic.

Among them, Wang Shanxu's musketeers were the quickest to get ready. The training of these musketeers was far superior to that of other bandits. At the same time, they always kept their guns and slept with their clothes at night. Immediately after that, you will be able to assemble with your guns.

The slowest were the heavy armored sword and shield soldiers led by Butcher Chen. These gangsters were relatively undisciplined, and if they wanted to prepare for battle, they had to wear armor.

This armor is not so easy to put on. Even if someone helps to wear it, it will take several minutes. If you wear it alone, it will be even more troublesome. This is still the simplified iron armor or cotton iron armor in the Tang Dynasty. These armors They are still relatively suitable to wear. If it is the kind of full-body knight armor in medieval Europe, it will take more than ten minutes for someone to wear it. If no one helps, I'm sorry, you can't wear it alone!

It takes a long time to wear armor, and at the same time, you cannot march in armor for a long time. Therefore, if some heavy armored units are attacked while marching or camping, the battle will break out instantly, then these heavy armored soldiers are simply not enough. Time to put on your own armor, you can only fight as a light infantry.

But then again, unless it was ambushed at close range, it would take time for the enemy to rush over even if they were attacked, so that these heavily armored units would have enough time to put on their armor to fight.

When Butcher Chen and the others arrived in line, the musketeers, archers and spearmen were all ready.

Li Xuan, who was riding on the horse, glanced at it, and then nodded slightly to Wang Danxu beside him!

Although he personally commanded the battle, he had never personally led the soldiers to fight, except the one time he led the musketeers in the charge of the musketeers in Zhengtai County.

This time as well, he, Qian Mengjiu and Zeng Ziwen were behind, while Wang Danxu rode his horse from Li Xuan's side, and then commanded the troops to start deploying defenses along the camp.

Camping in the wild, it is naturally impossible to fall asleep on the ground, even if there is no tent, but there are still simple fences composed of some wooden stakes and even branches.

Now they are guarding along a row of wooden stakes on the periphery of the camp, especially in the open terrain in front of them, where they have erected a lot of tree stumps to form a simple distance horse.

They arranged the detailed formation with the musketeers in the front, the archers in the back, and the spearmen in the rear.

The above three arms form the main line of defense. The specific combat mode will be to use muskets to intercept first, then archers shoot arrows, and when the enemy rushes to the front and back, the musketeers continue to reload and shoot or use bayonets, spearmen. It is to go forward at the meeting to cover the musketeers, while the archers abandon their bows and arrows to fight with their waist knives, provide close cover, and kill those enemy soldiers who rush into their own array.

Butcher Chen's heavy-armored sword and shield soldiers at the rear had to be used intensively because they were too few, so they acted as a strategic reserve as before, to block gaps or launch counterattacks to attack the enemy's flanks.

As for Cao Mingda's cavalry, they roamed around the periphery, provided early warnings to the periphery, and could also rush to kill if necessary.

However, his dozen or so cavalrymen couldn't play any role in the battle of hundreds of thousands of people. At most, they were just scout cavalry, hunting down some of the enemy's stragglers.

The new army of the Tang Dynasty in the valley lit a lot of torches to prepare for the battle. This situation was soon known by Su Jiakang, who was several miles away.

"Damn, these pseudo-Tang thieves are so cunning, they actually found us!" At this time, Su Jiakang didn't know that the whereabouts of the Ming army were exposed by Wang Zhitan and the others. Found them miles away.

"But that's fine. Since these pseudo-Tang thieves haven't turned around and fled, then it's just right, we'll kill them all!" Su Jiakang still looked high-spirited, and continued confidently: "We have more than 1,000 elite soldiers. The puppet army of Tang thieves is only half of the army, as long as the soldiers use their lives, defeat the puppet army, and capture the puppet emperor alive is guaranteed!"

Hearing so much Su Jiakang, Wang Zhitan, who was at the bottom, almost spit out a mouthful of old blood!

You old bastard, you have to attack under such circumstances, your mind is watted, even if you don't consider that your soldiers are exhausted and unable to fight at all, you must understand that the pseudo-Tang thief army is already fully prepared.

In this case, the night attack was launched, and it was still a strong attack. The main reason was that it was successful. Lao Tzu cut off his head and played it as a ball.

At this time, it was not only Wang Zhitan, the other generals also looked a little weird, and then they all looked at Wang Zhitan.

Feeling the gazes of everyone, Wang Zhitan knew what they were thinking, but he just wanted to persuade Su Jiakang.

After hesitating for a while, Wang Zhitan said in a very cautious tone: "Master Su, you see that the Puppet Tang Bandit Army is ready now. Although our soldiers are brave, they are already exhausted. If you rashly attack, I'm afraid I won't be able to do it!"

Su Jiakang turned around and glanced at Wang Zhitan, but did not speak, but just stared at him so coldly!

Wang Zhitan's courage to persuade when he saw Su Jiakang like this disappeared in an instant.

He knew very well that the Su Jiakang he was dealing with was not an ordinary person, even if Su Jiakang was not even his immediate boss, but Su Jiakang was a civil servant with a jinshi background.

And although it is said that military generals are in charge of this kind of military affairs, but in today's era of noble and low-ranking military, the military affairs have already been controlled by the civilian officials, so the person in charge of destroying the pseudo-Tang bandit army is not him Wang Zhitan Or a few other thousand households, deputy thousand households, but Su Jiakang, a small seventh-rank county magistrate, and on the Internet it is Song Zhiwen, the grandfather of the government.

And the civilian officials have never taken the fate of the generals seriously. If they continue to persuade them now, perhaps Su Jiakang will say the last sentence: "Shake the military's heart, pull it out and cut it!"

The most important thing is that if Su Jiakang slashed him with a knife, he would also slash him, but there is no court bigwig to avenge him, and maybe he will go to **** and put some messy dung pots on his head. Well, just like Zeng Ziwen, a thousand households in the former Tongan Qianhu Office, he was detained in a dung pot, and he was named behind the name of a man who underestimated the enemy and rushed forward, so that the army suffered a disastrous defeat.

Wang Zhitan opened his mouth, but he didn't dare to say the following words of persuasion, and finally lowered his head obediently under Su Jiakang's gaze.

Seeing Wang Zhitan bowing his head, and the other generals bowing their heads obediently, Su Jiakang let out a cold snort!

These warriors who are greedy for life and fear of death don't know how to take care of the overall situation at all!

The soldiers were exhausted after chasing them all day. Could it be that he, Su Jiakang, didn't know? Not only does he know, but he

Could it be that the night attack becomes more difficult when the Pseudo-Tang Bandit Army is ready, and that the soldiers may suffer heavy casualties. Wouldn't he know?

Of course he knew!

But are these important?

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