Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 229: The incomprehensible Ming Army

When Wang Zhitan and the others tried to delay the time, Su Jiakang on the other end looked at the small valley where the pseudo-Tang thief army was located several miles ahead with determination, and secretly said in his heart: Tonight, no matter what, I will give Li Xuan to him. Take down.

Otherwise, if the time dragged on for a long time, Li Xuan would have no idea where he ran to. Without Li Xuan's head in hand, without defeating the main force of the pseudo-Tang thief army, he would not be able to deal with the aftermath later.

And it is not a good thing for Su Jiakang to be unable to deal with the aftermath!

But he didn't know that he didn't take the lives of the warriors like Wang Zhitan in his eyes. Wang Zhitan and these warriors also didn't take the annihilation of the pseudo-Tang bandit army and the capture of Li Xuan alive, and they even tried to delay the time. Notice.

In the same way, Li Xuan today does not know that the Ming army is already full of contradictions. At this time, he is still thinking of using a defensive operation to cover the evacuation of the baggage team.

In this battle, he didn't expect to be able to kill many Ming troops, and he didn't even plan to stop the Ming troops for a long time. As long as he bought enough time for the baggage team, he would lead his troops to evacuate without hesitation.

Anyway, a large number of baggage that delayed the speed have been taken away by the baggage team ahead of time. When the main force of them retreats, they can completely retreat lightly, but the speed is very fast.

Time passed bit by bit, although it was night, the distance between the two sides was very close, especially the forwards and peripheral troops of both sides, and small-scale battles soon broke out.

The reconnaissance cavalry and the peripheral scouts of the new army of the Tang Dynasty wanted to get close to the main force of the Ming army and figure out their situation in advance, so that the main force in the rear could prepare for the corresponding battle.

As for the Ming army, they also sent a lot of scouts to inquire about the situation of the new army of the Tang Dynasty in detail.

Even if Wang Zhitan didn't want to fight and wanted to delay the time, they also didn't want to ambush, so they sent a large number of scouts and patrols.

In the process of frequent contact between the scouts of the two sides, casualties were inevitable on both sides, but the scale of such casualties was very small, and it was a single-digit casualty. will have any impact.

The scouts on both sides gradually retreated as the main force gradually approached.

When Li Xuan and his people prepared their defenses, the main striker of the Ming army finally arrived in this small valley. The number of strikers in this group was not large, only about a hundred people.

These Ming troops seemed to be extremely cautious. They stopped a few hundred meters away from the valley. Li Xuan thought they were looking for their own weaknesses, but he would never know that the main strikers of these Ming troops were Wang Zhitan's army, and its hundreds of households, are Wang Zhitan's confidants.

The reason why they stopped, on the one hand, was to delay time, and on the other hand, they really didn't want to fight against the pseudo-Tang bandit army.

At the back, Su Jiakang's own forward didn't move before and after arriving at the pseudo-Tang thief army formation, and his face flashed a hint of anger.

On the other hand, Wang Zhitan nodded secretly, his subordinate did not let him down, and fully understood his order to 'be cautious'.

Seeing that Su Jiakang's face was not very good-looking, Wang Zhitan comforted Su Jiakang and said: "Master Su, now the forward has arrived, as long as we wait for our main force to come up, we will be able to catch the fake emperor Li Xuan alive!"

Hearing this, Su Jiakang nodded slightly.

Since the pseudo-Tang thief army did not turn around and escape, then Su Jiakang would not be in a hurry, and when the main force came up, he would kill the pseudo-emperor Li Xuan in one go.

On the side of the new army of the Tang Dynasty, Li Xuan was also discussing with Zeng Ziwen in a low voice.

"What happened to these Ming troops?" Li Xuan looked at the Ming troops who stopped far away. At first, he thought that these Ming troops were cautious or looking for their own weaknesses, but he soon discovered that those Ming troops were one of them. All of them are already sitting on the ground, and many people even lie down directly.

Zeng Ziwen also frowned slightly: "I don't understand, according to common sense, these forwards should launch a tentative attack to test the weakness of our army, or go around to find the weakness of our army, for the latter. The main force was preparing for the attack, but now they have stopped, and your Majesty, you see, they are obviously exhausted, or they would not lie down so disregarding the formation!"

"Could it be that these Ming troops have not rested on the way? How can they hold on?" Although he knew that the Ming troops would be exhausted from chasing them all the way, Li Xuan estimated that they should have rested on the way. Otherwise, how could there be a night attack.

And now it seems that the physical consumption of these Ming troops is much more serious than I expected!

"It's okay if they don't come to attack, it's just enough time to delay the time. Now the baggage team is almost gone. As long as you buy another hour for the baggage team, we can evacuate directly at that time!" Qian Mengjiu was at this time. He also said: "But the Ming army took so much effort to catch up, I'm afraid it won't give us an hour!"

Qian Mengjiu's prediction was correct, Wang Zhi sighed that these Ming army generals wanted to delay time, but Su Jiakang wouldn't let it!

After Su Jiakang led the main force of more than a thousand people to arrive, although he did not order the troops to attack immediately, but let the troops rest, but he only gave the soldiers a quarter of an hour to rest!

It's not that Su Jiakang didn't want to let the soldiers under his command rest for a while, but he looked at the pseudo-Tang bandit army in front of him, and already found something wrong.

The number of these pseudo-Tang thieves in front of them seems to be less than 300 people. Judging from yesterday's situation and the report of the spies not long ago, there are more than 500 pseudo-Tang thieves, and they also carry Lots of baggage.

But now there are only more than 300 pseudo-Tang thieves here, and 200 people have disappeared. Looking at their luggage, they have disappeared. He knew after a little thought that some of the pseudo-Tang thieves were already carrying luggage. Escaped first.

And these pseudo-Tang thieves in front of them are obviously going to stop them for a while, so as to buy time for the evacuation of the pseudo-Tang thieves who are carrying luggage.

How long will this time be?

At least half an hour, more than an hour or two.

Once the pseudo-Tang thieves retreat, it will be even more difficult for them to pursue, because at this time, Su Jiakang already knows that the soldiers under his command do not have enough physical strength to continue to pursue.

At that time, Su Jiakang can only watch the fake Tang bandit army escape!

Taking advantage of the time now, Su Jiakang planned to fight first, even if he couldn't win, but as long as the fight started, these pseudo-Tang thieves would not try to escape smoothly.

As for the soldiers' lack of physical strength after the fight, what should I do if the combat effectiveness is greatly reduced?

What else can I do? Salad!

Besides, Su Jiakang is not stupid. He led the Ming army to pursue him all the way. Although he did not have time to rest, the soldiers were physically exhausted, but the pseudo-Tang bandit army in front of them was not much better.

They had not run all day and rested in this valley for no more than an hour, or they were forced to get up and fight.

Both sides are now physically exhausted, and no one can say who is wrong.

The only trouble is that the soldiers of the Ming Army consume more physical strength, but this is nothing in Su Jiakang's view, because he has an absolute military advantage!

More than 1,000 people dealt with the mere 300 puppet thieves of the Tang Dynasty, and the advantage in military strength was enough to make up for the disadvantage in physical strength.

After a quarter of an hour, he looked left and right, and then he sighed at Wang Zhi and said, "Let's start!"

When Wang Zhitan heard this, he sighed inwardly!

It was just what he thought in his heart that he absolutely did not dare to expose it in front of Su Jiakang, and immediately said, "I will obey!"

Immediately, Wang Zhitan stepped out and brought a group of generals ready to attack. Seeing the appearance of his striding out, those who didn't know thought he was eager to fight.

But outsiders will never know, but now Wang Zhitan has made up his mind to keep procrastinating for as long as he can.

In order to delay the time, he prepared for this attack in great detail. He not only gave orders to the hundreds of households and deputy thousands of households, but also personally walked into the queue of soldiers and greeted the soldiers one by one. They check that the armor is well draped and the steel knives are sharp.

Even when he encountered a soldier's armor that was not neatly worn, he personally helped the soldier take off the armor and put it on again. After putting it on, he did not forget to smile and pat the soldier's shoulder, saying: : "This armor is not neatly worn, but it will affect the battle, so be careful in the future!"

Seeing this scene in the eyes of many soldiers, their favorability towards Wang Zhitan rose by several points.

This is a good general. He personally greeted the soldiers, boosted morale, and checked them so carefully. He even wore armor for the soldiers himself!

This is not touching, you are still a soldier under General Wang!

And no one knew that it took Wang Zhitan five minutes to put on the armor for this soldier!

Even more, no one carefully calculated how long Wang Zhitan took to check the preparations of the soldiers. If anyone held the stopwatch, they would find that it took Wang Zhitan 32 minutes and 24 seconds.

After Wang Zhitan helped the last soldier fasten his shield, he reluctantly came out of the queue and returned to the front.

At this time, he looked back at Su Jiakang behind him, and knew in his heart that he couldn't drag it any longer, and if he dragged Su Jiakang any longer, he would go crazy.

That's why he ordered his soldiers to come forward!

The pace of the soldiers followed the pace of Wang Zhitan and other mid-level Not surprisingly, these Ming army generals who had already been negotiated, all walked very slowly, and the speed was not high. How much faster than a tortoise.

Although the speed is slow, the Ming army is finally here. For this, Fang Dongquan on the opposite side is ready one by one, and even many officers are shouting loudly:


"All cheer up!"

"The Musketeers, light the match!"

But just after they finished speaking, they found that the Ming army on the opposite side had stopped. They walked about 100 meters, and then stopped.

How did they stop?

The enemies are all in front of you, and the distance between the two sides is only more than 200 meters. You still stop, stop your fart, and rush up with a shout!

Li Xuan was puzzled about the stopped Ming army, and Su Jiakang, who was watching the battle from behind, was also puzzled!

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