Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 793: The palace must be high-end and high-grade

Judging from the map, in fact, Jinling can also be regarded as the Eastern Capital, but the capital is the capital, and it cannot be called the Eastern Capital, so the Eastern Capital can only be vacant and not set up.

Liu Bagou's argument can be said to be the result of painstaking efforts, because although Li Xuan has repeatedly disclosed his rhetoric about moving the capital to Jinling City, many people in the court are opposed to it, and the reasons for the opposition are messy, whatever. .

Some people think that the capital should be moved to Wuchang, some people think that they should go to Changsha or Zhengzhou, and some people think that it should be delayed for a while, and then directly move the capital to Xianyang or the capital. Of course, there are also people who think that they should stay in Zhaoqing.

When there was a lot of discussion, Liu Bagou naturally followed his intentions and unswervingly supported Li Xuan in setting the capital of Jinling, but in order to take care of the opinions of the ministers, he came up with a companion capital.

Moreover, there is only one accompaniment to the capital, but we Datang directly come to three, that is, more than the fake, that is, more than the fake!

After seeing this book, Li Xuan said in a joking tone at the small morning meeting in the imperial study: "This is only one east, east, west, north and west. If there is a chance in the future, you can also make the East Capital!"

Others didn't know where Li Xuan was talking about Dongdu, and thought they were talking about Hangzhou, Songjiang and other places, but no one knew that the Dongdu that Li Xuan said at that time was actually Fusang Edo.

On that day, China was unified, and the navy was awesome. Landing on the Fusang Islands was a must. It would be nice to send some emperor to the Pacific Ocean to feed the fish, and then set up a colony and build an east. After hundreds of years, later generations People don't have to think about food, love, Ozawa, Mary, etc. If you want, you can go directly!

How great a self must be to benefit the people hundreds of years later!

Li Xuan himself admires his greatness and selflessness!

Although there was a lot of discussion about the move of the capital in the early stage, when Liu Bagou's book was approved by Li Xuan with a big accurate word, it was announced that the dust had settled.

The capital was moved to Jinling, with Chang'an, Zhaoqing, and the capital as the companion capitals. At the same time, Xi'an was changed to Chang'an, the capital was changed to Youzhou, and Jinling was changed to the capital.

As a result, it was finally determined that Jinling was the capital, and it was renamed the capital, and Chang'an, Youzhou, and Zhaoqing were the companion capitals.

However, although this plan was officially confirmed at the Xiaochao meeting, it is not possible to move the capital for a while, especially now that the Jiangnan area is not stable.

Now the Second Army is only controlling part of Jiangnan. Yu Dayou in Zhejiang is still alive and kicking, and more than 20,000 Ming troops from Anqing Prefecture are still entrenched in Chizhou and other areas.

Even if you want to move the capital, that has to come later.

However, there are many things to do to move the capital, and many of them need to be prepared in advance, so Li Xuan sent a lot of ministers to the capital to fight the front station first. If nothing else, the problem of this palace always needs to be solved.

Regarding the issue of the palace, the courtiers all suggested that the palace be re-opened directly, but Li Xuan said directly: "When will it be repaired? How much will it cost?"

This question was asked by many ministers at once, because everyone is not a fool, they all know very well that the meaning behind Li Xuan's words is not to directly ask how long and how much, but to say, How long will it take to repair and move the capital?

Is it difficult to repair the palace for tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of taels of silver? If you want millions and tens of millions, where will the money come from? With this money, they are all directly used as military expenses, what kind of palace are they still building?

Therefore, the cabinet has proposed a compromise plan. The Ming Palace is still the palace. A large number of main buildings in the palace are slowly repaired. If you have money, repair them faster. If you don’t have money, repair them slowly. even ten years.

In addition, the Hanwang Mansion on the west side of the palace is relatively well preserved and the place is small. The scale of the project is expected to be small. If it is repaired urgently, it is expected to be completed in one or two years. The Hanwang Mansion can be directly included in the scope of the palace, and then live in it first. .

Of course, even the Han Palace has been idle for many years. Although it is well preserved, it will take time to repair it urgently. Even if it is not as good as the Ming Palace, it will take more than ten or twenty years to repair, but it is still needed for a year and a half. Therefore, I put forward another suggestion. First, the Duke Wei's mansion, which is intact, large in scale, and luxurious and luxurious, is not inferior to the royal mansion.

After Li Xuan went to the capital, he first stayed in the Royal Courtyard, waited for the palace to be built, and then lived in the palace.

Li Xuan took a look, this plan is quite good!

Li Xuan doesn't really care if the palace is repaired or not. In fact, he doesn't want to live in the broken place, but the key is that as an emperor, there must be a large-scale building that is worthy of his eternal sage. The palace of identity.

Therefore, this palace must still be repaired, and it must be repaired in a high-end atmosphere, luxurious and high-profile with connotation!

But this repair is repair, but Li Xuan is not willing to repair it now. The Tang Dynasty is like a pauper. Most of the money is used to fight wars. How can there be money to repair the palace, so it is necessary to live in other places first.

And it would be better to directly use the Duke Wei's mansion as a royal court, it would save money, and it would not be much worse than the palace to live in.

Therefore, Li Xuan also agreed to this plan, and now these ministers who are going to Jinling to fight the front station are going to deal with various affairs first.

And Li Xuan himself is also preparing to move the capital from Zhaoqing!

For Li Xuan himself, the biggest problem in moving the capital is definitely not the palace, it is just a broken house. The real focus is that if the capital is to be moved to Jinling, it means that the political, economic, industrial and military focus of the Tang Dynasty should be Moved to Jinling and nearby areas.

So there is a lot of preparation that needs to be done in advance.

According to the cabinet's forecast, if the capital is to be moved, excluding military officers and soldiers, at least one third of the population of Zhaoqing will be moved there together.

Including officials and their families, the families of soldiers.

At the same time, there are also a large number of artisans under the arsenal and the families of these artisans.

The current Tang Dynasty family has a great business, and this move is not the same as in previous years.

When the capital relocation was finalized and preparations began, the front-line troops on the southern side of the Yangtze River also launched a large-scale offensive after a short rest in order to welcome the imminent arrival of the holy car.

Said to be large-scale, in fact, it should be multi-channel simultaneous attack, and the troops of each channel are actually not many, and the most counted is the 5th Infantry Division that returned to Chizhou.

The Anqing Ming army crossed the river south and actually cut off the supply line of the Second Army. Although it is said that the Second Army defeated the 100,000-strong army led by Wang Yiqi because of the capture of Jinling City, and seized a large amount of food, ammunition and other materials. There is no shortage of supplies for a while, but it is naturally inappropriate for this supply line to be cut off like this.

Therefore, the Second Army needs to annihilate the Anqing Ming Army or directly drive back to the north bank of the Yangtze River.

However, after learning that Wang Yiqi was defeated and died and Jinling fell, the Anqing Ming Army did not need the Fifth Infantry Division to kill them. They just crossed the river and ran back to Anqing.

As for Hangzhou, Zhejiang, it was easy to win, because the troops attacking Hangzhou were quick and decisive. In fact, the officials and a small number of defenders in the city of Hangzhou at this time just knew that Wang Yiqi was defeated.

After occupying Hangzhou, it also means that Yu Dayou's troops in southern Zhejiang were surrounded by many battles. In the end, Yu Dayou was bold enough to directly sacrifice 20,000 Jiangnan new troops and let them hold off the third army's attack. Then he took 10,000 broken thieves troops and 20,000 Jiangnan new troops, a total of 30,000 people fled north, but of course he did not retreat to Hangzhou, let alone Jinling, but first went west, swinging. It has made a decisive attack on Fuzhou and even Nanchang and Ganzhou.

Some of the Datang defenders in Jiangxi were startled, but they thought of a false shot, they directly found a loophole, got the support of the Ming army navy in the direction of Guichi, and finally crossed the river and returned to Anqing successfully.

Of course, the madness along the way, plus the fact that he had fought with the Datang Army, turned out that 30,000 people became less than 10,000.

Of the 50,000 army, 20,000 were directly abandoned and sacrificed. Nearly 20,000 died on the way, and only 10,000 escaped back to Anqing.

What's interesting is that there were less than 10,000 Ming troops who fled back to Anqing, and they were all broken thieves. As for the Jiangnan New Army, I'm sorry, it no longer exists.

Although Yu Dayou, who fled back to Anqing, lost his troops and lost his generals, he was very embarrassed, but many people also knew that it was not his fault that the battle failed, and he was also one of the few generals in the current Ming Dynasty who dared to fight against the pseudo-Tang bandit army. Therefore, instead of punishing him, the Ming Dynasty appointed him as the chief soldier of Fengyang, commanding his subordinates, the Bandit Army, the Anqing defenders, and the Ming armies of Luzhou and Fengyang.

This is a newly established post of commander-in-chief, the same as the commander-in-chief of Jiangbei.

Since the defeat of Wang Yiqi, the remnants of the Ming army in Jinling City and other parts of Jiangnan have either died, were captured, or fled to Jiangbei. In the end, most of them gathered in the Yangzhou Prefecture area. At the same time, all parts of Jiangbei rushed south, in order to organize the pseudo-Tang thief army to go north. The Ming army also mostly gathered in Yangzhou.

Because Yangzhou brought together many Ming armies that were not affiliated with each other, in order to unify the leadership, the Ming Dynasty urgently set up the Jiangbei General Army here to command the Ming armies in Yangzhou and other places.

Fengyang general and Jiangbei generals, this is the only response the Ming Dynasty can make to the corruption of the situation in Jiangnan.

However, although the Ming army in these two places is a bit messy, and the total strength is not too many, Anqing is only more than 30,000 people, Yangzhou is only more than 40,000 people, but these two places are strategically important, and after passing so much After the fiasco Ming Jun, no matter how stupid, knew that he couldn't defend.

And if the Tang Army wants to go north on a large scale, this canal must be won.

Without the canal, the logistics department of the Privy Council would never dare to guarantee the security of the logistics supply that could maintain the army going north.

This Datang Army is not a cold weapon army. As long as there is a bite to eat, it can go there. The Datang Army is already a typical modern army. The consumption of ammunition is very large, and there is no reliable material transportation channel. But the guns will turn into fire sticks in minutes.

In addition, just after winning Jiangnan, we still need to continue to conquer the many cities in Jiangnan. At the same time, we also need to maintain heavy forces to suppress the wealthy area of ​​Jiangnan, so as to avoid any accidents. Of course, what is more important is that the Second Army and the Third Army have experienced After more than a month of hard fighting, the loss of the troops was also a bit large, and the ammunition consumption was extremely huge, and it was urgently needed to be replenished.

Therefore, the offensive of the Second Army and the Third Army stopped in early December!

And by this time, the entire Jiangnan was already under the control of the Tang Dynasty!

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