Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 794: Former Ming Shangshu's life in prison

On December 4th, a group of hundreds of ministers of civil and military affairs led by Qian Mengjiu, a senior scholar of the Tang Dynasty, the minister on duty in the imperial study, and minister of the Ministry of the Army, went through various provinces and finally successfully arrived at Jinling City.

At this time, Jinling City was already under the strictest military control!

In fact, it is not just Jinling City. At present, the entire Jiangnan region and many cities including Zhejiang are under military control. Even the cities that are not under military control are still under strict martial law measures.

And all of this is to avoid turmoil in Jiangnan.

Although in the past, after the king of the Tang Dynasty captured a place, he would also carry out military control over a certain place for a period of time, but the duration is generally not too long, at most it is only the first few days, and the management power will soon be transferred. Completely handed over to the officials of the civil affairs department, the military will only help to suppress the situation in the city, but it is generally not involved in management.

However, in the Jiangnan area, this is an exception. Today, including the first captured Chizhou Prefecture, many cities are all under military control.

This is because the Datang Army's strategy in the south of the Yangtze River is advancing too fast. Although it began to march in October, the situation was basically under control by November, and it was basically entered by November. Closing stage.

The speed of the military's advancement has also caused the cabinet to take over a large number of jurisdictions too late.

According to the experience of previous years, the cabinet believes that even if the Jiangnan strategy follows the trend, the large-scale war should continue until January and February next year. The cabinet will gradually transfer officials from other places to follow the rear of the army and stationed in various places in the south of the Yangtze River.

However, the speed of the military's advance was too fast. In just over a month, almost the entire Jiangnan was shot down. This time was not even enough time for officials selected by the Ministry of Personnel to go from the original area to Jiangnan.

In desperation, on the one hand, the cabinet began to recruit officials from all over the Yangtze River to quickly stationed in various places in the south of the Yangtze River. In order to fill the large vacancies after the transfer.

However, even so, the shortage of officials in the Tang Dynasty is still very large. This is mainly due to the fact that although the area in the south of the Yangtze River is not big, it is a typical wealthy place with a large population, and the jurisdictions of prefectures and counties are not counted. It is too large, and as a result, more officials are required.

Because of the serious shortage of officials, it is not easy to fill the large number of vacancies that have emerged after a large number of officials have been drawn from other existing provinces.

Of course, the shortage of officials is only temporary. Give the cabinet a few months of buffer time, and it can be solved immediately. It is not easy to find someone to be an official these days. What the cabinet lacks is only the selection of talents and the dispatch of officials. time only.

In the absence of officials, in order to avoid turmoil in various parts of Jiangnan, the military inevitably assumed responsibilities that did not belong to them, and continued to maintain high-pressure military control over Jiangnan.

What the cabinet has coordinated with the military is that the cabinet does not expect the military to do anything. It only requires the military to maintain the stability of Jiangnan. It is best to keep it as it is, and then wait for the officials sent by the cabinet to take over one by one.

Therefore, the military control of the Second Army and the Third Army in Nanzhili and Zhejiang is also different from other places. First, the strictest martial law policy was implemented. Unless special permission is given, they are not allowed to enter or leave the city.

This is to avoid large-scale movements of people, which would cause unrest!

Another important measure is that the military, at the request of the cabinet, strongly controls the price of grain in various places. The price of grain must fluctuate within the range specified by the cabinet.

And any grain merchants must be open to sell grain to the outside world. As for them hiding and not selling it? It doesn't matter, most of their grain warehouses are under the control of the military, and they have to be willing if they don't want to.

From November to October in Jiangnan, after the war, there was a strange calm, and this calm also quickly returned to Jiangnan, which had just experienced the war, and there was no large-scale turmoil that Datang was most worried about.

However, this calm was broken after Qian Mengjiu arrived in Jinling with more than 100 civil and military ministers.

After Qian Mengjiu arrived in Jinling, he directly announced the imperial decree that he brought with him, changing Yingtianfu to Chengtianfu, setting up a capital, and announcing that the holy car would move to the capital next year.

Although the news had been announced in the previous Tang Dynasty newspaper, but after Qian Mengjiu arrived in Jinling City in front of many people, he directly announced it publicly, which also made many local people finally believe that the pseudo-Tang Dynasty is not , The Emperor of the Tang Dynasty is really coming to Jinling.

At the same time, Qian Mengjiu also ordered to start dealing with many Ming Dynasty demoting officials in Jinling City and the prefectures in the south of the Yangtze River. This time, the Tang Dynasty accepted a lot of Ming Dynasty demoting officials.

There are more than 100 officials wearing red robes above the fourth rank, and there are even more officials below the fourth rank.

And these demotions will not be dealt with uniformly. First of all, those officials who have defected. They are all people who are willing to continue to serve the Tang Dynasty. Although most of these people are middle and low-level officials, there are a lot of them. In most cases These officials are temporarily staying in office, mainly to maintain the current stability of the Jiangnan region.

After the officials dispatched by the cabinet arrive, these defecting officials will also be dealt with separately, and most of them will be assigned to other positions.

There are also some who had to surrender when the city was broken. These are the real surrender officials, and they will also be identified. Officials who are willing to surrender to the Tang Dynasty are temporarily demoted to use, and those who are not willing to surrender are temporarily detained.

There are some who did not intend to surrender, but were caught while fleeing or hiding, and some were recalcitrant and unwilling to surrender, but were captured after failure. The remaining part of the plot is not very serious, and they are currently detained, and they have begun to confiscated their property!

However, the above cases are aimed at middle and low-level officials, and for those high-level officials, special treatment is often carried out on an individual basis.

For example, Qian Qingsong, the minister of households in Nanjing, and Zhou Shu, the minister of rituals, who led the army and civilians of Jinling City to surrender, although these two people were mentioned in Nanjing after the failure of the power struggle in the Ming Dynasty, they are still the eighth Jing's political dignitaries, that influence is very large.

In addition, there is a very special person, that is, Duke Wei of the Puppet Ming Dynasty.

Therefore, the way of dealing with them cannot be dealt with in the usual way, but with special cases, and in principle, it is to let them surrender as openly as possible.

Gain huge political influence from this!

However, when you reach this level of officials, you can ask them to surrender, but it is quite difficult to make them openly surrender.

After Qian Mengjiu arrived in Jinling City, he took time to see the three of them, and persuaded them a little, but the effect was not good.

Although they were forced to surrender due to the inability to defend Jinling City, they wanted to openly declare Xuancheng to surrender to the Tang Dynasty. Although there was such a possibility, they were not willing to say a few words.

As one of the three highest-rank surrendering officials, Zhou Shu, the former minister of rituals in Nanjing in the Ming Dynasty, was not treated on a par with other surrendered officials. Li Chunjing had also seen this person when the Second Army entered the city, but Li Chunjing was not very interested in these former Ming officials, and after a few casual chats, he dismissed him.

For the next month or so, he was placed in an exquisite house, and next door to him, several other high-ranking officials were stationed. At the same time, considering that these people are basically clothes to reach out, Characters who open their mouths with food, if they are locked in a room by themselves, it is estimated that they can starve to death, so they are also allowed to bring a small number of slaves.

On this day, Zhou Shu climbed to the second floor of the attic on the rockery in the house, leaned against the window and read a book. This book is not the traditional Four Books and Five Classics, but a new book that has been passed down from the pseudo-Tang Dynasty in recent years. The name is Taixi Kingdoms. It is about a scholar who took a sea boat from Guangzhou and traveled tens of thousands of miles to the Taixi countries. Although most of the content in it is hearsay, it is a true introduction. Less geography and customs of Southeast Asia and European countries.

Today, he just happened to read an article about the Spanish state. As mentioned above, the Spanish state can colonize a large amount of land such as the Americas tens of thousands of miles away with only a few million people, and establish a huge empire on which the sun never sets. He was curious, and when he saw that the Spanish Armada had hundreds of ships and thousands of guns, he was even more speechless.

However, when he saw that the Spanish country had discovered countless gold and silver in the distant American colonies, and shipped them back and forth, he couldn't help but sigh: "It's no wonder that such a small country can use its troops to redeem its weapons. , it turned out to be backed by gold and silver from America and other places!"

After reading, he put down the book. Recently, he has read several books like this, um, they are all published by the Datang Royal Publishing House, and the more he reads these books, the more suspicious he becomes.

It's not that I doubt that what the book says is true or false, but that I doubt what I have learned in the past decades!

This world is far bigger than what I thought before. According to these books, although Kyushu is big, it is only a small piece of the earth. There is a lot of land outside China, and it is quite Many places are either extremely or there are many gold, silver, copper and iron.

How can those natives and Taixi barbarians steal such a god-given land!

At this time, he deeply agrees with the words of his ancestors: Is there no king in the world!

These fertile and resource-rich lands belong to the Son of Heaven and China!

Just when he was fascinated by the book, he suddenly frowned slightly, then stood up and walked to the window. The scenery outside the window did not change much from a month ago. It was still the old trees, but there were bursts of noise from outside. There seemed to be a lot of people outside.

"Hong Fu!" Zhou Shu put down the book and shouted softly.

Suddenly, an old servant walked in outside: "Master!"

"Why is it so noisy outside? Go and have a look. If there are idle people waiting, let them go!" He couldn't calm down and read the book any longer.

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