Warhammer Inquisitor

Chapter 489 Reborn from the Ashes: Legion Returns

Jack ran quickly across the corridor, fastening the buttons on his body while running, and at the same time drinking the drink he just bought in his hand as fast as he could.

He hurried over, drank the drink before rushing out of the arcade, handed the empty bottle to an attendant, and then walked quickly to Olivia's side.

She stood on the large deck of the Starport, with the statue of an eagle with outstretched wings rising above her head, shining with golden light, and the Governor turned to look at his nephew and heir who hurried over.

"You were almost late."

"Are they here yet?" Jack said out of breath, his stomach cramping from the severe pain just now, he regretted buying that iced juice, and now he had to pray and hope to be humiliated in front of the big shots up.

"No, not yet. He likes ostentation, especially at times like this." Olivia said as she bent down and wiped off the remaining juice at the corner of Jack's mouth with her fingers.

"You remember etiquette, don't you? I hope you've taken your lessons well, because you'll need them soon."

"Yes, I still remember, at least I believe so." Jack felt a little guilty, he tried his best to recall the content of the boring lessons, and even began to pray to the Emperor that he really remembered.

Olivia saw how embarrassing she was, and she smiled to herself and straightened up, "You'd better really remember, because they're here."

She said, looking at the sky with her head of coiled hair, and Jack immediately looked over.

Above their heads, in the airspace that had already been emptied, the atmospheric clouds burned violently, and as the clouds covering the Hive City were knocked away, the huge ship descended from the sky, like a big whale diving into the sea.

The belly of the large transport ship landed on the front deck of the Star Port with raging flames. The heat wave that swept through it made Jack unable to open his eyes. After a while, he forced himself to open his eyes, looking at the lowered gate, and Crowds of people walking off it.

Jack had heard Morgrim tell him the stories of the Iron Knights countless times, and his aunt was always asked to repeat the battle of Star Victoria to himself. He was so impressed with those warriors that he thought he knew them well enough.

But he was wrong, when those sky fighters stepped down from the deck and actually stepped on the ground and walked towards him, Jack felt extremely shocked. He was so excited that he couldn't speak when he saw the burly giants walking towards him.

And among those tall warriors, there was the leader in golden armor. He strode forward, and Jack could recognize him instinctively without any introduction. That was the Supreme Marshal.

Behind him, there are two steel knights on the left and right sides. The one on the left is wearing a gray armor and a white robe, while the one on the right is wearing a blue armor and a bright red battle robe on his shoulders. With two teams of sky warriors.

They stomped across the deck, two teams with two banners, winged swords and a golden crown letter U.

Flags fluttered fiercely in front of the team, and following the footsteps of the visitors from outside the sky, the guards of honor on both sides knelt down to salute them one after another.

Jack looked at the golden giant. He came to the mountain in front of him like a sun-shading mountain. The steel entourage stopped behind him, and the banners fluttered like flying on the towering city wall.

But he didn't look at himself, nor at all the representatives of the Victorian nobles behind him, but looked directly at Aunt Olivia.

"Are you getting fatter?" he asked.

"You've gained weight too, and you've grown several times."

A moment later the aunt replied, and the two fell silent, which made Jack and the others nervous, but they all suddenly smiled.

"Dear Silver Snake, I miss you so much." He said with a smile, "I'm glad you are still so beautiful. The years haven't changed you too much, and I can still recognize you at a glance."

"You too, haven't changed at all, the only change is that last time I saw you you were still a judge, but this time, should I call you Marshal?"

"No, please don't." He smiled. "It's just embarrassing for me. It's yours."

As he spoke, he finally seemed to have found himself. Jack raised his chest nervously, and all the etiquette that he had just tried to recall in his mind was swept away.

Olivia looked at her face and laughed, which made Jack blush up to the ears, but she smiled and said.

"No, he is my nephew, Jack, and he is also my heir." Olivia explained, "His mother is my cousin. She and her husband died in an accident, and I took care of him afterwards."

"Oh?" He looked with a smile, "Your heir? The future governor right? He looks."

"It's not like, I know, I'm still teaching him, at least I'm trying to teach him."

"I hope he learns well."

"I have!" Jack responded automatically, feeling like an idiot.

Vito laughed, "I believe so, your aunt is a good woman, just listen to her, Jack, need I introduce myself?"

"No, no, he's heard enough of your stories." Olivia smiled and touched Jack's head. She always did this, as if she was a child, which embarrassed Jack, especially when In front of Vito Constantine.

"It's been ten years, and you have many "friends" by your side." Vito looked up, and the nobles bowed or curtseyed to him one after another. Their movements were quite elegant and decent, and he also showed a trace of smile.

Although Jack could tell that there was no sincerity in that smile, and there were also sharp gazes in those eyes that were vigilant like wild wolves in the hunt.

"You too, and there are a lot more than last time." Olivia said as she gestured to the entourage behind him.

"Indeed, but there are also people you know, Bell over there, and Lancelot over there."

He motioned, and the two tall knights also nodded to the aunt, and the latter also politely returned the salute to them. After some thought, Jack also repeated the salute.

"Where are those? Your new girl?" Olivia said with a smile, with one hand on her hip, looking quite natural in front of the marshal, and she was a different person in peacetime.

"Don't worry, I won't be angry." She laughed.

"That is Ms. Petronilla Viva, the narrator, my entourage and private secretary."

He said, Jack then took a look at the well-behaved gray-haired lady who seemed to be from a noble family. Her hair was somewhat similar to Aunt Olivia's, but her eyes were a different color and her face shape was different. Not the same, but still pretty.

She curtsied gracefully, and Jack returned the gentlemanly salute, but when he then looked at the other, he froze.

With silver hair and slender eyebrows covering purple eyes, she is tall and beautiful.

He knew that many male nobles behind him were the same as him. They carefully hid their admiring gazes from their partners or ladies of similar status to find out.

But it obviously didn't work. The ladies all showed resentment in their eyes, but there was also jealousy in them. Their well-dressed appearance was instantly eclipsed in front of her.

Her eyes looked over, and the mere glance made Jack's face as red as a ripe apple, and the provocative smile made him involuntarily have unseemly thoughts.

And when he thought of his fiancée, Jack suddenly felt ashamed, which was discovered by Olivia.

She looked at the woman who teased her nephew, "Where is this one? Your "close entourage"?"

"It's a friend. Her name is Sarah Malfoy. She is a member of the Sisters of Battle. She has worked with me many times before. You know, when I was a judge."

"Do you know each other well?"

"Very familiar." Sarah came up with a charming smile, "We are old friends, very old friends."

ancient? Jack couldn't help but guess her age, but Sarah seemed to see through it, put her finger on her lips and smiled, "Don't ask about a lady's age, it's impolite."

Jack immediately blushed and lowered his head humbly.

"What are you here for? Surely you didn't think of me, did you?"

Olivia asked nonchalantly, she really hoped she didn't embarrass her aunt.

"Maybe it is?"

"You bring two battle groups, a whole fleet and the army on it, and a battle nun." She glanced at the smiling Sarah again.

"There's something or something here that interests you, isn't it?" said Aunt Olivia, "and probably something we wouldn't be interested in."

Jack noticed that her voice had suddenly become very small, only Vito in front of him could hear him, of course, himself beside him, and Sister Sarah, the rest, the nobles and the Astartes guards behind the Marshal Neither could be heard.

Vito stared at the nobles unnoticed, and nodded silently, "Among these "friends" of yours, some are not very popular."

Jack frowned immediately when he heard this, his little brain understood it all at once, and he also knew that his aunt must have understood too, but he concealed his thoughts better than himself, neither looked back, and his expression was still as calm as water .

It took a long time before she answered, her voice was amplified intentionally, "Then welcome Your Excellency Marshal to visit Victoria for supply and inspection, I believe we will entertain you well, right?"

Only then did Olivia look back, and she looked at Morgrim, who stood beside Tiervan and nodded immediately.

"Of course! The reception banquet has been prepared long ago. The dwarf-style banquet can always melt the tired ice that flies across the sea of ​​stars." He grinned, and Vito nodded to him with a smile.

Jack thought about it for a moment, and then summoned up the courage to speak to him, "Your Excellency Marshal, I have a friend who has always wanted to see you. Can you allow me to bring her to the banquet? And meet you."

"His fiancée." Olivia added appropriately, "She, like him, grew up listening to your stories."

"What's the girl's name?" Sarah asked with a smile.

"Vinyanal." Jack replied.

Sarah smiled again, and leaned closer to Vito, "Sounds like a pretty girl, you really should meet her, and I really want to see her too."

"Then, well, invite her." He said with a smile, "I also happen to meet Silver Snake's future daughter-in-law."

Jack looked excitedly at his aunt, who nodded with a smile. Jack immediately turned around and ran away, excitedly took the phone from the maid and began to dial the number.

Morgrim smiled as he passed, and Tirvan looked disgusted, which did not escape Vito's notice.

"It's going to be a 'big banquet' right?" Olivia asked with her hips akimbo.

"Yes, a feast of blood and wine," he replied.

"And don't forget about intrigue," Sarah added. "What a fun game."

she said with a smile.

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