When will I have a long tassel?

Chapter 99 After-sales Service Policy

"Nationwide 48-hour response? Is that really what they said?"

In the deputy director's office, Zheng Mingyuan couldn't help but feel a little moved while listening to Zhu Qilin's report.

If you have never worked on the front line, it is difficult to understand the crushing anxiety that comes when equipment breaks down and the manufacturer's maintenance personnel are delayed.

A company as large as Xizhong has thousands of machine tools of various types, among which there are nearly a hundred machine tools that are difficult to replace. Once these machine tools malfunction, the entire production will be stuck.

If the previous processing is not completed, the subsequent processes can only wait. Sometimes the whole factory is rushing to meet the schedule, but a key machine tool breaks down. It lasts for ten and a half days, and the factory managers feel like crying.

Xizhong has its own machine repair shop, and its technical level is quite good. For some common faults, the machine repair shop itself can repair them without affecting production. However, some faults cannot be removed by the machine repair shop, which requires the original manufacturer to send maintenance personnel to repair. The original manufacturer's response speed has always been criticized.

Xizhong is located in the west and has inconvenient transportation. Most domestic machine tool companies are located in the east, mainly in the Northeast, Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and other places. From these places to Xizhong, the train journey takes more than two days. Coupled with some transfer troubles, repairmen can Arriving within a week is already considered highly efficient.

As for foreign manufacturers, there is even less hope. In recent years, China's industry has developed rapidly, and the number of imported equipment has been increasing. Some foreign manufacturers have begun to establish after-sales service offices in the country, and the service response speed has improved.

However, even those who have established after-sales service offices in China have a very limited number of service personnel, and they mainly serve the "free shipping area" of later generations. If they are to send people all the way to Nishino to repair a machine, then It depends on the other person's mood.

After Xizhong's 800mm precision grinder broke down, the production office immediately contacted the manufacturer Dawes of Germany and asked them to send someone to repair it.

Daos Company has no after-sales service office in China. It has an Asia-Pacific service center located in Singapore, and it is also short of manpower. It is said that if you have to wait for the Asia-Pacific Center to send someone over, you will have to wait in line until 1996.

Nishizhong asked Daos Company if they could send a repairman from Germany. They agreed very readily, but immediately issued a bill, saying how much the materials cost, how much labor time, how much transportation expenses, and how much special allowances were. All of them added up, and they went for 30,000 to 40,000 US dollars. This grinder only costs less than 400,000 US dollars. Repairing a few bearings will cost 1/10 of the price. Who can bear it?

Of course, Xizhong must come up with the terms of the contract and discuss the after-sales service policy with the other party. People have said that it’s free, but you have to wait, right? I really can’t wait. Why don’t you buy another one and wash and replace it every time? Wouldn’t there be no risk?

This time, Xizhong was preparing to carry out reboring from abroad. Some people also raised questions, saying that what should be done if the newly purchased reboring machine breaks down and the other party makes such excuses?

It costs about 15 million to import a heavy boring machine, and it is also foreign exchange. This is not a small sum of money. If you spend a lot of money, but the equipment is down, and it is down for more than half a year, who is responsible for the loss?

However, at this time, someone raised a contrary opinion. These people believe that the grinder incident is just a special case. The newly purchased heavy-duty boring machine may not break down immediately, and if it breaks down, it does not necessarily mean that it cannot be repaired by oneself. It’s okay for people to come over and repair it. After all, it’s a small probability event.

What made Xizhong's leadership finally make up their mind to import equipment from abroad was not only their preference for imported equipment, but also the fact that the services provided by domestic machine tool companies were not much better than those from abroad.

It is very common to delay repairing a piece of equipment for months. Moreover, the repairman sent by some companies is not very good and has a rather arrogant attitude. If they are not satisfied with the food, accommodation and reception, they will deliberately find trouble during the repair. They often say that they forgot to bring a certain part and that they need to send a letter back to the factory to send it.

In the mid-1990s, the speed of domestic postal services was far inferior to that of later generations, and it was nothing if a postal package traveled on the road for half a month. The time spent here and there is enough to hire someone from Germany to come over and repair it.

Because of this, when Zhu Qilin told Zheng Mingyuan about Tang Zifeng's promise, Zheng Mingyuan felt that the situation was different.

"Are you saying that Linyiji's atmosphere may be different from the past?" Zheng Mingyuan asked Zhu Qilin.

Zhu Qilin nodded: "It's completely different. This Tang Zifeng, after I got in touch with him, I felt that the temperament of the cadres in Laiyiji was completely different. His attitude was very low, and he felt that he regarded customers as God.

In fact, Linyiji has mentioned this slogan in the past, but saying it is one thing and doing it is another. Ma Dazhuang, the former deputy sales director of Linyiji, and Director Zheng, you must have been in contact with him. He was very happy when he drank, but when it came to doing things, he was always thinking about how much benefit he could get. "

"At that time, the entire team of Linyi Machinery was in ruins, and Ma Dazhuang was not the only one. I also had contact with their director Zheng Guowei. He was fine at first, but then he didn't look like a factory director at all." Zheng Mingyuan commented.

They are all companies under the Machinery Department. Who wouldn’t be familiar with each other? People like Ma Dazhuang and Zheng Guowei have had drinks with Zheng Mingyuan no less than ten times. Everyone knows who's character is like a mirror. Xizhong did not dare to use Linyiji's equipment, which was not unrelated to this.

Zhu Qilin said: "Zheng Guowei and the others were dismissed, and the ministry sent Zhou Heng to be the factory director. It should be a new look. At the very least, their assistant to the factory director, Tang Zifeng, appears to be very capable."

Zheng Mingyuan said: "Tang Zifeng was brought to Linyiji by Zhou Heng's roll call. We all know Lao Zhou very well, he is capable and responsible. I was originally worried that he had been working in the agency and came to Linyiji. He may not be able to open up the situation, but now it seems that he still has two tools.

Although I have not seen the current appearance of Linyi Machinery, Tang Zifeng brought an engineer to my place a few days ago to talk about re-boring. I also felt at the time that his temperament was very different from the original cadres of Linyiji. "

"Tang Zifeng was so attentive and offered to repair our grinder, and even the labor hours and transportation expenses were waived. The purpose is to make us reconsider whether to order re-boring from them. Director Zheng, look at this..."

Zhu Qilin drawled in a meaningful tone, and there was no need to say the rest.

Tang Zifeng's request to him was only to ask him to mention the matter of reboring to the factory leaders in Xizhong, but he was not asked to persuade the factory leaders. But Tang Zifeng's low profile made Zhu Qilin feel a little sorry, so it was inevitable that he would have to put in a good word for him at this time.

Zheng Mingyuan thought for a while and said, "Well, you make arrangements to invite a few people from Linyiji to have a casual dinner tonight, and I will go there then. Let's chat with a few people from Linyiji at the dinner table and make insinuations. Understand the current situation of Linyiji.

It's not enough to just listen to Tang Zifeng's words. This young man is a bit cunning, so you can't believe everything he says. On the other hand, I think the two maintenance workers are more realistic. "

"Director Zheng has thought carefully, I will make arrangements right away." Zhu Qilin responded.

At dinner time, Zheng Mingyuan, accompanied by Zhu Qilin, went to a private room in the small cafeteria. The person who was waiting for the opportunity had already arrived, and the one accompanying him was Pan Shikai. Zheng Mingyuan took a quick look and frowned:

"Xiao Pan, why did you invite Assistant Tang, Section Chief Han, Master Rui and Master Ning?"

"They refused to come..." Pan Shikai said with a grimace.

When Zhu Qilin assigned him a task, he asked him to invite all four people from Linyiji. As a result, Tang Zifeng and Han Weichang agreed wholeheartedly, but Rui Jinhua and Ningmo shook their heads like rattles, saying that there were people in the factory. It is stipulated that they can only eat in the large dining hall and cannot accept banquets.

Pan Shikai asked Tang Zifeng to help persuade, but unexpectedly Tang Zifeng sided with Rui Jinhua and the others, saying that the factory did have rules and no exceptions could be made.

"Assistant Tang, what does this mean?" Zheng Mingyuan asked dissatisfied.

Tang Zifeng smiled and said: "Director Zheng, don't mind. We do have such a rule. When after-sales service personnel go to customers, they are not allowed to accept banquets, gifts or property, or special treatment such as travel arranged by customers. "

"Section Chief Han and I are here to discuss business and are not bound by this regulation. However, Master Rui and Master Ning are our after-sales service personnel. If they accept Xizhong's banquet, they will be in violation of the regulations."

"This is our intention, and it is not what they asked for. Master Rui is a well-known person in our system. We can't thank him enough for coming over to help us repair the grinder. It was a simple meal, and everyone just sat together. , what does it matter?" Zhu Qilin said.

Tang Zifeng said: "I wish Director Rui my best wishes. I took it for Master Rui. But I can't open my head. This time I wish Director Rui a good intention and invite Master Rui and the others to dinner. Next time they go to other companies, if they don't have such a Well intentioned, what will they think?”

"We have such strict regulations to prevent mistakes. If an exception can be made because customers take the initiative to entertain guests, this regulation will definitely be in name only."

"Can you really do this?" Zheng Mingyuan asked, staring at Tang Zifeng.

Tang Zifeng said: "Director Zheng can supervise. Our after-sales service policy has just been established, including the rule not to accept banquets and the domestic 48-hour response rule. We will stick to it. I don't doubt there will be some inaccuracies in the early stage. Although unexpected circumstances may arise, our determination to adhere to this regulation will not change. I believe that as long as we persist, this system will eventually be established."

At 7 o'clock this evening, Chengzi will lecture on "How Made in China is Made" in the Adventist Lecture Hall of Hunan University. Are there any book friends who want to join in? In addition, many people in book reviews said that Lin Yiji was in the Northeast, but Chengzi never said it was in the Northeast? Linyiji is a fictional company that actually corresponds to it. It is roughly a combination of Wuji, Nanyiji, Jiyi, Jierji, and Changji. In short, it should be an enterprise in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Cheng Zi doesn’t know much about the Northeast, so writing about the characters and customs of the Northeast must be a censorship.

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