Wine and Gun

Chapter 183

JOHN: This is a total slander against me, I never said that a pervert is only in- (pauses) Anyway, that's just my opinion of the Westland pianist, a criminal, and she is Be critical of my speech. She has always been like that.

Thalia: Well, well, please calm down. I think you might be able to talk to Ms. Molozer in private.

John: She didn't like to talk to any of the BAUs because she had a tragic disagreement with her colleagues on a case before she left... Lavasa approached her a few times, maybe to keep her out of the way Go the wrong way, I think the outcome of the conversation is not very optimistic.

Thalia: Going astray?

JOHN: (smiles) Our euphemism for "studying the psychology of criminals so deeply that they fall into an unhealthy state of mind."

Thalia: The accusation may be too sharp, as far as I know, she was hired as a consultant by WLPD because of her good teaching and academic achievements.

John: But anyway, she's really rude, isn't she?

Thalia: People always have some flaws in how they treat people... Anyway, let's go back to the topic just now. Based on what you have just said, in your opinion, Mr. Armalite is just a... well, a common middle-aged man who is obsessed with sexual urges? Like all tragic middle-aged men, caught up in a tragic love affair with a young and elusive lover, to the point of having to kill him in the end?

John: It seems to me that it's pretty obvious that he's not a pianist and it's well-documented. Because then the police found Cherry, didn't they? They found the woman according to the portrait provided by Dr. Bacchus, and the other side quickly admitted in the transcript that she had a "good night" with the two men, she just refused to admit that she received money, but All the current prostitutes who haven't been caught are like this. Want me to say, they did prostitute that night.

Thalia: Yes - and after the WLPD released these documents, we also investigated this Cherry, and luckily, we found clues based on the public documents: she is indeed a female, an Italian gang leader Do things, and you know, Herstal Armalite is the defense attorney for some of the leaders of that Italian gang.

John: Yes, because of this relationship, some people think that the girl was specially hired by Amalette to give perjury. Because it's true that, in Armalite's capacity, it's not particularly troublesome to ask his clients to do him a small favor, and his clients' gān things are much worse than perjury. In a public sense, lawyer Armalite is indeed not a good person.

Thalia: But?

John: But if it's true that Amalette arranged for a witness to do perjury, I don't think he would use a threesome as an excuse, which is not in line with the usual impression he made when he worked at the law firm. There are also many people who think that he can never be a pianist, because he seems to have a cold personality.

Thalia: Unfortunately, Cherry can no longer tell us whether it's true or false, and even if she makes a false alibi, she can't be charged with perjury. We learned that she had passed away in early 2017, in a horrific car accident.

John: (laughs) In this way, conspiracy theorists will think that Amalette chose to kill the girl in order to keep her secret - in such a matter, people only need to be caught in the "Amalette is It is easy to fall into the error of confirmation bias.

Thalia: Let's think about it in this direction. If Herstal Armalette is really a Westland pianist, this thing--

JOHN: Then the story becomes very bizarre: first of all, the pianist was apparently sexually assaulted for some reason, otherwise he would not have been able to enter the mutual aid; even if he did have a reason for He's more interested than he should be, looking at the accidental jailing case that happened to Dr. Bacchus, the one about Langdon, and assuming that Armalette was a pianist, we'd just say, The pianist was so attached to Dr. Bacchus that I almost doubted they had a personal relationship.

Thalia: There are people who have some wild fantasies about them.

John: But that doesn't fit the profile, a perverted murderer like a pianist can't fall in love with a forensic doctor, and we already know that whatever the relationship between Amalette and Dr. Bucks was, that relationship It ended in tragedy—with the death of one party.

(John Garcia's cell phone rings)

John: Ah, I'm so sorry - it's Molozer.

Thalia: Ms. Molozer?

John: Yes, that's her. I guess she has something to refute this time and wants to say it face to face, I said it, she always does. Do you mind if I pick up the phone?

Thalia: No problem, I guess the audience is also interested in the debate between criminal psychologists.

(Garcia takes out his phone, connects, and turns on the speakerphone. The audience can hear Olga Molozze clearly thanks to his microphone on his neckline)

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