Wine and Gun

Chapter 184

John: Hello?

Olga: You also fall into the myth of confirmation bias.

John: You must have heard what I said just now, isn't it rude of you to start like this?

Olga: I chose to start this way because I heard what you said. Anyway, you've already decided that I'm rude, and I can't redeem your opinion no matter how polite I am. Let's get back to the serious stuff: You too have fallen into the pitfalls of confirmation bias.

John: (laughs) Because I don't think Amalette is a pianist, so desperately trying to find evidence for himself that he's not a pianist?

Olga: Obviously so.

John: Where's the evidence?

Olga: Because of Kaba Slade's criminal record, because of his death and the way he died, because of the bishop who died in the Christmas Eve massacre, and because of Lavasa McCard, who was It should have nothing to do with the pianist, but Herstal was the one who did.

JOHN: Agent McCard intervenes in the Westland pianist investigation.

Olga: So you're going to interpret that line again as "it's all coincidence," as you always do, Johnny. You trust your profile so much that when your profile is wrong, you think the truth is wrong. Refuse to accept reality and find too many reasons for yourself——

John: Do you think you have the truth?

Olga: I have always had the truth—because the process of uncovering the truth is my profession.

John: It's arrogant to say that.

Olga: McCard thinks so too, but given that he's one step ahead, time hasn't shown that he's completely right about me.

John: But you didn't see the truth until Armalite was arrested, and your arguments were just summed up after he fled abroad. If he really is a pianist, why didn't you see through him earlier?

Olga: You can say it if it makes you feel comfortable. But in any case, you're the one holding on to the wrong assertion right now.

JOHN: No, none of us have the only correct conclusion, unless Armalite is arrested abroad as a pianist.

Olga: Not necessarily, maybe you've heard that you're not alone in being a writer now. I'm not a best-selling author, but I have a new book coming out this year...

John: (laughs) Yes, you're going to make money writing Westland pianists too. You made it clear earlier that you were dismissive of using homicide as a gimmick to attract readers—

Olga: I don't think it's necessary to blog people laughing at popular reading for these serious things, and as you say, it's also to satisfy the curious mind of the reader. And as I said, my job is to dig out the truth - so since you don't see the truth, showing the truth in front of your eyes is what I have to do.

(The phone hangs up abruptly, and Garcia looks angry, probably feeling very dissatisfied with the accusation of "bloggers laughing popular books")

Thalia: Mr. Garcia—

John: Enough! She was always like this, she was like this when she was at BAU, and she was like this after she left! Domineering, impolite, feeling like he's holding the only truth in the world...

(John Garcia angrily stands up and walks out of the studio, out of sight of the camera)

Talia: Wait a minute, Mr. Garcia...


In early October 2019, Olga Molozze's highly anticipated book was finally published. It was an obscure treatise on criminal psychology, but it still sold extremely well in the book market.

Some people joked that the reason for this book's good grades was that Molozer's editor finally persuaded her not to let her give the book a name that people didn't want to read, such as "The Nüè Killer and the Killer". Characteristic Theory of Carnival Killing" and the like.

The more likely reason is that the book didn't have a single, boring headline in print, as most people imagined. On the cover of the book, pictures of Herstal Armalite and Albarino Bacchus are prominently featured, occupying almost as much space. If this is a book only aimed at Westland pianists, this type of layout is actually somewhat unreasonable.

What really surprised people was the title of the book, which was listed right at the top of the photo of the two people, making it difficult for people to misunderstand the author's suggestion.

Wine and Guns: The Sunday Gardener and the Westland Pianist.


[1] Confirmation Bias: When we subjectively support a certain point of view, we tend to look for information that supports our original point of view, while for information that may overturn our original point of view ignore.

Chapter 50 Let it Snow 01

Oh the weather outside is frightful

But the fire is so delightful

And since we've no place to go

Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

December 24th, Christmas Eve.

In the lobby on the first floor of WLPD stands a rather large Christmas tree with the golden star at the top of the pine branch

It is even about to hit the ceiling, so the height even seems to be a little uncoordinated in the room. The Christmas tree is full of ribbons, small decorations and glittering lights, and there are presents piled under the tree - those things that police colleagues use to exchange gifts for each other, most of which are scribbled. Only scarves and socks can be removed inside.

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