World Occult User Guide

Chapter 222 Arrival


Lin An looked at the green data flying all over the sky without his control, and let out an expected cold snort.

"Sure enough, you are not just a mysterious person!"

"No, I am your power." The system explained in a calm voice, "Unlike others, Lin An, you can think of yourself as having two mysterious archetypes; one of them is me, the other... "

"You are the 'male farmer' who originally followed the 'alien' and the successor of the 'knowledge seeker' - Hughes, right?" Lin An's voice was cold, "You are also Duke Vasilika Hughes, My so-called great-grandfather.”

The system, or Duke Vasilika Hughes, was silent for a moment and replied: "Don't be fooled by her words, Lin An, you are who you are, not a vessel for aliens."

"But I think this is my origin." Lin An took a step towards Adelia, "Mother, no, Adelia, you are right, I am just a ghost, only 'Comes' is important It takes time to reveal itself."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Adelia wiped a few drops of blood from the corner of her mouth and made strange gestures, as if she was inviting something.

"Then let's get started. The New Tower of Babel in Detli City, Eagle Country, is the place where you first held a ceremony to open your chakra. As time goes by, the population increases, and the mysticism that serves as the junction point of the two civilizations begins. The branches and leaves have already fulfilled the conditions you have not yet fulfilled."

"No wonder I always have that dream from the past when I'm in this city." Lin An said lightly, "April 1st...shouldn't be the day I held the ceremony five thousand years ago."

"This is one of the golden hours when the coordinates of the two planets overlap. Although it can't compare to that day three years later, I can't wait to send you on your way."

Adelia's tone flowed like an organ, alternating between hatred and relief.

"This ritual will broaden the chakras, so that the moment of national awakening will come soon. The mass of Titan will attract 'Comes' closer, and the awakened you will follow the opened channel and return to your Mother planet.”

"Back to my original planet..."

Lin An felt a wave of ultimate relaxation that filled his limbs. All his worries flew away with the wind, and he couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

Right, he never belonged here.

Returning to the home planet is the fate of the "alien".

"Thank you so much, Eldria."

"No need." Adelia looked at the man who was her son, her father, and her lover with her eyes filled with twisted emotions, "Farewell, Ann."

The candle held by the golem burned with flames of different colors, and the vibrating energy spread all over the New Babel Tower. The entire basement instantly became ethereal, flickering and outlining bright lines containing the matrix, and energy that did not belong to the planet filled the air.

Lin An only felt a headache, and the depths of his soul gradually resonated with the so-called "candles", which were the satellite fragments surrounding Comoth.

"She's lying to you!" Upon seeing this, the Duke's voice, which had almost no fluctuations, was a little anxious.

"Same for you." Lin An commented.

"Dear great-grandson, she is not Adelia, but a daughter I gave birth to, Adelia Hughes, just like you are not An Hughes."

Despite the pressure, the Duke spoke patiently and earnestly.

"All the mistakes started from my incompetence. I didn't expect that Adelia would discover Adelia's secret, and the successor of the 'Lamp Goddess' would take the opportunity to pour her memory into my daughter. Use her to sneak out of the seal..."

Even though he was about to return to his home planet, Lin An still wanted to say a few words to him. After all, there were still questions that had not yet been answered.

"Is this the truth that you are gradually unable to use mystical techniques to continue to pass on memories in the time when 'Comes' has not yet overlapped, so that you 'die of old age'?"

"It was the successors led by Adelia who longed for the power of 'Comes' who killed me. But before I died, I copied the remaining consciousness into the library's books. They were not sure whether I was dead or not. I first burned most of the ancient books, and then sent you the "Encyclopedia of Magic" that was mostly torn up."

"What's the use of giving it to me?"

"Lin An, I cannot include an entry with a higher rating than my own. In other words, when 'Comes' overlaps, once I regain consciousness with the help of your spirit, I will always become a part of you."

"Why is it out of service for maintenance?"

"At that time, I was merging past memories. As the level of pollution increased, my memory fragments slowly recovered. After all, when I first awakened, I was only an empty shell. The only thing I remembered was to help you explore from a human perspective.' Comers'."

The Duke, who was connected to Lin An's thoughts, clearly noticed the former's uncontrollable emotions after learning the truth, as well as a sense of weariness of giving up on himself and giving up on sticking to his true heart.

Not only has his biological mother always hated him, but he also deceived him in every sense.

"Forget it, it's not important. I'm leaving anyway." Lin An said expressionlessly.

"Dear grandson..."

"This is the moment I've been waiting for."

Hearing the Duke's patient and anxious words, Adelia's face was filled with the joy of getting revenge.

"I don't hesitate to act with that girl named Doris Wood. Firstly, I want to torture Ann's feelings as a human being and avenge my child; secondly, I want to improve your rating, regain your memory, and restore your complete personality! I want to Let me tell you, this is my victory!”

"Silence! My blood is stained with sin." The Duke cursed in disgust, "I will not let Lin An die here."

"Are you trying to resist Anhuis' will?"

"It's always been like this."

As they talked, Lin An focused on the burning path, breathing heavily.

Bizarre vortexes appeared at the feet, and the mist was shrinking and gradually becoming denser, forming a solar eclipse-like scene.

He became more and more excited and his mind was extremely active. The dazzling starlight made Lin An excited.

"Don't respond to it or indulge in it." The Duke stopped arguing with the crazy Adelia and wrapped Lin An in green data to isolate the vision. "You can't reach 'Comes' because you are not An." Hughes."


"Lin An, you are not ready yet - you need more understanding of 'Comes' from a human perspective."

"Last question." Lin An didn't answer. His dark pupils reflected the data flying around. Different from his previous thoughts, his eyes were calm, "Brother Tongzi, oh no, 'great-grandfather'. "

"If you are happy, I can always be your Tongzi brother." The Duke's tone was melancholy.

“What exactly is ‘The Lady with the Lamp’?”

"It has three sources. One is the spirit of Anhuis, the other is the silver moon of El, and the third is the bloodline of Eldria, which refers to the radiation source of another planet and represents eternity and the purest Alien material. Ordinary humans will fall into madness just by witnessing it, and must be integrated and learned through special means."

The Duke took a deep breath.

"As for the manipulation of memory, it is a special ability that Anhuis taught Aldria and I. It belongs to both of us alone and has nothing to do with the medium of 'Goddess with the Lamp'. According to the rating, she is an A-level Goddess with the Lamp, and I He is an A-level seeker of knowledge."

"what about me?"

"You..." the Duke's data trembled slightly, "If we insist on rating, you are an S-level goddess with the lamp. The only S-level existence in the world that cannot be displayed on the panel."

"The statue is S-class, no wonder it can't awaken no matter how many times I witness the mystery!"

Lin An smiled hard, and the data around him trembled greatly, and the surrounding scene leaked out from the gap. Twelve-color candles burned brightly, an ethereal and dreamy atmosphere filled the air, and thick chaos swallowed everything.

The gray time, desolate, barren, lonely, terrifyingly quiet, merges into one with the dream scene.

"So I need such a grand awakening ceremony!"

"Lin An!"

The increasingly huge energy impact overwhelmed the Duke, who had not yet regained his full strength, and the data protecting Lin An trembled and dissipated.

The pressure eased, as if the curtain blocking the view had suddenly been lifted.

Lin An saw the life trajectory of prehistoric humans, and he remembered that he traveled on this planet five thousand years ago.

A vague shadow equal to him walks around the world. There are countless him here. In the endless flow of amorphous time, the darkness intertwined with countless weird things surges toward him. It is a memory that exceeds all knowledge.

That was "Comes"'s remaining dream.

Lin An glimpsed the shadow of that world for the first time, and strangely, he was no stranger to it.

The seeds of immortality float, wandering from one civilization to another, full of unpredictable déjà vu. Some fleeting glimpses remain in the memory like dreams - vague but vivid; a few scenes linger and are fascinating, deep impression.

Facing the overlapping realities, Lin An was stunned and plunged into extreme fear.

No death, no destruction, no mental or physical pain, is enough to evoke the utter despair that arises from the loss of self.

He was in this strange state of aggregation, wandering aimlessly in the ocean of memory.

The light of the golem became more and more intense. It was both in front of him and around him. It seemed to be a part of Lin An, connected to Titan and another unknown planet.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

Suddenly, the Duke made a sound similar to an "alarm clock", like the ringtone of a cell phone that had woken Lin An countless times, intruding into his last remaining consciousness.

"I'm sorry for not telling you the truth. I don't want you to give up your human side and fall into the arms of Anhuis. You are not him at all, it is just a part of you that he contributed to."

"The spirit you get from him is not soul, but anima. Think of it as a neutral place between body and spirit. It cannot represent your personality, your consciousness, or your living life."

"You communicated with so many people, and you saw, heard and touched the things around you. When 'Comes' overlapped, you experienced wonderful and wonderful experiences in the world of mysticism promoted by colorful civilizations. adventure, you are already an independent person."

"Look back to the times you knew...and don't fall back on the ghostly past..."

Lin An's unruffled eyes shone brightly, and his experiences since the arrival of "Comes" were played like a slideshow. As a participant, he personally experienced every event and enjoyed it.

Dwarf Demon, Magic Bullet Shooter, Pishtako, Treasure Keeper Fairy, Tuting Secret Book, Zomo Rabbit, Casbell, Cat Sith, Repeater, Zongzong Demon, Jinx, Luska, Zhenni, Adam Kadmon, Yemaya, The Black Dog, and Asherah Psalms…

Those interesting realizations, those vivid confrontations, and those wonderful scenery are not just the ghost of Anhuis.

"Remember everything you've been through and keep going."

The thunderbird's rumbling words seemed to ring in his ears, and the kiss from the sky between his eyebrows was hot. Before he was swallowed by his thoughts, Lin An took out two things from his chest, which were a photo of the foundation team and a simple and cold pipe as a gift. .

I am - my life, and everything I've been through.


When his consciousness returned to hazy state, Lin An heard the Duke's instructions echoing in his mind.

"Wait for me! Lin An, don't indulge in it! You are the ultimate hope in the battle between mankind and 'Comes' for thousands of years!"


The New Tower of Babel collapsed, and a huge and surging vortex appeared in the sky, roaring and burning - it was a gathering of energy, and along with it was an otherworldly rhythm.

The imperceptible spectrum flickers as it flows. It seems to be a strange celestial body located in another dimension. Its indescribable majesty and magnificence leave those who see it only in pure awe.

In less than a few minutes, the vortex of intertwined energy gradually turned into a vast void. An incredible huge shadow enveloped the entire Eagle Kingdom, completely surpassing any concept of size and boundaries that humans have known so far. What followed was madness. and erosion.

Adelia looked at the sky with satisfaction. However, the next moment, the light of a certain candle suddenly dimmed, causing slight cracks in her smile.

"The Brahmin's 'god of farming' and the 'prophet' of Takamagahara! This candle—damn it, I thought the moon fragments that were wandering in the St. Anilov Foundation were a little strange!"

"This is by no means the end of the world."

The sounds of men, women, leopards, snakes and hummingbirds came, and a pair of eyes suddenly opened at Lin An's wrist. The totem patterns inside were colorful, and the miniature sculptures of corn, rivers, leaves, humans and pythons were full of rainforest style.

"Haha, the 'natural sacrifice' of the thirteenth heaven has lost the sad sunshine of the twin moons. Are you still stubbornly resisting?"

Adelia licked her lips, and chaotic and ecstatic playing sounds radiated from her fingertips.

"Disappear with your brothers in Shangdongzhou, outcasts of the times!"

"On the contrary, you are destined to fail, the uncrowned queen of [Black Capital]." Totem blinked and faced Adelia's offensive, "Because along the way, I believe that he is alive." (This chapter. over)

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