World Occult User Guide

Chapter 223 The Second Great Flood

New York, a neighborhood at the southern tip of Manhattan.

The street gathers the world's largest financial institutions, with hundreds of thousands of employees. It is the home of the famous New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq Stock Exchange. Companies such as Amazon, Gujie, Fruit Mobile and ExxonMobil are all Listed here.

Before five o'clock in the morning, people in suits and ties carrying briefcases were waiting to enter 18 and 20 Broad Street and 11 Wall Street.

These three major stock exchanges occupy a block bounded by Wall Street to the north, Broad Street to the east, Exchange Square to the south, and New Street to the west. Tens of billions of banknotes are stored in data day and night. Party here.

Different from the internal commercial negotiation place, the exterior of the building is basically a neoclassical white marble building. The reliefs and columns pay tribute to the Roman Pantheon, and the hanging stars and stripes allow the liberal democratic style to flutter in the wind.

The trading floor is about to be buzzing with all kinds of buzz, and the early morning conversation can only be regarded as a prologue.

"It has been one and a half years since AA was established. How much has it contributed to the income attribution equity?"

"I share your concerns, however I am told that their management has looked at these issues and concluded that they are controllable."

"Is it just balancing?"

Conversations like this flew around, and a nervous young trader huddled in a corner, clutching his suitcase. He wanted to expand his network, but he didn't dare to talk about professional knowledge for fear of exposing his own level.

Until one person got tired of complaining and actually talked about his recent trip.

"Not long ago, I went to the museum at the University of Ann Arbor in Ditto. It's such an interesting place, not inferior to the Metropolitan Museum of Art at all." The man talked eloquently.

"Good morning, sir," the young trader interjected. "You seem very interested in my alma mater."

"Are you actually an alumnus there?" The man did not criticize his somewhat stupid behavior and continued the conversation gracefully, "We just talked about how the university's museum is very interesting, although there are a few exhibits that make me a little bit confused. disappointment."

"What kind of exhibit."

"Several rolls of parchment of unknown origin were donated by unknown persons on January 30 this year. There is almost no detailed introduction, and they are placed in the middle of the exhibition hall." The man pushed up his gold-rimmed glasses, "They always make me Thinking of Miskatonic University.”

"Ha, haha..." the young trader said haha, "our school is generally formal."

He couldn't continue because he hadn't visited his alma mater in several years.

Suddenly, a strange feeling crawled up his limbs, and the slightly chilly and moist wind in the early morning blew through the trader's thin suit, causing an uncontrollable shiver.

His thoughts became a little strange. He pressed the brim of his wool hat and looked at the sky inadvertently.

The pale moonlight hung slanting in the sky that had not yet dawned, pulling the bustling buildings of New York into thin black outlines. The lifeless sculptures of the Exchange that paid tribute to myths were reflected on the green grass, casting fragmented shadows.

The unpleasant sulfurous smell hit his face, as if blowing from hell, mixed with the distant barking, making him shudder.

Just as he was about to talk to the person next to him to dispel the sudden fear, the trader lowered his head, only to see that the person he had spoken to had turned into a complete monster.


A disgusting aura emanated from its body, blending with the turning night wind.

Once a human, it stretched out its sharp nails and kept biting furiously like a demon. Its lower body had become a skeleton, and it rushed towards the people around it.


Ever since that indescribable feeling passed through his body, indescribable monsters spread all over New York in an instant, like an epidemic plague, sweeping through everything ragingly.

"Creak, creak, creak..."

The sound of biting bones resounded through the three major exchanges, and the ferocious monsters roared aimlessly, just like the last scene of a doomsday movie, with overwhelming zombies swarming towards unarmed civilians.

They are not monsters, but mysterious beings who suddenly awaken.

At first, these mystics who preyed on people only had one thing in common, which was that they had recently visited the Ann Arbor University museum and visited the parchment scriptures.

However, as other bewildered mysterious people resisted in order to survive, their pollution levels, which had not yet been popularized by "Comes" education, soared instantly.

Since most of the mysterious prototypes in Eagle Country only have an E-level upper limit, more people have a threshold exceeding 60% and fall into madness, joining in a chaotic situation where they either destroy, pounce on weak ordinary people, or fight with other mystics.

In just a few hours, the cosmopolitan and prosperous metropolis of New York turned into a hell on earth littered with corpses, and the moans of dying people could be heard from everywhere.

The young trader hid in the corner of the exchange and heard various sounds coming from outside.

Wails, roars, gunshots, and screams, but what overshadowed them all was the sound of Gadagada's rapid steps, which kept approaching him until a big, greasy hand reached out to him.

The trader gritted his teeth, rushed out with his briefcase in his arms, and bumped into the mysterious man.

He took a closer look and saw that it was a round, mouse-like soft-bodied creature, and its head was like a slime.

The next moment, the soft-bodied creature opened its gel-like head and wrapped its bloody mouth around the trader.

Through its transparent body, he vaguely saw the Bloomberg screen not far away lighting up with mosaic numbers flashing.

The stock he bought today is red, and the increase is...

Unfortunately, he never lived to sell it for cash...

Although money will no longer be important in the coming time, the green knife music will soon become worthless waste paper, the stock price will collapse, and the order of modern civilization has collapsed in this country.

The chaos on Wall Street quickly spread around the world, and stocks in all financial markets fell after that day.


Not just New York, but the closer a city is to Detrey, the greater the impact of the madness.

Over the capital of Ehia State, a disorderly, sticky object enveloped the entire city, constantly bubbling and bubbling, with low, maddening evil drums and the faint monotonous whine of the flute echoing in everyone's mind. .

"We can't stop that thing."

The operator at the St. Annilov Foundation told the government in despair that they were calling for help.

"Because its contamination level has reached 100%...the source is a Class E mysterious item. If no one destroys it, it will exist forever."

In Wisconsin, a stream suddenly raised tentacles up to a kilometer high. In an instant, thick smoke covered the sky and the sun, and the fishy smell quietly enveloped the soles of everyone's feet.

The entangled smoke seemed to burst out from a cage that had been sealed for hundreds of millions of years, flapping its wings as thin as cicada wings, and flew towards the dark sky.

"That thing cannot be described in words - no words are enough to describe this screaming, unconscious scene, this terrible thing that violates all physical laws... God! Why do you abandon us!"

After writing this sentence, the governor of Wisconsin fell into a frenzy and jumped from his fifth-floor office.

Indiana seems to be calm, but in fact people here sleep very uneasily.

Boundless darkness descended in the dreamland, and from the depths came shrill, hoarse mocking sounds, mixed with horns that drove people crazy.

The wail seemed to inject a lifetime of terror and pain into one horrifying moment.

Immediately afterwards, some people opened their eyes containing madness, and they wandered out from their respective bedrooms.


The moment the door to the room was closed, the former family members turned into a pool of pus, slowly seeping out from the crack in the door, but they were unaware of it.


The TV station in Ditri City was still broadcasting the news that the Tower of Babel was bombed in the early morning.

"The recent chaos near the International Bridge has basically subsided. We can see that rescue workers are evacuating people. They are about to receive first aid and treatment. I believe that it will not be long before-"

Very suddenly, the sound of "Zizzizi" passed by, and the reporter's face suddenly became extremely frightened.

"What do you want!? Don't come here!"


The camera fell to the ground with a dull sound, and the director cut back to the final reversal of vision in the anchor room. A dog-like creature was seen rushing towards the reporter, and the two of them flew out of the helicopter cabin and fell down.

This is not the end of the chaos, or even just the beginning of the panic.

In the broadcast room, hundreds of thousands of viewers saw a monster with cockroach-like tentacles eating another monster whose arm turned into a nest of worms.


At this moment, people in front of the TV were exclaiming one after another. Those with better mental abilities were still checking whether they had switched to the science fiction channel, while those with poorer mental abilities had an emotional breakdown. When they lowered their heads again, they found that organ distortions were also quietly on their arms. grow.

Tragedies like this happen in every household in Detli.

This is not an invasion, but a crushing of dimensions.

Compared with the madness of planets at lower stages, the "madness" of planets at higher stages is not malicious, but in the eyes of humans, their laws deviate from the track of their own intellectual and spiritual development.

There is no need to use simple words of madness and depravity to describe the impact of "Comoth" radiation on Titan. However, barren words only allow humans to say this.

That is, the shadow of "Comuth" is superhuman madness and the deepest distortion of reason.

When such a "crazy" world encounters a "rational" world, perhaps madness only wants to express reasonable and friendly wishes, it only wants cultural exchanges and even cooperation, but its resonance will completely destroy another development. The early planet.

A ray of light rose from the basement of the New Tower of Babel and pierced the starry sky. Colorful nebulae beyond the spectrum of the solar system flowed, and the large-scale shadows expanded ruthlessly and indifferently.

Five thousand years ago, aliens used fragments of the moon from their own civilization to initiate a ritual to call their home star.

When the flood came and killed tens of thousands of humans, he just regretfully concluded that humans were too slow to recognize the laws of their home planet.

Although the aliens have some respect and affection for this place, they will not regret that they destroyed this planet or exterminated the other party's race.

Because he never belonged to Titan.

So humans sealed him at all costs.

But today, the second ceremony was actually held under the control of a group of humans.

When the New Tower of Babylon collapsed, the real interstellar chakra emerged above it, the energy magnetic field matrix rolled, and ethereal songs spread in all directions, hanging down with strands and cracks like willow leaves.

The two-way channel is opened, and the energy rolls more and more purely.

In the museum of Ann Arbor University, Siglo is sorting out the relics of the Asker and Embra Heritage Foundations. They have absorbed the purest substances inside the air chakra, and all of them have been upgraded in rating and can be put into more advanced rituals.

Several figures disappeared in a flash, walking towards the culprit of this disaster that swept the Eagle Kingdom, next to those ancient scriptures filled with cuneiform writing.

"[Black Capital], why are you doing this?" Siglo pretended to say to himself, "This time, at least 1% of the human population has been reduced."

"It's all to activate more mystics in advance and further open the chakras. After the ceremony is successful, the shadow of 'Comes' will radiate to Titan forever."

The people in Heidu responded nonchalantly: "We are helping mankind overthrow the old order and adapt to the new era in advance."

"I think she was just motivated by hatred," Siglo said.

"Only when the wind blows, the mysterious man is the leader of the times." The man made a "hush" gesture, "Even you, deep down in your heart, don't want 'Comes' to last only ten years. Bar?"

Siglo remained silent and took away the Human Heritage Foundation's belongings, and she soon left the country with Rocky. (End of chapter)

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