World Occult User Guide

Chapter 258 The Poison of Red Poppy

Lin An frowned slightly when he saw this.

The Kuba River is fast-flowing, and the ship is very old. It was really hit by mortars, causing at least hundreds of casualties.

He turned the [Philosopher's Stone], and the metal transformed. The mortar ammunition instantly turned into heavy scrap metal in the air, and fell into a place far away from the ship with a "thud", causing high splashes of water.

It also attracted the attention of the entire Mazouz Market. The artillerymen on the other side of the river were stunned and looked at each other.


They squatted down to check, thinking there was something wrong with the mortar.

Just as Lin An was about to cross the river to see the situation, a voice came from behind him. The herbalist with two AKs stopped him.

"Hey, are you still going? Didn't you see someone aiming at the ship?" The herbalist held a piece of grass in his mouth and said in a casual tone, "Don't risk your life just for some money."

It turned out that he thought Lin An, like other businessmen, also wanted to do business with ship passengers.

Speaking of which, when the ship came, the herbalist was one of the few businessmen who didn't care.

Lin An saw that the artillerymen on the other side were still scratching their heads, and the captain of the ship realized something was wrong and quickly turned closer to the Mazouz Market.

Just as the herbalist said, a group of businessmen rushed up in small boats as if they had not seen the cannonballs.

"Mr. Witch Doctor, what's going on?" Lin An asked smoothly.

"Come closer, I'm telling you." The herbalist looked around and waved to Lin An furtively, "Do you know the [Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce]?"

"Have heard a little bit."

“After independence from the Bantu, they cooperated with warlords to mine, cut down trees, and engage in natural gas. They built many factories and warehouses in Kinshasa and Mbambuka, and discharged sewage and smoke without restraint. Everyone relied on them. I didn’t dare to say anything when I was given a job.”

"As for the government, we have a saying, 'Red envelopes are already circulating!', which is a dynamic word. Here, if you want to bribe members of Congress to avoid audit, you have to ensure that every member can get a red envelope. And deliver it to your door in person.”

"In short, they lived happily for decades, until not long ago, an accidental fire detonated one of their uranium ore storage plants in Kinshasa - do you know what uranium is?"

Lin An was surprised by the herbalist's knowledge and nodded: "Materials for making atomic bombs."


“Big Mushroom Cloud BBQ Party.”

"Ahem, that's it."

The herbalist wanted to show off, but Lin An said a word he didn't understand and quickly changed the subject.

“In order to reduce losses, the [Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce] discharged part of the unusable waste after burning into the Kuba River.”

What the hell……

The madness of dumping radioactive material directly into the world's fourth largest river is simply appalling.

Although the radioactivity of these wastes does not seem to be strong according to the herbalists, the Kuba River is the river of life for the Bantu. Nearly 100 million people and hundreds of millions of wild animals drink the river water every day. The health and pollution problems caused by uranium Incalculable.

No wonder Zai told the tribes in the rainforest not to drink the water from the south.

The source of this main stream is none other than Kinshasa.

However, as expected, it is difficult for the crimes of the [Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce] to be tried. The outside world is in chaos due to "Comes", and there is basically no Internet in Bantu Country. How can the news spread?

By the time the chaos was over, the uranium water had long been metabolized by the huge Kuba River. The unknown history of the Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce was like the ghost of King Leopold, silent and no one cared about it. .

"However, this time the Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce encountered a difficult situation."

the herbalist said with a hint of pride.

"A reporter who was not afraid of death lurked into the warehouse, took pictures of the evidence, and then escaped with the help of workers. Even though the Chamber of Commerce quickly killed those workers, the news spread."

"Reporter? Is he on this ship?" Lin An always paid attention to the situation on the other side.


The herbalist's expression was a little dazed and his tone was complicated.

"It's a pity that he can't escape. For some reason, Mariette Hofwegen came to Mbambuka earlier than him. When she heard the news, she immediately tracked his ship. No, you see, they are on the way. Prepare for the next wave of offensive."

"As long as the reporters are killed and electronic or paper evidence is destroyed, even if some Bantu people know about the Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce, they will gradually forget about it, or they will not live to contact the outside world," Lin An said.

"Hahaha, you are indeed not a local." The herbalist suddenly laughed, "How do Bantu people know what uranium is? Besides, there are many reasons why they are sick, deformed, and dead. Others look at the corpses and wipe them. Wipe your nose and leave.”

His words made Lin An couldn't help but think of the hyena man.

At first he thought that the other person's brain circuit was strange, but after actual contact, he found that instead of being a person bathed in the light of knowledge but unable to deal with reality, it was better to continue to be an illiterate, a fool, and a madman.

But ignorance, like hemp, is just weak and helpless self-deception.

"So, do you want the reporter to live?" Lin An suddenly asked.

"Me?" The herbalist was stunned, and his smile became more twitching, "I wish for so many things! Who are you? Do you mean that if I tell you, you will help me realize it?"

"Just tell me whether you want it or not."

"Of course I do! I've never dreamed of it!"

The herbalist patted the stall, and the pills vibrated and were piled up in colorful shapes.

"Otherwise, why do you think I come all the way here to set up a stall? I just want to tell more people about the uranium water. It's a pity that my medicine is fake and the charm is fake! Otherwise, I would use them to cure diseases and save people, and to kill the other. Those Flemish people!"

Lin An stretched out his hand to hold a lucky charm that was floating in the wind. The air flow surrounded him and he soared into the air.

"Okay, I heard your wish."

The herbalist's eyes widened and he watched in disbelief as Lin An flew up lightly, crossed the endlessly flowing Kuba River, and rushed to the opposite bank to reload the cannon and aim at the clumsily turning ship.

Not only the herbalist, everyone was shocked.

The businessmen and passengers who were already trading stopped their movements and looked directly at the young man who seemed to be an illusory reflection.

As people from Nanzhou, they were certainly no strangers to mystery, but the shock of seeing it with their own eyes was not at the same level as what they heard from hearsay.

"Then, who is that?"

"Black hair, black eyes... I've heard of it! He's the [Forest Ranger]!"

"The great Karenga Mpungu, who links the underworld and the earthly world, is the dividing line between Dawa and the guardian of the rainforest. Ah, he is also the ancestral spirit of the spotted lion tribe!"

"I didn't expect the legends of my ancestors to come true. But even a wizard faces guns and cannonballs——"

Before he finished questioning, Lin An stretched out his hand and activated the [Cleft Lip Syndrome Patient] of [Moon Cleft Hare Lip].

The energy tore bloody wounds on the soldiers' upper lips and spread all the way to their noses, making them dizzy and instantly incapacitated.

The reason why he didn't kill them was firstly because Lin An didn't like hurting ordinary people, and secondly he needed these soldiers to teach the rainforest tribe how to use modern weapons before dying.

Thanks to the [Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce] for sending three mortars and military training instructors.

Let Misuru and the others come over by boat to take it back later.

At this moment, the onlookers just felt that their brains were running out. The one-sided situation made their mouths open and they couldn't believe what was happening in front of them.

Lin An felt that the market suddenly changed from bustling with people to silence, and knew that after today, his sampling value would increase a lot.

This is certainly one of his goals, but the main reason is that the Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce really does not care about people.

Letting them kill reporters was definitely not the result Lin An wanted to see.

Human empathy…

He savored the rare surge of emotion and felt it was novel and comfortable, which meant that he did not regret what he had just done.

[God's One Eye] came with a premonition. Lin An used its vision to scan the Mazouz Market and found that several people looked completely different from those around them. They licked their lips nervously and turned around to leave.

The spy of the Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce?

If she wanted to get the sample value, Lin An was destined to not be able to hide. Sooner or later, she would be discovered by the Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce, which was closely related to the rainforest. Even without these informants, the Countess had other channels for obtaining information.

Lin An even felt that she already knew about his existence, but was just busy with other things and didn't take him seriously.

It was no longer safe for the reporter.

Lin An landed on the ship, and before he could look around, a man rushed out of the crowd.

He was disheveled and burst into tears. He almost hugged Lin An's shoulders.

"Fellow, you have to save me!"



In Mbambuka, which is dozens of kilometers away from the rainforest, a middle-aged woman in her late fifties sat on a flannel beauty couch and listened to the eyeliner's report.

When he talked about the mysterious person, the woman became interested. She took off her leopard-print glasses studded with diamonds, revealing her well-maintained skin. She looked at the artilleryman reporting in front of her with her warm brown eyes and spoke in a loving tone.

"Oh, my dear, did you see Zay Stani or something with your own eyes?"

"No, Countess." Eyeliner wiped his sweat and explained uneasily, "His eyes are intact, he is not blind, he looks very young, his skin is very white, and he has smooth and delicate black hair. He doesn't even look like a blind man. Bantu people.”

"I have never heard of such an uninvited guest." The countess picked up a green drink on the table and tapped it with her nails, "No matter what -"

"Should we turn our target towards him? This is a powerful Bantu mystic who has never been recorded!"

"Be patient and listen to what I have to say."

The Countess raised her hand without changing her expression and stopped the soldier from talking.

"No matter what, your mission failed. I have to find someone to kill the nosy reporter again, and I can't let him spread what he has in his hands."

"But, Madam Count, there is a mysterious person opposite..." The eyeliner's expression suddenly changed.

"I heard it the first time you said it." The Countess took a sip of the avocado juice in her hand and showed an embarrassed look. "I'm just informing you to thank you for your contribution to our company."

"Countess, don't drive me away!" the eyeliner begged, "I don't want to go back to the days of poverty and hopelessness! I want to stay here! I want to go back to the Kingdom of Flanders with you! "

"Who said I want to fire you?"

The countess looked surprised. She put down the green drink, straightened her body, and showed a dignified smile.

The eyeliner thought things were turning around, and the light in his eyes surged, but he heard her continue talking.

"I obviously want to kill you."

With a flash of red light, patterns of six-pointed stars and skulls appeared, and his light instantly turned into endless darkness.

The drink in the countess's hand changed from bright green to scarlet. She bit the straw and drank greedily until the bottom of the bottle made an unpleasant "squeaking" sound. She gave a satisfied burp and resumed her lazy sitting posture. , leaning back on the beauty's couch.

The Countess smacked her lips without saying anything, and murmured to herself.

"The forest ranger... actually chose to go against our [Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce]. He is another ungrateful little native."

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