World Occult User Guide

Chapter 259: Fellow Countryman Meets Fellow Countryman

Leng Buding heard the smooth Chinese words, and Lin An looked at the person in front of him.

Although he should have nothing to do with the family, just to be on the safe side, Lin An answered in English.

"You admitted your mistake."

"Really? But you look..." The man's lips trembled, "And your clothes are from Hai Lan House, right? I bought the same style."

I see.

When Lin An woke up, his previous clothes were nowhere to be found, and he only had the outfit Lin Hainan helped him change into.

Father, you still like Heilan House so much.

The helper hurriedly switched to English, interrupting Lin An's memories.

"Little brother, please save me! My name is Fu Bin, a native of Longguo. I was deceived and sold here by human traffickers! They are about to sell us to the mine!"

Human trafficker?

Before Lin An could reply, the crowd on the ship, which looked like sardine cans, started to rustle.

A tall, dark-skinned, strong man followed Fu Bin. When people around him saw him, they struggled to get out of the way no matter how crowded the boat was, causing the passengers on the side of the boat to almost fall into the river.

"Be honest with me!"

The man grabbed Fu Bin's arm with such force that the latter's bones made a "clicking" cry.

Feeling Lin An's scrutinizing gaze, the man smiled ingratiatingly, took out a bulging bag, and placed it calmly in his hand.

"Master Wizard, thank you for saving this ship from those soldiers. This is a little bit of my gratitude."

Some ethnic groups in Bantu cities have different customs from the rainforest tribes. They call people with mysterious powers wizards instead of ancestral spirits, which has the same meaning.

Lin An squeezed it and found a thick stack of banknotes in the bag.

This sentence started the passengers whispering, and while the crowd was in chaos, the man's plan to fish in troubled waters succeeded. He quickened his pace and squeezed back into the passengers, trying to pretend that this had not happened.

"Help! Help!"

Fu Bin knew that this was his last chance, so he had no choice but to fight. He struggled with all his strength and screamed.

"Shut up!"

The man raised his hand, with a row of sharp animal teeth on his wrist, and hit Fu Bin's Adam's apple hard.


Lin An pinched the red envelope with two fingers, turned it into a piece of iron with the Philosopher's Stone, and pushed it with the air flow technique. The flying knife shot out of the air, inserted directly into the man's spine, and then moved forward with force until it split him in two.


The fracture was like a neat cross-section, and blood spurted out, splashing all over the crowded crowd. The greasy internal organs on the floor made them almost slip and fall while dodging.


The severe physiological pain made the man scream, and he subconsciously touched the fractures in his upper and lower body with both hands.

Blood overflowed from the fingers, dripping and staining the old deck red.

According to common sense in physics, he should have been divided into two halves, but due to the crowd being too crowded, he was actually supported to maintain a complete human form, forcing him to barely stand.

The breeze, like dexterous fingers, caught the red envelope that had been transformed into a paper product in the air and blew it back into Lin An's hand.

Fu Bin took advantage of the man's injury and quickly squeezed through the sticky crowd and hid next to Lin An.

He knew he was safe for now.

The passengers wanted to join the man in thanking Lin An for saving the ship. When they saw this bloody scene, their faces turned pale with fright. They thought they had just escaped from the warlord and fell into the tiger's den again. Everyone hurriedly took out their various weapons. The planting bag was handed to Lin An.

"Great wizard, hold your hand high! Let me go!"

"How much do you want?"

"Master Wizard, are these enough?"

Sounds like this came one after another. Hundreds of passengers were shouting and shouting. The noise was loud and chaotic. The stench of sweat, feet, and putrefaction was overwhelming for a while.

Lin An clicked his tongue, pulled Fu Bin and flew up, landing on the top of the ship's cockpit, escaping from the crowd of passengers vying for bribes.

He looked at Fu Bin. The poor fellow suddenly suffered a big change and almost fainted.

Lin An gave him some time to repair and look around from a high place.

The ship had no electrical circuits, no toilets, not even guardrails or many cabins. Several passengers who seemed to still have fever were sleeping on the side of the ship. If they turned over, they would fall into the river, which made him sweat.

The boat from Mazouz Market was approaching, and some passengers were rushing to trade fresh vegetables with them, turning a deaf ear to the commotion.

Rather than "minding their own business," they don't want to miss out on the rare food.

Several naked women sat at the stern of the boat, scooping up turbid river water with a long ladle and pouring it into the mouth of the weak baby.

Lin An looked away and saw that Fu Bin had almost recovered, so he tentatively asked.

"When you say 'you', do you mean besides you, are there other people who have been trafficked?"

"Yes, yes..." Fu Bin replied in a daze. His eyes swept across the human trafficker whose upper and lower bodies were separated. He immediately felt sick and waved his hand to Lin An, "I, I will... vomit right away!"

He couldn't hold it in anymore and vomited profusely. There was nothing in his stomach, only acid water overflowing.

Seeing that Lin An had no intention of killing anyone, the passengers gradually calmed down.

Most of the people were still looking up on tiptoe, but some people noticed that the trafficker was no longer shouting, so they threw him into the water to prevent the body from rotting and being infested with maggots and flies.

"Plop! Plop! Plop!"

There was a simultaneous sound of objects falling into the water on the other side. It turned out that the traffickers' companions were frightened to death and jumped into the water to escape.

However, the current of the Kuba River is so fast and there are so many reefs that even the tribes in the rain forest dare not wade into it easily.

In less than three minutes, their bodies floated up, eyes wide open and beyond recognition.

Lin An expressionlessly glanced at the floating corpse covered in bruises and turned back. He was more concerned about the situation of his compatriots than that group of scum seeking their own death.

"Phew...thank you for saving me."

Fu Bin wiped the corners of his mouth that were full of acid, and finally regained some strength. He was not sure of Lin An's identity, so he had to talk to him in English.

"Benefactor, we are the construction team of China Railway Group stationed in Lakon'ao, a neighboring country in Bantu. We were doing a good job until early April this year, when all the artificial satellites suddenly lost contact and the global satellite signals were interrupted. You should know this. Bar?"


Lin An was speechless for a moment.

Because this is most likely because he formed a layer of "energy magnetic field isolation" on the periphery of the planet, blocking the signals of artificial satellites.

"The news says that no new artificial satellites or rockets can be launched. Once they leave the atmosphere, no matter how advanced the equipment is, it will hit some kind of air barrier and fall straight down." Fu Bin was still frightened.

"Well, that's really strange." Lin An changed the subject, "Tell me why you were caught by the traffickers."

"When we heard the news, we immediately wanted to return home, but the rescue plane was delayed in coming, and I heard that aviation around the world was basically paralyzed."

"What's even worse is that our misfortune is far from over. There was a coup in Laconao at the end of April, and there was a lot of artillery fire everywhere. Alas, the project that we had built for five years and cost hundreds of millions was blown into ruins."

Speaking of this, Fu Bin's tone was bitter, that was his hard work.

"Initially we wanted to wait where we were. As the scale of the war became larger and larger, we hid in various places to avoid the fighting. Almost two months later, we heard someone said that we could leave Nanzhou through the Gulf of Guinea."

"However, not long after we set sail, we encountered pirates. They sold us back to land, passed us around in the hands of human traffickers, and were finally put on this death cargo ship not long ago and sailed to Kansanggani."

Kansangani is one of the cities on the lower reaches of the Kuba River. It is rich in minerals and strong labor is always in short supply.

"I almost thought I was going to die in a foreign country, but fortunately... you looked very much like a person from the Dragon Kingdom, so I tried my best to break free from the traffickers' grasp and asked you for help with my last glimmer of hope."

The past is too painful to look back on, and even Fu Bin, who has a strong psychological quality, can't help but feel sad and his eyes turn red when he mentions the miserable life of being displaced.

"It's been two whole months..."

Freed from the fear of death, his stomach growled.

Lin An took out the fried coconut shreds and sparkling drinks he had just bought, and Fu Bin immediately devoured them, not caring about their sweet and tangy texture and slightly bitter blackened residue.

"Where are the others?" Lin An asked.

"No, there."

Fu Bin pointed to a canvas tent built spontaneously by the passengers. Through the "One Eye of God", Lin An saw seven or eight Central Asians crowded into the dark and damp tent.

They were huddled in a narrow corner, all with sallow faces and thin faces, wearing shabby and dirty clothes. There were also a few faces from Nanzhou mixed in. They were probably kidnapped and sold into the mines by human traffickers.

The traffickers died and they regained their freedom, but if nothing else happened, the end of their freedom would still be a dead end as before.

"Mr. Fu, why don't you come with me? When the satellite signal is restored, we can find a way to return to your motherland." Lin An suggested.

"Okay, okay! That couldn't be better!"

Fu Bin swallowed the fried shredded coconut, suddenly eating something so oily, his stomach couldn't help but twitching, but he looked satisfied.

"By the way, benefactor, what do you call me?"

"Tulf Rigel, or you can call me [Forester]."

As Lin An spoke, he turned [God's One Eye] to check the situation everywhere.

After helping this group of unfortunate civil servants escape from the clutches of human traffickers, he continued to look for the reporter.

A premonition flashed through, and Lin An looked over.

After getting the reporter's position, he rolled over and climbed into the cockpit through the glassless window.

There were two sailors and a captain in the cabin, as well as a handsome young man with pale face, freckles, and short curly hair, about 27 or 27 years old.

Lin An's dark shadow suddenly appeared, and the sailors who were whispering subconsciously prepared themselves for the attack, while the young man jumped up like a hedgehog, closing his eyes and waving his fists.

"Damn it, don't come here! Otherwise I'll let your teeth kiss my fist!" (End of Chapter)

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