World Occult User Guide

Chapter 261 Xinbi

After saying this, Meyer made no response.

The Kuba River is by no means a gentle and benevolent river, and countless people drown every year. Not to mention that the [Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce] has recently discharged radioactive contaminants into the river, and the danger is indescribable.

Fortunately, Lin An could use the system to locate each user of the World Tree. He used [God's One Eye] to turn to the position of the two women and flew straight away.

On the rapid river, a small boat floated like a small boat in the sea, with water covering most of the hull.

[God's One Eye] Zooming in on the situation, Lin An discovered that there was a big hole in the center of the bottom of the boat, causing a large amount of river water to pour in.

In addition to the three Misulu brothers and sisters, there was also a hunting party going to the market on the boat, each of them clinging to the side of the boat, trying hard not to fall into the river.

However, the water rose very quickly, and it seemed that everyone would sink to the bottom of the river in a short time.

"Mezzo, Mezzo!"

The cry of grief mixed with the rushing sound of the river came, and a splash of water hit the rickety boat hard. Mezzo, who was already not as strong as the men, was hit in the head. Stars appeared in his eyes and his fingers lost strength.

She was like a feather, unable to fall into the rough water.

Meyer was shocked and immediately let go of her hand, wanting to jump into the river after her sister. Misulu, who was closest to her, grabbed her arm and shouted angrily.

"Meyer, you don't want your life!"

"Let me go, I'm going to save her! Mezzo, Mezzo—!" Meyer struggled wildly, and Misulu's hands were covered in blood with her fingernails.

"You're just going to die if you jump now, Meyer! I've lost too many relatives, and I can't just watch you die in front of me!" Misulu yelled, and no matter how hard Meyer scratched, he didn't let go.

"Mezzo and I have been together since we were born. We have never been apart for a day. I want to protect her! I will protect her! No matter what, I will save her!"

"Calm down, you-"

Meyer bit Misulu's thumb, and the latter shivered in pain and lost some strength. She took the opportunity to "plop" into the water, leaving only Misulu with an annoyed face.

"If only I had the power of Lin..."

He gritted his teeth as he looked at the two sisters disappearing into the waves.

At this time, Lin An had flown closer to the boat and locked onto Mezzo, who fell into the water and was unconscious, and Meyer, who was following closely behind. Just when he was about to take action, he suddenly stopped midway.

Because in the status bar of Meyer's Ranger_10, the mysterious person's data that was originally "no data yet" suddenly changed, garbled characters flashed like a slot machine, and chaotic numbers appeared and disappeared one after another, as if there was a huge bug.

Have you awakened?

Meyer has been studying occult materials a while ago, and has also understood the [Phantom] item. He is already on the verge of becoming a mystic.

Unfortunately, Lin An didn't know the mythical rituals corresponding to each prototype, so he could only make mistakes and sum up experience through constant trial and error.

He used [God's One Eye] to monitor Mezzo and Meyer to prevent them from losing their support, and watched the final result of the status bar with bated breath.

The one-eyed vision followed Meyer into the water. The darkness was overwhelming, the cold river water was as sharp as a knife, and the shadows of reefs and crocodiles were looming.

The violent water rushed forward, lashing Meyer's underage and slightly thin body, but she tried her best to endure the pain at the broken bone and looked around, looking for her sister.

Thick black hair floated away, and through the gap, Meyer saw the unconscious Mezzo floating not far away, only a few meters away from her, and he quickly crossed over with all his strength.


A huge wave rose high and swallowed up the familiar figure in an instant.

It seemed as if she was about to leave with the wave forever. Meyer couldn't help but feel his scalp numb, and his fear and panic reached its peak.

Sister, don’t return to Hades beyond the Karenga Line!

I don't want to drink your ashes!

Don't let the river take you away!

Suddenly, her pure black hair overflowed with colors like turquoise and agate, braiding together with one finger's width, and a "hissing" sound echoed in Meyer's ears.


Meyer was stunned for a moment, with a vague hunch in his heart that he could control these long and thin snakes!

Not only that, when she raised the head of the "snake", many people's whispers came from all directions, rustling, chirping, and gathered into a noisy chirping sound in her mind.

But Meyer felt that they were not noisy. Rather, they seemed to guide her on how to use her hair, how to move freely in the water, and how to become the "queen" of this water.

"Cough, cough..."

Meyer listened to the guidance of one of the voices and coughed violently. The cold water poured into her lungs, but it did not make her feel suffocated. Instead, it turned into little bits of warm energy, and the residue flowed out along her hair.

Can I breathe in the water?

Although the voices were still enthusiastically teaching Meyer to develop new powers, she had no intention of following the advice for the time being, and swam towards Mezzo who was washed away by the water on her hands and knees.

The water flowed apart, and she felt that the rhythm of the river and her own soul were so consistent that they were indistinguishable from each other.

Meyer easily swam to his sister's side and hugged her body.

She no longer needs all four limbs to swim, and energy naturally flows from her hair, controlling the water flow to propel her wherever she wants to go.


The river sprayed out high water columns, and crystal water spray scattered. Meyer went upstream and landed steadily on the ground on the other side.

However, the moment she landed, the voices in her ears completely disappeared, and the thin and long snakes returned to normal hair, hanging down wetly against her skin.

Putting the unconscious Mezzo on the ground, Meyer was about to go back and rescue the other tribesmen, but he saw Lin An controlling the [Philosopher's Stone] to pick up the nearly sunken boat and let it run aground on the shore.

The spotted lion tribesmen filed down from the hull. They couldn't help falling on all fours, gasping for air.

Ah, Lord Ancestor Spirit is here...

This thought flashed through Meyer's mind, and her whole body suddenly relaxed completely, and her tense nerves broke. She felt like the world was spinning, and then she fell to the ground, unconscious.


Misuru took a breath and quickly confirmed their situation.

The two women were fine. Meyer had just awakened to the mystery and overused energy, causing the pollution level to rise too much. The body could not adapt and the mind was overworked.

The system beep sounded in his ears, and Lin An checked Ranger_10's information.

"After your testimony, [Xinbi]'s illustrated book has been unlocked."

"The entry "The Spirit Living Beyond the Rainbow II: Xinbi" has been included. You have obtained the medium 'God of Farming' x3, 'Prophet' x1, and 'Seeker' x1."

"By sharing the knowledge from 'Comes' with others, the [Mysterious Encyclopedia] pollution level has been reduced by 0.6%."

[Name]: Xinbi, Nature Spirit, Voodoo Mercury

[Rating]: Legend C level

[Radiation value]: 0.1%

[Pollution level]: 2.8%

[Media]: God of Farming

Simbi, also known as Cymbee, is a water and nature spirit in the Bantu Karenga mythology and Haida hoodoo cultures.

This concept of spirituality originated in Bantu cultures as a means for them to understand the nature of spirit.

The word Simbi is derived from simba, a Kibantu word meaning "to hold, to keep", and a similar phrase is kisímbi kinsí, which translates as "the immortal old man" and represents bisimbi's connection to the land of the living and the dead.

The word basimbi can also be translated as "guardian", and when used in the context of the phrase isimba ia nsi, it means "guardian of the land".

The Bantu people believe that the image of Simbi can appear in the form of people, snakes, and gourd vines, and is the guardian of nature and the intermediary between Kusek (the material world of the living) and Kumpemba (the spiritual world of the ancestors). spiritual guide.

In the cross-space of Karenga, there is a vast body of water between the earthly and spiritual worlds, and Simbi is one of its inhabitants.

Their activities are difficult to predict, but they can lend their power to the living through special mystical means.

In "Secrets of Voodoo", Milo Rigaud describes in detail the nature of the Simbi, how to ask them for verbal results, and how to use their power.

He called Xinbi the "Voodoo Mercury". They guide souls from the visible to the invisible, and guide the souls of the dead to all directions bounded by the four magical directions of the cross. They are the summoning principle of Legba, the traditional wand of Voodoo, and are important. Sex is the alchemical Mercury.

The sounds Meyer heard in the water came from the spiritual world, and they gave her a steady stream of energy and knowledge through the spirituality of the water.

After a rough review of Xinbi's entries, Lin An felt the enthusiasm, curiosity, or malicious gaze on the other side of the Mazouz Market. He lowered himself, letting the tall vegetation cover his figure, and inspected the ship. Leaky boat situation.

Its hull, which was supposed to be made of hard wood, had a big hole cut out, filled with messy foam, simply fixed with glue, and coated with a layer of brown dye, so it fell apart when the river water washed it a little.

The saw edge was so new that Lin An even thought it was made just a few minutes ago.

The shipwreck was a man-made conspiracy.

Unsurprisingly, the perpetrator was the [Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce]. After all, others had no reason or strength to build such a broken ship in a short time, waiting for the Spotted Lion Tribe to fall into the trap.

Synchronizing his inspiration and vision with [God's One Eye], Lin An found the location of the mastermind. Unfortunately, he couldn't hear their voices and had to secretly note their faces.

After thinking for a moment, Lin An decided to take the spotted lion tribe back to the rain forest for a short rest before making any plans.


On the other side of the Mazouz Market, there is one store that is different from other temporary and simple shops. Its exterior material is strong, light-proof, and closed on all sides, giving it enough privacy.

There were several plastic stools in the tent, and there were several people sitting with their legs crossed.

Although they look like businessmen in a hurry, they wear waterproof and sun-proof camouflage uniforms, and their expressions are full of self-satisfaction. They use fans to drive away mosquitoes and deliberately distinguish themselves from civilians.

There are some vacuumed organization bags beside these people, with raised poppy patterns tattooed on the surface, which is obviously their confidence.

[Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce].

The people opposite the Chamber of Commerce were also wearing relatively clean modern clothes. They were counting the goods. They were the chiefs of the Tiger Fish Tribe and some higher-status leaders.

That broken ship was made by them. To be precise, it was the Chamber of Commerce who put forward the idea and the Tiger Fish Tribe implemented it.

Firstly, it was to test Lin An's strength, and secondly, to see if he could take the opportunity to drown the chief and the next great elder of the Spotted Lion Tribe, as well as a group of young troops.

"Du Lu Lu, Du Lu Lu..."

A ringtone sounded like an alarm clock. The people from the Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce picked up the lighted communication device, put it to their ears, and babbled in Dutch that the Tiger Fish tribe could not understand. Then they handed the walkie-talkies to Tiger Fish. The chief of the tribe.

"Looking for you."

"Me?" The chief was stunned and had to take it, "Hello, Chamber of Commerce, it's me."

"Oh, my old friend, it's so happy to hear your voice." A lazy female voice sounded, and the chief's face changed slightly.

" willing to serve you."

"A friend told me about a strange uninvited guest, a very interesting mysterious person. Have you heard of it?" The countess said in a gentle tone, "People call him [Forest Ranger] and say he is the guardian of the rain forest. , the savior of the Bantu.”

"Well, I've heard a little bit about it." The chief licked his lips, "It's those people talking nonsense, madam, they like to add mythology to the facts. [Forest Ranger] is just the ancestor of the new tribe that I mentioned to the chamber of commerce envoys last time. It’s just spirit.”

"Ah, that's not surprising. Bantu people always exaggerate like this."

The countess suddenly realized it and sighed helplessly.

"No wonder it is said that the degree of enlightenment of a civilization depends on whether its people can think independently. Do you know when the West will get rid of your ignorance?"

"I don't know, Countess."

"As early as three thousand years ago, the Greeks began to think about democracy and philosophy." The countess smiled, "Forget it, you won't understand even if I tell you this. Let's talk about the [Forest Ranger] again - he comes from Which tribe?”

"Spotted Lion Tribe, Madam Count." The chief replied in a neither humble nor condescending manner.

"Very good, I'll ask my son to come." The countess gave an unquestionable order, "He mentioned to me last time that he was very interested in your sister Susumi. After the matter is completed, remember to give They schedule some time.”

The chief's pupils narrowed, and when he was about to say something, the countess interrupted him, her gentle tone mixed with a chilling coldness.

"Although you failed to report the mysterious person's information to me immediately this time, for the sake of the love between the two young people, I will not hold the Tiger Fish Tribe responsible."

The chief's Adam's apple rolled up. Under the scrutiny of the Chamber of Commerce, he could only lower his voice and said: "This is our honor, madam."

"Of course. Treat him well. I look forward to cooperating with you next time." (End of Chapter)

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