World Occult User Guide

Chapter 262 New Reminder

This time at the market, the spotted lion tribe originally bought a lot of goods, but unfortunately they were all washed away by the fast Kuba River.

Instead, everyone worked together to carry three heavy mortars and two boxes of ammunition.

Artillery of this level can not only cause dimensionality-reducing blows to rainforest tribes, they can also deal with mystics who have just awakened, are contaminated by radiation, and have low ratings.

Not only that, the five soldiers captured by Lin An were high-level military talents.

They graduated from the official military academy and then became mercenaries of the [Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce], which was definitely more than enough to train the Spotted Lion Tribe.

With their teachings, the guns and bullets previously collected from the Tiger Fish Tribe were finally put to use.

In addition to the instructors who were forced to join the spotted lion tribe, Lin An also brought back Fu Bin and his party of 15 people, more than 20 Nanzhou people who were trafficked by human traffickers, and reporter Edward Roberts.

However, the Spotted Lion Tribe is not big. It has previously accepted more than a hundred people from other tribes, and its living space has long been saturated.

Although new tents can be made from branches and palm leaves, the area occupied by the Spotted Lion Tribe has become a problem again.

It is surrounded by a wet, cold stream and intricate mountain forests, making it difficult to expand rapidly in a short time.

"Maybe we should find a new place to live."

The spotted lion tribe members watched the new members curiously, while Apu and Mvias distributed food and shelter to them in an orderly manner. Lin An stood beside the elder with his hands folded, speaking casually while watching.

"As long as it's in the rainforest, it's equally difficult to cultivate. You have to either set fire to the mountains and violently level the vegetation; or live in the city." The elder answered smoothly, "Mr. Tulver, which one do you choose?"

"I definitely choose the latter. Who can refuse asphalt roads, water heaters, and coffee machines." Lin An showed his cards, "I'm just not sure what you think."


"The Spotted Lion Tribe hid in the rainforest to avoid [loggers]." Lin An formally chatted with the elder about the past of the Spotted Lion Tribe for the first time, "Aren't you afraid of being discovered by [loggers]?"

"We walked all the way from Swahili to Bantu. It has been 17 years, and the shadows of the past have been completely cast aside by time and distance. Even if we enter the city, I don't think anyone will care. You can rest assured."

The great elder smiled, showing his shining white teeth.

"The main reason why I didn't leave the rainforest is that I feel that life here is more comfortable. As long as you have a certain knowledge of medical rescue, you can basically be self-sufficient and will not be affected by war, whether it comes from inside or other countries."

She has a point.

Three factors threaten the lives of the Bantu people, war, hunger and disease. Hiding in the rainforest can at least avoid the first one.

"Swahili Country." Lin An talked about this place located on the lower reaches of the Kuba River and south of the Bantu Country. "You originally lived quite far away."

"During the great migration, our tribe was reduced from a few thousand to a few hundred. Fortunately, the large group did not get lost. We followed the Kuba River upstream and finally arrived at this uncontested rainforest."

"You live on the lower reaches of the Kuba River."

"Yes, we have a river called Lagora. The adults call it 'Bharatavani', which means deceptive road."

Lin An was stunned. The words used by the great elder were very familiar.

"Then do you know...Guimen Gorge?" He blurted out subconsciously.

The great elder narrowed his eyes, his deep black eyes flashed with an imperceptible light, and he tilted his head, maintaining his usual leisurely ease.

"Mr. Tulver, we usually call that place 'The Land of the Moonlight'."

"The moonlight will always shine?"

"Yes, Misulu should have told you about the palm tree Ommumbolombonga. According to legend, it has taken root in the land where the moon shines forever from a long time ago, and the water of the Kuba River has nourished it for thousands of years."

Swahili, Deceptive Road, Ghost Gate Gorge!

Lin An was suddenly shocked.

Isn't this where his father Lin Hainan's "laboratory" is located?


Or...there's another hidden secret?

Listening to the great elder's words, Lin An thought about a question that was puzzling.

He and the three Misulu brothers have clearly never met, but there is always a vague feeling of closeness.

Is there any connection between the spotted lion tribe and his father?

By the way, my aunt and relatives always told me that my father had started a family in Nanzhou. Could it be...

Looking at Misulu and Mezo who were chattering around Meyer from a distance, Lin An took a deep breath tremblingly and couldn't help but reach out and touch his face.

Are these three my half-brothers and sisters?

Misulu is seventeen years old this year, which coincides with the time when his father left without saying goodbye.

No, not possible.

When Lin An first met Misulu, his father had just been killed by a hippopotamus. Excluding Lin Hainan's hobby of Prime Minister Cao, the conclusion that the three of them are Lin An's siblings is basically untenable.

Suddenly, a terrifying light flashed through Lin An's mind.

His father built his laboratory at the former site of the Spotted Lion Tribe, and when the elder saw Lin An for the first time, he shouted "Lumberjack!"

My father, could he have been a butcher who slaughtered ninety-nine tribes alone, with his hands full of blood?

How can this be……

Adelia Hughes never mentioned her family, but Lin An thought she knew Lin Hainan well. After all, he had lived with him for five years and lived with his aunt and uncle for thirteen years.

My father should not be such a person. He is a member of a conservative family.

Moreover, if his father was really a "logger", why did he send Lin An near the spotted lion tribe and let him come into contact with the descendants of the tribe that he had not killed back then?

Lin An's temples were pounding, and the more he thought about it, the more confused he became, so he simply suppressed this mind-numbing guess.

After asking the great elder a few more questions about the past of the [Lumberjack] and the Spotted Lion Tribe, she repeated the story Misulu had told.

Although there are many more details, there is not much new idea.

Still a young man called [Lumberjack], like a poisonous snake hiding in the shadows, went on a killing spree and wiped out ninety-nine tribes. The spotted lion tribe was so frightened that they took all their tribesmen and began to flee on a long journey. Eventually migrated to the rainforest.

Lin An asked the elder to describe the woodcutter's appearance in detail, and the latter stared at him with funny eyes.

"If I really looked carefully, I would have been dead a long time ago. How could I still be standing here? I just glanced at him from a distance and saw that he was a young man with black hair, black eyes, and fair skin."

"This is so broad."

"Otherwise, how would you like me to describe him? His face is as sharp and cold as a knife, his high nose is like a mountain peak, and his eyes reveal three parts contempt, three parts disdain, three parts arrogance and one part gentleness."


Lin An's eyes twitched, thinking: Why are the old guys I meet so much better than the last?

Okay, at least knowing that the logger is a man also excludes the other half of the world's population.

After questioning to no avail, Lin An returned to the hut.

He called up the entry for [Xinbi]. This was the first legendary mystery he collected after coming to the Bantu Rainforest, and it was also the highest-rated "God of Farming" medium currently.

It contains a total of two abilities, namely [Queen of Waters], which consumes a "God of Farming" and a "Dreamer". It can convert the respiratory system, allowing people to move freely in the water, but it must stop using it once ashore. Switch your breath back again.

Although Lin An could use the Philosopher's Stone's airflow and recovery to swim in the water, it was quite troublesome and uncomfortable, and was not suitable for staying underwater for a long time.

It has no use for now, but if one day I want to search for Atlantis, maybe it can be used. Lin An thought to himself.

The second type is called [The ghosts are screaming]. Each time you consume two "Farming Gods" and a "Prophet", listen to the knowledge of a nearby "ghost" and get an unknown message.

This entry has a limitation, it can only be used in water, and the information obtained is not very clear. Lin An feels that it is not worth consuming so much media unless necessary.

However, for Meyer, this is one of the core abilities of [Xinbi].

She does not need to consume the medium and sinks into the water, and she can continuously obtain all kinds of knowledge, from astronomy and geography to gossip.

It's an endless source of new knowledge if she wants to hear it.

The so-called wisdom of ancestral spirits.

For Lin An now, the ability of the mysterious person is of value on the one hand, and on the other hand, this "God of Farming" entry can be used as [edit] in the future.

More importantly, Meyer's awakening alone provided him with a measurement value of 0.5, far exceeding the efficiency of those at the monster level and disaster level.

Looking at the "Lamp Goddess" panel, Lin An found that his fusion level was about to exceed 1%.

According to his experience, after these values ​​exceed 1%, there will be phased changes, such as gaining new abilities or bringing about new changes.

For example, when the initial radiation exceeded 1%, the energy of "Comes" became more concrete.

Lin An is looking forward to mastering the new abilities provided by the energy of the "Lamp Goddess" and comprehending the purest concepts belonging to another planet.

While thinking about it, Lin An had a thought.

In [God's One Eye]'s field of vision, the cool moonlight was riding on a honey-producing ant that was like a cloud and mist, slowly crawling in from his window.

The sound of drums and tinkling bells come and go from far to near, and a ball of yellow light mist reflects from the back of the honey-producing ants like a crystal ball, making it dazzling.

Lin An lowered his rose-like eyes, and the mist moved with him, following him like a shadow, tightly wrapping around his body.

He couldn't get out of this fog, and he couldn't get rid of it, because it belonged to the energy of fantasy, the weird space between the prism of reality and nothingness.

The yellow light mist conveyed daydream-like visions into Lin An's mind, raging heat waves washed over his spine over and over again, and the smell of sulfur filled the air and was everywhere.

Then, Lin An's eyes fell into darkness.

In the darkness, an invisible river stirred up huge waves, and the surging passion was intertwined with the cold and snowy silence.

This is the flow and breath of the world of the dead.

Golden butterflies fluttered one after another, and the soul vibrated its wings in the body of the oriole. They flew around an egg, the rumble broke the silence, and the mask of the jackal emerged.

He spoke in a voice that was half human, half bulllike, and sounded very harsh.

"Come here and lend me your eyeballs!"

"This is not a begging tone, Mr. Zay."

Lin An recognized this legendary visionary at a glance. After not seeing him for a week, his pollution level increased a lot, his mind became increasingly unconscious, and his illusions became more wild and chaotic.


Zai snorted coldly and continued: "Be careful with chickens, especially the unborn children of roosters and hens."

"This... living bead?"

His riddle should be an enigmatic "prophecy", but due to cultural differences, Lin An almost laughed out loud.

"I'll wait for you in the chicken coop!"

After saying these words, the yellow light mist surrounded Zai's mask in reverse. He submerged into the water and disappeared without a trace. The moonlight once again spilled from the window, scattering silver fragments all over the floor.


Lin An stretched out his hand and ran his fingers through the light spots, thoughtfully.


At noon, humid and hot temperatures enveloped the entire rainforest.

The Karu mermaid Susumi drags her swallow-like black and white tail and shuttles flexibly, followed by a man and a woman, surrounded by a strange atmosphere, proving their identity as mysterious beings.

It is the three mystics of the former ancestral spirit totem.

"Are we just going to set off like this?" A shorter woman with a carrot-colored flower in her hair said, "The others haven't arrived yet."

"There is no time to wait for them. My brother, the tribal chief, has been urging me to go back as soon as possible today." Susumi curled her lips, "Besides, I don't think they have set off at all."

"To be honest, I don't want to come either." The young man in sandals responded, "There's nothing to lose by just coming. It's just a good time to test the attitude of the [Forest Ranger]."

"He's not like Zay who can enter our dreams and can't even hide away." The woman shook her head, "Others probably think the [Forest Ranger] can't find them."

""By the way, have you completed the homework assigned by the Spotted Lion Ancestral Spirit? "Susumi said.

"What homework?" The woman was stunned.

“Utilize rainforest resources and expand the influence of forest rangers!”

"I came prepared this time." The young man said proudly, "I'd rather believe it. What if that forest ranger really shares some tips on how to control the big tiles."

The three of them communicated all the way, and before they knew it, the outline of a small tribe appeared in front of them.

Different from their impression, the spotted lion tribe is not what it used to be. The energetic people are divided into several teams, each performing their duties and busy, and all kinds of novel things are lined up.


The young man stared wide-eyed at the various behemoths shining with metallic light, and accidentally stepped on a branch under his feet.

In an instant, a sharp siren rang through the rainforest.

The cold atmosphere rushed towards his face. The young man saw a row of guns and an artillery pointed in his direction, ready to go. He couldn't help but swallow his saliva. (End of chapter)

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