World Occult User Guide

Chapter 289 Those unknown songs

The arrival of Mezzo interrupted Lin An's thoughts.

He simply stopped modifying the system, and the cold green color disappeared, replaced by the clean sky of the rainforest, and the bright stars dotting the night.

The loud sound of the Kuba River drowned out the pounding heartbeat of Mezo. These sounds of nature once made Lin An panic, confused, and inexplicably feel his scalp numb, as if the planet was scolding him.

However, Lin An is now accustomed to it.

Because he discovered that nature is not malicious. No matter what he thinks or does, the planet will continue to play the lively song of life forever.

Mezuo didn't speak, breathing evenly and silently. A smell similar to the aroma of coffee and cola nuts came from his body, which made Lin An think a lot.

He recalled his childhood memories of stargazing on the balcony with his father. Lin Hainan was shaking a cattail leaf fan and sitting on a wicker chair.

They stared at the stars above them, Lin Hainan said, "just like humans have done for thousands of years."

There are countless mysteries in the universe that cannot be solved forever, as well as infinite worlds that they cannot imagine. The surreal fragments are projecting their tiny light spots down, as if they exist only to show the beauty of this moment.

A few months ago, Doris also pointed to the newly built Starry Sky Pavilion at Ann Arbor University and told Lin An that the beautiful things in the night sky have been formed hundreds of billions of times.

A different kind of romance came to Lin An's mind. After looking at the starry sky for an unknown amount of time, Mezuo spoke in a voice like cotton candy.

"How long has it been since you had a dream?"

"Dream?" Lin An paused and said truthfully, "'Dream' is not a beautiful word for me."

When he was in Ditry City, Lin An often dreamed of Anhui Si's summoning ceremony, and then through Adelia's ceremony, he reviewed the alien's life.

At that time, he seemed to possess collective intelligence, his thinking was extremely clear and clear, and his wisdom had been significantly improved, as if he had become a living body with more than three dimensions.

Unfortunately, when separated from the ceremony, Lin An's intelligence dropped to normal levels again, and those remarkable experiences left only extremely chaotic memories in his mind.

Just like when the brain is extremely tired, if you want to retain the flash of inspiration when your mind is clear, all you can capture in the end is a blurry fragment.

This made people scratch their heads even more and gave them a splitting headache, so Lin An didn't have a good impression of "Dreamland".

"I had another interesting dream yesterday," Mezzo said. "In the darkness I saw two shadows, passing through the desperate and heavy twilight. They held hands, and the light was like a hundred golden bottles coming from the sun. It poured out like a flood.”

Lin An was stunned. The first time she was alone with Mezuo, she also mentioned that she had such a dream.

"Mezzo, do you often fall into the same dream?"

"It seems so," Mezo replied ambiguously.

"Do you still remember what this dream is?" Lin An quickly asked. After the tracks of "Comes" overlapped, he no longer dared to ignore some seemingly insignificant anomalies around him.

"Well, let me think about it..."

Mezuo turned over and changed from lying on his back to lying against Lin An. His big black eyes were pure and flawless, and Lin An saw countless little him reflected in them.

In the soft tone of telling a child a pillow story, she recounted a dream that was both fantasy and reality.

The story takes place in a place with spring-like weather all year round, abundant rainfall, and never experienced extreme weather. The towering trees are lush and green, and hundreds of animals are galloping and thriving.

All animals have a common owner. Their bodies are androgynous, and they have a vertical eye between their eyebrows. They communicate with each other through thoughts.

Until one day, when these creatures were working, suddenly everyone heard an ethereal song.

The song was extraordinarily beautiful and graceful, ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times more beautiful than any sound they had ever captured in their lives.

Naturally, these creatures walked towards the place where the singing came from.

What came into view was a white creature. He had a face similar to others, but it was perfect in every aspect.

Feeling people's curious eyes, He explained his purpose in a beautiful singing voice:

I am God, and I can give you many gifts, such as my singing voice, and teach you to experience the most wonderful and joyful things in the world; in exchange, you need to assist me in my mission.

Attracted by the song and appearance, people could not resist the temptation and agreed to Him.

The white god created two glowing caves on the ground. One cave glowed with green light, and the other cave glowed with red light. He asked people to choose one of the cave entrances and go in.

People, eager to get the sound, followed suit.

So those who came out of the green cave became women, and those who came out of the red cave became men, and they lost their androgynous characteristics.

The white god repeatedly praised humans' new bodies: Your first step was perfect. From today on, I will teach you how to become gods.

People didn't know what they had lost, but when they heard Him say this, they just felt happy.

Under His guidance, people communicated through the sounds of their mouths and tongues. The previous method of spiritual communication was gradually abandoned, until everyone lost this function and the third eye degenerated into a small glands.

With voices, people often practice and sing, and they develop different emotions towards each other.

The originally androgynous companions walked into different caves, and their bodies also underwent unusual changes.

At that time, people were very shy after having new bodies, embarrassed to face their desires, and knew little about how to use some functions.

The white god appeared again. He taught people step by step how to use their new bodies and showed them how to hug and kiss.

After people did it, they got unprecedented happiness from it and thought that they were one step closer to perfection.

Afterwards, the woman's belly swelled and she gave birth to a new life.

People rejoiced and thought this was a miraculous feat. They did not realize that after they knew how to reproduce, they no longer had very long lifespans.

After giving the promised gifts to the people, the white gods asked them to fulfill their promises.

He allowed people to go into the caves He had made, dig stones in them, and carry them out, day after day.

There is no end to the work, and people soon begin to age, weaken, get sick, and die, only to realize that they have paid a heavy price for their voices and desires.

What's even more frightening is that when people walked out of the cave and wanted to unite more of their kind and overthrow the rule of the white god, they were shocked to find that the rest of their companions had been baptized by the god one after another, and that He taught countless languages ​​to people in different areas. same.

The third eye has degenerated, and the language barrier often causes misunderstandings in the process of communication. This leads to misunderstandings and even fights between people, and they can no longer unite as one.

People are no longer a match for God, so they have no choice but to keep digging holes according to His instructions, until deep holes are dug all over the world.

The cave extends all the way down to the center of the earth.

The white god was very satisfied with their results. He selected a group of people and gave blessings. He asked them to stand next to a pothole and sang the song that people first heard.

The earth is cracked, the sky is dark, floods are pouring down, and the whole planet is shaking violently.

Tens of thousands of people died, and the white gods watched the destruction with impassive faces, unmoved.

At this moment, a silver planet with fire appeared in the sky, and a man and a woman walked out of it. They claimed to be from Orion and Andromeda.

The woman looks like an elf and drags a long snake tail. She digs out rocks from the planet and blocks the pouring floods; while the man wields an ax and splits the mountains. When they collapse, they fill the deep black holes all over the earth. .

Not only that, they rescued as many people as possible and saved many people from death.

The white god did not stop him. The man and woman were in harmony with Him. After doing all the above, they left through the sky.

Mezzo said: "Before they left, they said that the people here were no longer their own race, but considering that this planet was the home planet before ascension, they left the hollowed-out planet behind to guard the remaining remnants on their behalf. of human beings.”

After telling her fantastic story, she smiled and pointed to the brightest satellite in the night sky.

"It is said that this spaceship is the moon."

Lin An on the side felt as if he had been punched by someone, his head was buzzing, and the intricate truth of ancient times was once again revealed.

Spaceships, silver planets, giant men and women... This is too much like Pangu opening up the world and Nuwa patching up the sky.

Do people in Nanzhou also know this legend?

Not only did they know it, they also called the two "ancestors".

This shows that in their oral stories, Pangu and Nuwa also played key roles in "creating the world and creating humans".

To confirm again, Lin An murmured to himself.

"This man and woman...are they Pan Gu and Yi Wo?"


"Maybe so."

The former voice came from Mezzo, and the latter voice was from Zai, who was haunting Lin An like a ghost.

Take a deep breath, and the answer is ready to come out.

The nonsense his father said when he was drunk came to Lin An's mind, like the best affirmation.

Many years ago, two passengers traveled more than two million light-years across the distant universe and came to our galaxy.

They left after saving humanity.

Before leaving the Milky Way, two passengers dropped the spacecraft on the Milky Way. Lin Hainan said this was the origin of the moon.

At first, Lin An thought that his father was talking nonsense. How could there be aliens in the world? Who knew that the alien was himself.

Combined with the known ins and outs, a rough guess was formed.

Pangu and Yiwo may be residents of the pre-civilization "Mu", or they may be intelligent life forms from earlier times. They developed the technology to explore the universe and immigrated to Andromeda or other galaxies - some of them chose to stay. On the home planet.

While the two were roaming the universe, they suddenly felt homesick and flew back to Titan to check the situation.

Time has passed, and the previous civilization has long been destroyed by natural disasters, while Mu's survivors have been transformed beyond recognition by Anhuis' genetic modification, and they are no longer the same race as them.

Pangu and Yiwo, who originally wanted to select a few lucky ones among their compatriots to roam the universe, returned in despair. Out of friendship, they took action to solve the great flood after the failure of Anhui's ritual, and left a "moon" behind. .

Continue to protect humanity...

Could it be that they mean...the way to defeat Anhuis is on the moon?

Lin An couldn't help but raise his head. The yellow-orange moonlight was like a dazzling eye, casting his gaze from the universe.

If I remember correctly, when Anhuis handed over different "divine mediums" to the twelve candidates, he also called them "moon" fragments.

How do more advanced life forms in the universe view stars, planets and satellites?

Doris also said a riddle that Lin An couldn't figure out.

"If we one day orbit close to another planet... the first thing to be captured may not be that planet, but the smaller satellites orbiting it."

Until now, Lin An didn't know what it meant.

In addition to the identities of Pan Gu and Yi Wo, Lin An also heard something different from Mezuo's dream.

Adelia is told from the perspective of Anhuis, while Mazo uses a human perspective to describe the history of more than 5,000 years ago in more detail.

Lin An had always thought that Anhuis was lost in the universe and accidentally landed on Titan, so he had been trying to find a way to return to "Comoth". But after hearing what Mezzo said, it seemed that he had come prepared and specifically targeted this place. A planet lands.

Before the ceremony, He coaxed humans into digging several "passages to the center of the earth" for Himself.

What is this for?

Lin An's head was swollen and his temples were pounding. A soft hand reached out to rub him, and Mezuo's furry head slipped into Lin An's arms.

"Mezzo..." He looked at the confused girl with a complicated tone, "We can't dream about someone we've never met before."

"Really? Maybe I am more talented. In the final analysis, this is just a dream." Meizuohun said nonchalantly, "I have had too many dreams. Sometimes I can't tell whether it is reality or another dream." Dreamland.”

When she said this, a strange sense of familiarity came over her. Lin An couldn't help but hug her, and the girl's delicate body exchanged warm fragrance with his.

Usually Lin An is not sensitive to physical contact. He feels that other people's hugs, kisses and touches are just social etiquette. But when he hugged Mezzo, he felt a long-lost peace of mind and satisfaction.

She, Misulu and Meyer are all different.

Who are these three brothers and sisters living in the spotted lion tribe?

Why do you dream about ancient fragments, why do you have the potential to be a "legendary", and why do you always have a natural close relationship with him?

"Lin, you are here."

Misulu's voice came, and Lin An let go of Mezzo, only to see him and Meyer standing not far away.

The moonlight shines on the faces of the two people, the young man is handsome and the girl is graceful.

"Lord Ancestor Spirit, it may rain tonight." Meyer reminded, "The first rain in the rainy season is usually terrifying, accompanied by thunder and lightning, and heavy moisture pouring down from the sky."

"Before the heavy rain falls, let's look at the stars for a while." Mezzo waved to them, "Lin and I are talking about our dreams."

"What you said is all nonsense!"

Misuru sneered, and immediately received a glare from Meyer. He scratched his head and had to lie down on the wet ground with the two sisters.

"I'm different from you two, I have a dream!"

"Revival of the Bantu?" Meyer said coldly, "Since I was a child, you have been talking about it until my ears are almost covered with cocoons."

"With Lin's help, we are very close to realizing it." Misuru curled his lips, "On the other hand, you two, I don't see what your goals are."

"I will inherit the position of great elder. Unlike you, I will fulfill my duties to my people." Meyer said

"As for me." Mezuo smacked his lips and was about to fall asleep again, "I'll try my best to live every day."

"Huh, let's eat and wait to die." Misulu muttered softly.

Meyer was wrong. There was no rain today, and the four of them lay under the stars and had a good sleep.

When the sun fell on Lin An, he woke up immediately.

The stars in the sky dissipate in the pale dawn, the mysterious moon is replaced by the blazing sun, and the bright stars are surrounded by a jagged white halo.

After watching quietly for a while, Lin An turned around and woke up Misulu.

"It's time to march on Mbambuka." (End of chapter)

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