World Occult User Guide

Chapter 290 Dawn is Quiet

September 26, 2038, Mbambuka, Tumba Street, Tesmaville District.

The Lambridge Hotel is located on a high mountain, and you can overlook the entire slum from the balcony. The person in charge of the area tells everyone that this is a building that is loved by Xizhou people.

The tall and thin Okonkwo was walking on the boulevard outside the hotel. He was the leader of the army hired by the Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce.

The polite hostess called him "General," but the man in charge always called him "Black Cat."

Because he and the regional leader who was promoted by the Chamber of Commerce are from the same tribe. There is a proverb among them, "Even if a cat enters a monastery, it is still a cat."

General Black Cat has an exciting resume. He was trained at the top St. Cyr Military Academy in the Pigeon Country, served as a commander in several wars in South Africa, and also helped Bantu resist the invasion of the Patriot Front.

He was a devout Jehovah's Witness and enjoyed a good reputation among military advisers.

In previous wars, he ordered his soldiers to shoot those colleagues who robbed civilians, which brought the chaotic situation under control and made him famous in the local area.

General Black Cat, who had experienced strong winds and waves, had a troubled face at the moment. He got up early to patrol, not because of how dedicated he was to his duties, but because the regional leader's words last night lingered, making it impossible for him to sleep peacefully.

"Count Mariette van Hofwegen has been away from Mbambuka for six days. If there is no news about her tomorrow, it will mean that she has been missing for a whole week."

The person in charge was sitting in an office with burgundy curtains. In the past, no one could enter this room without the countess's permission. After she left, the person in charge seemed to have become the regent, giving orders swaggeringly.

"If you say it a few more times, the rats in the water pipes will know." Black Cat interrupted impatiently.

"The thing is, this is a really serious problem."

"You still want to meddle in the Flemish people's business? We have always followed their orders, and we will repeat them endlessly. Do you still want to actively interfere with their actions?" The black cat picked at his ears.

"Not long ago, I sent a telegram to the Kinshasa office, and the person in charge there responded quickly, telling me to keep quiet. But yesterday he sent another telegram, and this time he told me that someone would be coming soon. Taking over the position of earl."

"What do you want to do?" Black Cat frowned.

The regional leader blinked: "You think I'm worried about the safety of that dead old woman? I just think that a ceremony to welcome a new leader... costs a lot of event funds, right?"

Black Cat was silent, of course he understood what the person in charge meant.

During his early years in Kinshasa, he witnessed endless embezzlement, bribery and corruption.

Democracy is not something that belongs to the people, but is the private property of managers. The government uses mining as a cash cow to continuously obtain cash to support the luxurious life of the president and his cronies, rather than reinvesting it for income or infrastructure construction. development.

Every day he spent in Kinshasa made Black Cat feel uneasy about his conscience, so he left the capital, but in order to support his family, he embarked on the path of mercenary again.

In the past few years, under the introduction of the regional leader, he turned around and became the watchdog of the [Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce].

He later learned that the Chamber of Commerce was the controller behind the president.

For example, all Bantu export trade must go through a state-owned company, and then this company will hand over all income taxes to the state treasury. Only the Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce does not need to. Not only that, they also enjoy a share of the company's profits.

The person in charge recruited Black Cat just to develop a confidant from the same tribe, and didn't care about his ideals or mental pressure at all.

Over time, the black cat gradually became numb.

He said to himself, at least when I was guarding the hotel, I didn't have to kill my own compatriots with my own hands.

Looking at the almost full moon, the black cat habitually let out a deep sigh.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Suddenly, the peace was broken.

Fierce gunfire came from not far away, followed by mortar explosions and intermittent machine gun fire.

These sounds were like thunder in the rainy season, dull and intense, causing the black cat's pupils to shrink.

The next moment, the trembling voice of the regional director came through his walkie-talkie.


"Sir, what's going on?"

"We are under attack! You must gather the soldiers quickly! Hurry, hurry, hurry!"

"Who attacked us?"

The person in charge paused and said: "A bunch of gangsters. Don't worry, the situation is completely under my control."

Black Cat put down the walkie-talkie and carried out the order dutifully. He knew that a soldier's responsibility was to ask fewer questions.

He got into the bus and headed to the barracks near the hotel. His mind was racing along the way, thinking about what to say to the soldiers.

He had no idea what was going on outside.

Who is launching the attack?

Is this directly related to the disappearance of the Countess a few days ago?

After gathering the mercenaries from the Chamber of Commerce, Black Cat followed the order of the person in charge and headed to the location where the firefight occurred.

He originally thought it was just a popular rebellion or an attack by local warlords. Unexpectedly, when he stepped out of the jeep, his jaw almost dropped.

In addition to the mortar shells and machine gun bullets that he was accustomed to flying over his head, Black Cat stared blankly at the various "people" flying in the sky, swimming in the water, and running on the wall in front of him.

Holy shit.

Did I fall asleep?

Although this group of gangsters is small in number and their weapons are not advanced, the magical abilities hidden among them make Black Cat nowhere to start.

Just the elusive black "birdman" in the sky is enough for him to drink a pot.

He always descends suddenly, grabs a soldier, and then throws him to the ground from a height, smashing him to pieces.

What's even more frightening is that not only are they monsters with various powers, Black Cat discovered that there is a terrible wizard hidden among these gangsters. Once they are hit by her witchcraft, the soldiers will have split lips, become dizzy, and lose their mobility instantly. .


For a time, all kinds of screams came one after another.

The dim dawn illuminated the path that was about to wake up, and a pair of eyes glowed like a beast, making people shudder.

Black Cat finally understood why the person in charge changed from his usual arrogance on the intercom.

Anyone who sees such a group of demonic troops will be frightened and doubt their life!

Several soldiers couldn't stand the torture of witchcraft, so they "plopped" into the water channel nearby. Unexpectedly, the water suddenly "came alive" and opened its bloody mouth to swallow the soldiers approaching her.

Voodoo Mercury, Simbi.

Meyer exposed half of his head, but his eyes, which seemed harmless to his companions, scared the soldiers to death and shouted: "You witch!"

The exchange of fire lasted for less than three minutes, and Black Cat painfully discovered that he had no way to subdue this gangster who had strange powers and was not even an army.

Moreover, the mercenaries under his command were also a mob.

"Where do you want to go?"

Black Cat yelled at a group of soldiers who were swarming into the truck, their belongings and ammunition piled on top of the cab.

One of the soldiers gave him a hasty salute and said, "General, you can only rely on yourself."

They took advantage of the chaos and left in a car, but the gangsters did not stop them. As a result, more resisting soldiers retreated after seeing this, and soon they were defeated.

The mercenaries of the Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce were defeated, and the gang climbed up the hillside to the front yard of the Lambridge Hotel.

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer people around him, the black cat put his head in his hands and muttered in frustration.


The victory was decided, and Black Cat still wanted to put up a stubborn fight. However, before he could draw out his gun and aim at the girl whose head was half exposed from the water, a cold breath blew across his neck, and a knife was only a few millimeters away from his throat. distance.

"Damn it, I'll fight with you -"

The black cat glanced out of the corner of his eye and couldn't help but let out his first scream.

Because there was no one behind him, but the goosebumps that appeared when his skin came into contact with the sharp weapon told the black cat that there was a translucent thing holding him hostage!


It's haunted!

"Take me to your chief." A very young but sharp voice came, "Otherwise I will not only kill you, but also liquidate your entire clan."


The faces of his wife and children flashed across his face, Black Cat lowered his head, and his reason also told him that he had no way to resist these "mysterious people".

Yes, he just remembered it.

The countess accidentally talked about this concept with the person in charge one time, saying that some magical wizards have appeared around the world recently. They have abilities beyond ordinary people. The chamber of commerce calls them "mysterious ones".

The countess said that only the mysterious ones can deal with the mysterious ones, and she ordered the person in charge to report their traces to the Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce immediately.

The mysterious one...

It seems that I, an ordinary person, don’t have the right to speak.

The black cat smiled bitterly and answered the young mysterious man who walked out of the darkness.

"Chief? You mean the person in charge of our area?"

"You can call me whatever you want." The man said coldly, "I didn't use it as a question."

After looking at the aftermath of the battlefield, Black Cat took him into the magnificent Lambridge Hotel.

After the commander left, the leaderless soldiers became a mass of scattered sand. Some of them fled to their death, while the rest all surrendered.

The scene in the hotel shocked Black Cat.

In just a few dozen minutes, all valuables were looted, leaving only the bare walls.

The large avant-garde art painting hanging in the center was missing, the shattered window glass creaked under the feet, the furniture was torn into pieces, and all the parts that could be taken away were taken away.

Hotel employees hid in corners, shivering.

After a brief moment of surprise, he became extremely angry. Black Cat understood that he had been betrayed by the regional leader!

This guy knew that ordinary people were no match for the mysterious man, but he hurriedly asked him to assemble the army, saying "the situation is under control!"

He went to great lengths to concoct a scam, just to let the black cat lead people to death to create time for him to escape with the money!

Old and new grudges came to mind, and the black cat roared angrily, rushing to the top-floor office without the urging of the man who commanded the ghost.

"Bang bang bang!"

He hammered the door hard, but no one responded. The man beside him made a gesture, and the locked door creaked open.

I saw a woman lying on the floor who had died of a heart attack. She was one of the mistresses of the person in charge. Otherwise there was no one around, and valuable items had been swept away.

The side door was wide open, and the strong wind poured in.

"He ran away!" Black Cat shouted, "Damn it, you deceived me again!"

The two rushed to the roof and happened to see the potbellied regional director getting into the helicopter parked on the rooftop of the hotel.

The cabin was filled with his suitcases. Because he had so much luggage, some that couldn't fit on the plane had to be left behind. Abandoned valuables could be seen everywhere on the rooftop.

"I trusted you so much, but you betrayed me! You betrayed me, and now you can escape to Kinshasa or Brazzaville across the river! What will happen to me and our family!"

The black cat glared angrily and tried to reason with his tribe, but his words were completely muffled by the helicopter's power rotors.


The person in charge was too lazy to pay attention to him, and commanded the guards who stayed on the rooftop to set up guns on the two of them.

The young mysterious man who followed the black cat quickly took action, killing the group of guards with the speed of chopping melons and vegetables. But when the battle on the rooftop was over, the helicopter took off, and the dilapidated Mbambuka was far away. Throw it far away.


The mysterious man wiped the blood from his cheek and found that the black cat was so angry that he kept firing the gun upwards, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

"You hate him?"

"Nonsense! I was fooled around by him!"

"Then don't worry, he won't survive." The young mysterious man stuck out his tongue and licked the blood on the back of his hand. At that moment, his eyes made the black cat feel terrified, "Have you ever heard of a village with two chiefs? ?”

The sound of "da da da" was heard endlessly in the ears, and the scenery in the sky receded step by step. The regional leader who had survived the disaster breathed a long sigh of relief and slumped in his seat.

"This is good, I have long wanted to leave this remote country." He touched his chest, "After making money, it is more comfortable to spend it in a big city like Brossel."

"Hey, Old Den, I know a better place than Blossom."


"That's heaven."

A joking voice came from nowhere. The person in charge took a quick look and saw a young man with black hair lying on the fuselage at some point. Then with a "ping" sound, the helicopter's window shattered into rubbish.

"You, don't come here!" The person in charge backed away in fear.

"What a familiar phrase." At the end of his life, he heard the young man saying to himself, "Am I not easy to deal with the people sitting on the helicopter?"

The fierce battle passed in an instant, and the morning sun had just risen. Except for a few barking dogs and the sound of pounding clothes carried by the wind, there was no movement on the narrow streets among the rows of concrete houses.

The residents of Mbambuka are still unaware that the Lambridge Hotel, located at the foot of the mountain, has changed owners.

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