World Occult User Guide

Chapter 314 Battle Situation

As time went by, the petty fighting outside Mbambuka gradually escalated.

The president's first bullet hit the "Lemela Hospital", a private hospital at the outskirts of Mbambuka. From the rooftop, you can overlook the entire suburban plain, making it an ideal military outpost.

It was established by Pentecostal missionaries in the last century. It is the largest private hospital in Mbambuka, with a total of 230 beds, many foreign doctors and advanced medical equipment.

Since the hospital is close to the campsite of the Presidential Army and the World Tree, dozens of injured soldiers were brought in during the guerrilla wars in the past few days. The hospital agreed to treat these soldiers on the condition that they were protected by the [World Tree].

Misulu agreed to their request and deployed a total of more than a hundred soldiers and a mystic here.

In the early morning of December 21, hospital nurses were awakened by gunshots coming from the military camp. They saw crowds of people in the nearby banana forest and just raised the alarm, but it was too late.

The Presidential Guards have a tactic specifically used to deal with civilians - to have the troops behind them fire blank guns into the air to create a disturbance, while the vanguard troops take advantage of the chaos to sneak into the target location.

So when the alarm sounded, the army had already infiltrated the hospital.

The patients were in a mess. In order to escape, they did not hesitate to pull out the infusion tubes tied to their arms. Those who could run ran, those who could not run limped, and those who could not walk crawled on the ground.

Doctors and nurses hid in cubicles, praying not to be discovered.

The next morning, when several villagers bravely walked in, the scene before them made them vomit.

More than seventy patients, most of them soldiers, were killed. Some died on the hospital bed, and some were lying on the floor. They were either stabbed to death with bayonets or shot. They were surrounded by broken glass, red potion and injections. liquid.

Troops ransacked the pharmacy, destroying equipment and leaving cardboard boxes of syringes and bandages scattered on the floor.

In the private dormitory, the villagers found more than a dozen corpses in white coats. The medical staff were shot to death mercilessly, and the two nurses in robes were dropped, stripped and twisted.

Outside the hospital, traces of battle scorched the withered grass on the ground, and there were also a lot of bloody corpses lying on the ground. Some were wearing formal military uniforms and belonged to the presidential guard, while others were wearing patchwork rags and belonged to Misu. The defenders left behind by Lu.

The villagers immediately reported it to the Lambridge Hotel, and reporter Edward Roberts piled into a military jeep with reinforcements and roared out of the city. He gave a detailed report on the battle.

After the president's brainwashing technique failed, Lin An quickly and resolutely drove away the struggling regional government and expanded the use of the World Tree system.

9% of Mbambuka residents have access to the system, mostly young people.

Ed reported remotely through the data of Yggdrasil.

Lin An recently updated the "picture transmission and projection" function. The reporter photographed every corner of the hospital that was attacked, clearly exposing the cruelty and indiscriminate killing of the president's troops.

The young users who used the system were not dumb. They shared the news with their families that day at dinner or before going to bed, and the news spread like wildfire.

The presidential army knew nothing about the communication efficiency of [World Tree]. They did not give Edward any time to rest, and launched the same attack on a small village in the suburban plains, using the same method.

The lurking Presidential Guards attacked Yggdrasil's military camp, and the soldiers were defeated and fled in all directions.

Even though the villagers did not support World Tree, the presidential army did not let them go. They burned, killed and looted everywhere, looted all the food, and many women and children were brutally murdered.

Edward reported this incident non-stop. After his polishing, the public opinion in Mbambuka was agitated. There were voices of panic and quarrels everywhere. Most people found it difficult to accept the actions of the Presidential Army and were frightened by it. .

There are also some people who are doubtful. They are not convinced by this young man with fair skin and long brown curly hair.

By December 23, 22,000 frightened refugees poured into Mbambuka. From their mouths, people got more details, and from then on they completely believed that what Edward said was true.

The Presidential Army is not only determined to get rid of [Yggdrasil], but they do so by any means or at any cost.

Soon after, Okonkwo brought an even more terrifying report to Mbambuka through Edward.

When they hid in the sugar cane forest, they accidentally encountered a group of presidential troops and found a 15-meter-long BM-30 Smokey rocket launcher equipped with twelve rocket launchers in the car.

To the horror of the group, the commander of the Presidential Guard actually grinned at his subordinates.

"We can blow Mbambuka down with this."

His cronies still retained some humanity and retorted: "There is no point in doing this. Only civilians will die and only houses will be destroyed!"

"An order is an order."

The commander insisted on letting his men find a suitable place to bomb the city and ordered him to take the lead in the attack.

"Do you want your soldiers to be the first to die in battle?" His men were disheartened, stopped the car, and handed the keys to his commander, "I will never die like that."

Regardless of whether the commander was casually intimidating his men, the people were scared to death by these crazy guys.

When Okonkwo notified a nearby mysterious man who manipulated water vapor and released energy at night to short-circuit the circuit of the BM-30 rocket launcher, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

After this incident, many people packed their bags, left Mbambuka and ran into refugee camps in other cities.

There they spread the live battle between [World Tree] and the Presidential Guards, and the news spread wider and wider.

Those who could not leave spontaneously formed a militia force under the instruction of [World Tree]. From the 25th onwards, the Presidential Army was surprised to find that their advancement was no longer as easy as before.

Some matters have nothing to do with them, or the people who support them suddenly change their temper, overtly or covertly stumbling upon them, leaking their intelligence, and refusing to provide food.

Some people would rather burn their houses than let them live in them.

It coincided with the rainy season, and as time dragged on, various tropical rainforest diseases came one after another, and the army lost a lot of strength.

Although the mystics will provide treatment, their number is too small to take care of all the soldiers, not to mention that Misulu recently sent an army of elusive ghosts to specifically target the mystics who are the medium of the "God of Farming".

No one in the Presidential Army was his opponent, so they had to do their best to protect the remaining "God of Farming" while massacring the mystics of World Tree in the same manner.

However, the Lambridge Hotel in [World Tree] seems to be a place like a safe house. As long as they escape inside, they can no longer be targeted or tracked by any mysterious techniques.

The war situation fell into a stalemate. The commander-in-chief of the presidential army sent a request for additional troops to Kinshasa on the morning of the 27th and received a reply.

The Secretary of War in the presidential palace told them that a plane would arrive with reinforcements, which lifted the spirits of the Guardsmen.

But when this group of people rushed to the airport to greet the reinforcements, they only saw a cargo plane slowly landing. Coming off the plane was a group of National Guardsmen with their wives, children, and belongings.

Two hundred soldiers, dressed in rags and carrying pots and pans on their heads, asked where they could camp.

The commander-in-chief's vision went dark and he almost fainted. He subconsciously thought that he had been tricked by the Minister of War, and felt that there was no need for the other party to make such a joke.

That night he sent three telegrams to Kinshasa, urging headquarters to send more troops and resources.

"General, if you delay a moment longer, you will go to the Red Cross prisoner of war camp to pick me up!"

He urged at the top of his lungs, but received this reply.

"We have trouble in Kinshasa too, you know. We need soldiers here too."

The commander-in-chief looked at the report written in black and white, his pupils dilated and his eyes flickered.

Despite this, he insisted on fighting against [World Tree] until a new telegram came from Kinshasa, completely shattering his hope.


In the capital Kinshasa, Tshisekedi’s presence can be seen everywhere, with urban graffiti, impression T-shirts, and streets and lanes all occupied by his portrait.

Lin An once again stood under the giant presidential statue. The people next to him told him that the statue was made by a sculptor from Jindalai who was proficient in erecting monuments and statues for leaders.

The president spent $200 million to build it, and now people are trying to pull it down and smash it into pieces.

Tens of thousands of protesters, led by civil society groups and Pentecostals, gathered around the statue and marched along the city's main thoroughfare, waving flags and singing songs, demanding that the Kinshasa government "solve the citizenship issue once and for all!"

"Citizen status?" Lin An asked the person who spoke to him.

"The president said that [World Tree] is led by the Tutsi, but everyone no longer wants to pay for racial hatred." The man replied, "This is a breakthrough to solve the core problem of the Bantu."

Lin An glanced at the dusty sky in the distance: "I'm afraid not everyone agrees with the 'everyone' you mentioned."

"No, the haters are here! Brothers and sisters, retreat!" The man patted Lin An heavily on the shoulder, "My name is David, David O'Connor, don't forget love and peace!"

The protesters were instantly dispersed by loyal supporters of the president. This is, after all, Kinshasa, Tshisekedi’s stronghold.

Lin An waved to David, who was fleeing, and then walked backward through the surging presidential guards and presidential supporters, all the way to the entrance of the presidential palace.

He looked left and right, surveying the situation, and then tentatively entered the gorgeous Neo-Romanesque building.

It was so quiet here that even the tigers in the zoo didn't roar.

Lin An took the route he had taken twice before and rushed straight into Tshisekedi's office.


He opened the door and saw the president sitting behind an almost empty desk. Hearing the sound, the latter turned his chair and looked at Lin An with a smile.

"Forester, welcome to my funeral."

Lin An had rehearsed the scene of meeting the president again countless times, but it always started with a battle, but he never thought that Tshisekedi would become extremely weak now.

He is high-spirited and always wears a custom-made leopard print suit with a stooped back. His shirt is wrinkled and dirty as if it has not been ironed for several years. The thick black hair on his head has fallen out, and his eyes are either hollow or shrewd. There was only dead silence.

Not only that, but something is wrong.

Lin An thought for a moment and suddenly thought of something weird.

Where has the panel that the system should have given gone?

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