World Occult User Guide

Chapter 315 The chief is dead; long live the chief (Part 1)

It stands to reason that when Lin An obtains the data of a mysterious person, no matter where he is, dead or alive, invisible or cloned, the system can accurately display the panel.

No Lin'an control is required, this is a fully automated reading.

Is Tshisekedi fake?

Lin An entered the short-term mode. The president's light spot was indeed different from what he saw in the time fragments, but he was definitely a high-rated mysterious person.

"Brother Tongzi, your display is broken?"

"My data is accurate, please don't always doubt me." The system replied coldly.


The last time Lin An suspected that the system was thrown into time fragments, he didn't expect this guy to remember it until now.

No, didn't the Duke say that today's system has no character and is a pure tool?

"Regret is a very human emotion."

"What I mean is, do you always keep the above options and don't ask again." The system explained.

With no time to think about the system's anomalies, Lin An looked at Tshisekedi.

"Why a funeral?"

"I'm going to die soon."

These words made Lin An even more strange. Although Tshisekedi looked sloppy and weak, his light spots were active and bright, and it did not look like he had suffered a major trauma.

"Where are your cronies?"

“Everywhere in Kinshasa, I am wooing people who support me.”

The president always smiled and used a pen to write and draw on a stack of printing paper. While talking to Lin An, he demonstrated his ideas to himself.

"I'm writing a book about my experiences in the war. It's an autobiography." He showed a stack of well-worn notebooks. Important passages were marked with a yellow marker or drawn with a ballpoint pen. lock up.

The president's pathological composure made it impossible for Lin An to start.

Three days ago, Lin An specially summoned all the members of World Tree to discuss it. He was the first to state that he would never be the president of Bantu, but getting this position would definitely be helpful to the development of World Tree.

Take the [Four Living Gods] as an example. Their previous governance model was to elect internal members to become the president on the surface, and use him to control the external situation, not letting more irrelevant people know about the existence of the mysterious person, but also controlling the destiny of the country.

"In fact, Misulu is a better candidate for president. He also has experience in managing the spotted lion tribe." Lin An suggested.

"The experience of a hands-off shopkeeper." Meyer sneered in a low voice.

"Lin, is that what you think? Then I will definitely live up to expectations." Misulu was flattered.

Except for his sisters, the top leaders of World Tree had no objections. If a ruling talent had to be selected from among the rangers, it would be Misuru.

At this moment, Lin An looked at the calm Tshisekedi: "Decide on the ending of the autobiography. My partner is about to participate in the presidential election."

"Even if I lose my 'territory' and 'country,' no one in Bantu has ever won me." The president continued to write, "Even if my vote rate is less than 30%, I can still win the election."

The pattern of palm trees that previously covered the sands of Kinshasa is called "territory," and what is spread through the concept of "I am a Bantu" is called "country." Lin An thought.

But why did Tshisekedi lose these two abilities?

To say it was a sequelae would be terrible.

"I served as president for eight consecutive years. The people supported me not because of how well I did, but because they were used to looking at my picture every day and saying 'Good morning, Mr. President!'. My opponents were unable to unite, which led to Their votes will be divided."

The president smiled noncommittally, his eyes were calm, and unlike when he differentiated between men and women, Lin An felt that there was a strong and terrifying despair hidden in it.

"To digress, Forester, your appearance reminds me of some broken fragments - you have been to my office through the 'God of Truth' a long time ago."

Lin An's eyes flashed. The chief had clearly not been "invited" by the prophet, but he retained his memory?

Not surprisingly, this is the eternity of the "Goddess with the Lamp" at work. Although Tshisekedi cannot synchronize what happened in the past to the present timeline, unlike ordinary mystics, he will retain the "sense of déjà vu" ".

This sense of déjà vu will be activated through a fragment of déjà vu in reality.

Fortunately, Lin An had expected it. Even in the unattended fragments of time, he was cautious about his words and actions and did not explore everywhere or leave any traces.

"As expected." Tshisekedi put down his pen, "Don't worry, I won't tell others, not only...but also because I admire you. Let me choose the successor between the prophet and you, and I will sponsor you as the successor without hesitation. Winner."

"Thank you for your recognition, but I don't want to write 'served as president of a Bantu country' on my future resume work experience."

Upon hearing Lin An's words, Tshisekedi covered the lower half of his smiling face with his hands and stared at him with semi-crazy eyes.

"We have experienced a comfortable life, a warm fire, and a beloved woman beside the fire. If someone wants to stop me from continuing this life, I will fight back without hesitation. Instead of being beaten like a prophet, others will If you turn your left cheek, turn your right cheek as well.

"Miracle failed to cause Pharaoh to let the Hebrews go, until all the firstborn sons of Egypt were punished, from the princes on the throne to the prisoners in the dungeons, so the next day Pharaoh let them go. Look, give in You can never be the master.”

"If humans don't fight for food, they will still be fighting with hyenas and monkeys in the rainforest. So I despise the cowards and would rather watch them be ravaged to death. I also hate the dodge and shrinkage of my ancestors. Thinking of them, I don't feel the same at all. Not proud either.”

The president patted his chest proudly and listed past accomplishments that provided him with temporary solace from the maelstrom of failure.

"I have never been a vessel for the ghosts of my ancestors, but Bantu President Tshisekedi Kumasi! As long as human history exists, my name cannot be erased from the book! The Bantu will always remember me, Remember I ruled them for eight full years!”

"Long live! Long live! Long live!"

Before he finished speaking, the sound of brakes broke the dead silence.

Lin An looked from the window and saw jeeps and buses coming from all directions. They drove into the flat road like a black river, and soldiers drove tanks to escort them all the way.

The car was crowded with people, and on the roof stood a close associate of the Presidential Palace with red eyes.

They raised their loudspeakers and roared at the top of their lungs. The sound surrounded the entire empty sky and crashed in all directions.

"Tshisekedi Kumasi is the 26th president of Bantu! He created glory in his era! He led Bantu to the next era! We will always remember his achievements!"

Someone leaned out of the car window and plucked up the courage to retort.

"Let us go!"

"I wanted to vote for someone else! No, I abstained!"

"Tshisekedi is not a good president! Never has been!"

The people who were forcibly trapped in the car by the soldiers were men and women, old and young, some were in rags, some were in gorgeous clothes, their pale faces were trembling under the muzzles of guns and bayonets, while the few resisters were He was shot to death immediately.

"Bantu doesn't seem to remember you for long." Lin An commented.

"get off!"

The soldiers roughly opened the car doors, and within a few minutes, the square was filled with people, with at least 10,000 people standing there.

"It's not up to them to decide." Tshisekedi put his hands behind his back, and the sun shined through the blinds, casting dappled light on his face. He smiled slyly in the shadows, "Cowards have no right to choose."

Familiar palm trees and gauze shells formed lichen-like patterns on the ground, climbing up everything in sight with the president as the center, spreading out from the office.

In an instant, the submissive people in the square became excited. Together with their cronies, they raised flags with the bust of Tshisekedi on them and repeated their words loudly, over and over again, deafeningly.

"Tshisekedi Kumasi is the 26th president of Bantu! We will always remember his achievements!"

Lin An has seen this mysterious technique. As long as he sets foot on the land with palm patterns, ordinary people will be controlled by Tshisekedi, losing the ability to think independently, and making it their mission to achieve his goals.

The so-called "territory".

As for his other ability, Lin An observed the status of his cronies and soldiers and always felt that they were still under the control of the "country".

That being the case, why did Tshisekedi revoke control of Mbambuka?

The next moment, the president suddenly let out a strange roar, and Lin An looked at him in confusion. The afternoon light flickered, and the latter's body instantly turned into a straight palm tree.

The tree trunk grew uncontrollably without supervision, and soon reached the ceiling about five meters high.


The sound of a substantial collision was heard, and Lin An's pupils shrank.

He had seen the scene in the time fragment where Tshisekedi transformed into a palm tree that covered the sky, but like the prophet's giant python, it was a soul shape, not a physical body.

But the crash just now proves that Tshisekedi is experiencing a real distortion.

Are pollution levels exploding?

So easy?

A flash of inspiration flashed through Lin An's mind, and Lin An connected the clues since the meeting.

The panel that cannot be displayed by the system, the calm and desperate Tshisekedi, and the native mystery that he dares not use...

It turns out that Tshisekedi's weakness was not due to mysterious sequelae, but that he had been grafted by the "Mother of Desire" in the past few days!

Therefore, his data has changed, and once he uses the original mystery, his own pollution level will soar at a rocket-like speed!

The unknown "Mother of Desire" is the legendary matrix!

Unlike grafted offspring like Doris, Lin An only knew that the mother could graft mysteries lower than her own rating into the offspring.

Who is this person?

What is his purpose?

If I kill Tshisekedi, will it...

Lin An's alarm sounded, but reality gave him no time to hesitate. The strange roar came again from Tshisekedi, who had turned into a palm tree and lost his mind.

I saw a crack in his back, and something was squirming and gestating out.

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