World Traveler

Chapter 19 - Phase two (part 2)

3rd POV

With his newfound vigor to get laid, Nero went to the forest looking for pigs. His search was not long because the other applicants did that for him. A large and big stampede of pigs with lurch snouts coming his way. They ware mauling over the applicants left and right as they came towards Nero. Their large snouts that even Hanno's shuriken did not affect them.

Nero "oh so there you are little piglets"

Saying that he used his flash step technique getting overhead of one of them. Using his index finger with a surgical precision he pierced its head with one fast move. The pure pig's body froze on itself and fall on the ground dead.

The applicants who were still struggling to find a way to deal with the pigs were both in awe and fear at Nero's display. Hardly any wane could fallow what he did to take down the pig. Well except for one person, who was by now enamored with Nero.

Nero picked up the large pig with one hand and started to run back to the mansion. For he was a man in a mission of critical importance that could not be delayed for any reason. He needed to make the best pork dish he knows, and he had the perfect one in mind.

Nero was the first one to come back to the area which surprised Bothe of the proctors. They thought it would take the applicant a little more to figure out the weakness of the pigs. But what they did not count on was Nero's determination to get Menchis number.

He went to one of the cooking facilities that were on the far right corner. He chose this place because there was no wind draft. In an open space like this, with lots of people cooking choosing a good place is very important. The dish he is going to make is called

{the dragons kiss stew}

Setting up the pig on the table he started to work on it. The first thing he did was draining the blood out of the carcass. Following by removing the hoofs and the skin to get to the meat. With the help of his soul AI {Alfa} he cut all the meat in to small cubes of 2, by 2, by 2.

After preparing the meat and putting it in a big bowl, he opened his bag pulling out a wooden box. In the box was a collection of spatial herbs from the different forests he been to. This herbs were treasure trove that he only used on special occasion. And this was one of those time.

While Nero was seating up, the rest of the applicant came back caring f***k tone of pigs rhe same kinds as Nero's. Slowly all of them chose a station to start cooking in. Funnily enough all of them choose to roast the whole dam thing. Looking at this Nero thought

Alfa {sure thing sir, they are in dire need of a lesson I beauty}.

(Author Note: don't judge me guys it I have a thing for low cut Denim Jeans, I don't know why but I just do, I am sure you guys all so had some this like this right?? Right??...)

Nero POV

Time flow by fast, and after 2h of waiting for their food, final one applicant came forward. He was none other than the bigmouth Todo. He roasted pork in front of Menchi and Buhara and said.

Todo "here is the food, now do your testing and send me to the next phase" with an arrogant look.

Buhara did not even bother to replay to this arrogant man and dag his face in the food with a smile. Menchi on the other had only looked at it.

Menchi "okay time to judge, taste testing,"

Buhara {ding} .

Menchi {buzz}

Todo "what??" he said confused

Menchi "the pork is over cooked it is way too tough, this completely wrecks the flavor"

Todo "come on you haven't even tried it, how can you tell"

Menchi "I don't have to!! Anyone with eyes can tell that"

This scenario of Buhara giving his approval and Menchi giving the buzzer continued for a while. She did not even taste one dish of the applicants who roasted their pigs. And form the looks of her face she was on the edge losing her cool. One from the uncultured nature of the applicants and tow from the settle yet obvious killing intent leaking from Hisoka.

And finally it was my time to present my dish, to her and Buhara. Unlike the others mine was in pot one huge pot for Buhara and one small for my goddess. Putting down the pots in front of both of them

Nero "the dish is served my fair lady" I side as I opened the pots.

This warranted me some cringe looks form the other applicants. Not that I cared at this moment only one thing mattes and that was getting the approval seal from Menchi. The aroma from my dish made Buhara salivate like a hungry wolf.

Menchi "mmeh, nice aroma. This could actually pass for real food unlike the other" she said glaring at the others

Buhara "this smells so good!!!"

And it wasn't Buhara only who was entranced by the aroma of my dish. All of the people in the front were the same.

Nero "I call this dish the dragons kiss, the best thing about this dish is it can be created with any kind of meat, I mostly use bear and wild boar meat, but pig works too. Oh and a warning it is a little spicy"

Menchi "oh, you look like you know your staff well, I just hope your dish is as god as your bravado"

Nero "well then the food is served dig in"

And dig in they did, spatially Buhara he lifted the whole pot and drank it with one gulp. It made me question if this big guy has a pocket dimension in his stomach or something. And like all ways Buhara gave his approval with a {ding}. Menchi on the other hand was elegant. Using the spoon on the table she scooped some to her mouth.

Complete silence, everyone were waiting for her answer.

Menchi "…... How the hell did you make this, the ingredients you used are not from the visca frost??"

Nero "you can tell, so what do you think of my dish" i said with confidence

Menchi "I must compliment you applicant 24, your dish is indeed a world class dish, and that is high praise coming from me"

Nero "thank you, does this mean I win our small bet"

Menchi "you did not let me finish, applicant 24"

Nero "go on then my lady"

Menchi "but you made a grave mistake, you were not supposed to use any ingredient other than the specified pig and the ones we provided. Which makes this dish however good it disqualified"

Nero "dis what now!!!"

Menchi "disqualified!"

Nero {(-_-)}

Alf {sir sould i designation mission priority one as failed}

Nero {(-_-)}

Alfa {sir do you hear me??}

Nero {(-_-)}

Nero {(-_-)}


Author: hi guys it is me Bilue here, sorry for the wait. My sis was in her du days to give birth, and she just gave birth yesterday. It has really ben a stressful few days for me so I am sorry.

I still hope you read this one, and continue to share your thought with me

I hope all the best to you guys and your loved ones

Next chapter will also be delayed a little more, but I will try to post as soon as possible

Thank you for reading

And all the best.

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