Bai Yaksha also frowned when he heard the Halloween Queen's words.

"Al Gore?"

"That guy?"

"Do you want Isheng to help restore her?"

The Queen of Halloween glanced at her sideways, and then said with a half-smile:

"What do you think?"

"An existence with the same name as us, but ended up being degraded and sealed."

"Don't you think it's sad?"

"Three Major Problems of Little Garden: Are Children Existing in Name Only?"

"It would be interesting if she could recover."

Al Gore, Shiro Yaksha, and the Queen of Halloween, these three people were once known as the three problem children of Hakoden. They were also one of the most powerful star spirits.

It's just that that guy got away with it.

Just because Al Gore was against Greece A certain goddess in the pantheon was dissatisfied, and then they entered into an all-out war.

And Algor was also tricked by someone when he was drunk.

As a result, he ended up being pushed.

Not only was his spiritual power chipped away, Now she has become a monster-like existence.

Not to mention her spiritual power has shrunk significantly, and even her self-awareness no longer exists.

How sad is this?

What if that guy Isumi really restored her.

Then things get interesting.

People from certain gods will definitely be unlucky.

Since the Queen of Halloween has decided to trick that god, she will naturally not be lenient.

Well, restore that guy first, and then let that guy She went to find trouble with the Greek gods.

Then she hid behind the scenes and operated.

This must be very interesting.

Thinking of this, a sinister smile appeared on the corner of the Halloween Queen's mouth.

After hearing what the Halloween Queen said, Bai Yaksha immediately felt the same She was a little stunned.

This guy must be too cruel. He actually thought of such a thing.

But after thinking about it for a while, she also felt that it seemed OK.

Thinking of this, Shiro Yaksha also had a smile on his face.


"There's no problem with this"

"I agreed"

"Coincidentally, Al Gore is also here with Thousand Eyes now."

Speaking of this, a smile suddenly appeared on her face.

Algor fell from the star spirit to the god, and then fell into the hands of Perseus.

Finally, it was passed to the hands of his descendant Luos.

Sixteen It's not difficult for Ye to get it.

When the Queen of Halloween saw Bai Yasha agreed, the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

"Happy cooperation"

"Next, let’s watch the show."

When Bai Yaksha heard this, he also had a smile on his face.

"Someone is going to be in trouble."

After saying this, she also started to gloat.

After the two discussed it, Shiroyasha started to take action.

First, she went to find Luos, and then got Algor's necklace.

It was easy for her She just got Al Gore's necklace in her hands.

Then she started to put on sacks.

Those who had the sovereignty of her sun were not spared. They were all knocked unconscious and then sealed with a special gift.

What she did and everything she did was done quietly.

No one knew about it at all.

Even the Buddhists didn't know what happened.

No one even paid attention to the disappearance of these gods.

After all, in Hakoba Here, it is normal for gods to disappear for ten days and a half.

Therefore, Bai Yaksha's actions were inexplicably smooth.

And the Queen of Halloween was not idle either.

She began to ask her subordinates to sell the shops and land in their hands.

All of them were replaced by gifts and the like. The Halloween Queen’s cunning operation is also very surprising.

Although it is very puzzling, many people are willing to exchange with the Halloween Queen.

After all, the Halloween Queen is a newcomer. No, I want any gift.

(Please give me flowers, monthly passes, and rewards.)

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