The Halloween Queen uses land and shops to grant these things.

Although it is surprising, many people are willing to trade with her.

After all, many gifts are useless.

The shops and land owned by the Halloween Queen are also coveted by many people.

Although it's unclear what the Queen of Halloween is thinking.

But now it does not prevent others from getting these shops or land.

Various large and small communities took out their own gifts and exchanged them with the Halloween Queen.

It’s not just these communities.

Even many people from the pantheon have made deals with the Queen of Halloween.

For example, a certain Greek pantheon and Buddhism.

And the Queen of Halloween is always welcome.

It doesn't matter who you are, it doesn't matter who you are.

She's going to run away anyway, and she doesn't care about you.

In this way, for nearly half a month, the Halloween Queen has been letting her subordinates conduct transactions with people.

In exchange for a large number of gifts and godhead.

And Bai Yaksha also knocked out all the gods who had the sovereignty of the sun and took them away.

After doing all this, for the sake of long nights and many dreams.

Shiroyasha also came to Isheng's world for the first time.

After entering Isheng's world, I feel the rules of this world.

Bai Yaksha was also shocked.

Especially after feeling the familiar sovereignty of the sun in the sun of this world.

Bai Yaksha was even more shocked.

No wonder, Isumi wants other solar sovereignty.

When Shiroyasha came to this world, he also resonated with Isheng's sun.

It seemed as if he had encountered something that pleased the sun.

The whole world's sunshine became hotter.

Some of the sun gods in Isheng's world also feel a little baffled.

I always feel like something extraordinary has come into this world.

Of course, I couldn't hide these things from Yi Cheng.

After Shiroyasha entered this world, Isumi noticed it.

Yi Cheng also knew what was going on with the strange movement on the sun.

As the heroic spirit of the sun, it is natural for Shiroyasha to resonate when he comes to this world.

Even Agurola was affected.

After all, the star beasts on the sun now were transformed from some of the familiar beasts in Agulola's body.

Naturally, she also sensed this change.

Although I was very confused, I even wanted to see what was going on.

It was just stopped by Isheng.

"Just stay here"

"An important guest has arrived"

"Next, I can use your other pets."

After saying this, Icheng disappeared from the place.

When Agulola heard this, her eyes suddenly lit up.

When Icheng said this, she naturally knew what was going on.

Sovereignty of the Sun!!

Thinking of this, Agurola also looked forward to it. Get up...........................

Just as Shiroyasha looked around with curious eyes and looked at Isheng's lolita with lustful eyes.

Isheng suddenly appeared in front of her.

Seeing that his line of sight was blocked, Bai Yaksha was immediately dissatisfied.

Just as she was about to push the guy in front of her away, she suddenly realized that the person coming was actually Isheng.

"what the hell!"

"It is you"

"Go away, go away, you are blocking my view of the cute girl."

When he said this, Shiroyasha had a lewd smile on his face.

Seeing this loli staring at his lolita like a lewd uncle, Isheng was very speechless.

"You've had enough"

"Even though she is a lolita, she still stares at others"

"Do you want to recover?"

"Don't forget that you are not here to see Loli."

After hearing what Icheng said, Shiroyasha also reacted.

After hehehe smiled, she withdrew her gaze and looked at Icheng.

"All right"

"I brought what you asked for"

"Let's start quickly"

"I agree to all your conditions."

(Please give me flowers, please give me monthly tickets, and please give me rewards.)

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