Fairy, Stop Making Trouble

Chapter 57 57. I want to give you a home and be the father of 1 children

Chapter 57 57. I want to give you a home and be the father of three children

Not being able to type is a hassle. I often see Jiang Qiao holding a mobile phone to check various information, eating melons and playing games online, but she can only use it to make a phone call.

Such an easy-to-use treasure, she felt that it would be a waste if she couldn't make the most of it.

The most important thing is that she was scolded in the shooter game today, and she wants to scold her back.

"Type it, okay, I'll prepare for the lesson first, you..."

"I'm going to wash the dishes."

Jiang Qiao blinked his eyes, my good disciple, it's only been one night, will I rush to answer?

Hearing the sound of running water coming from the kitchen, Jiang Qiao turned on the screen to check the record first.

My good guy, I only lost one hand in the morning, and Silver V is just around the corner.

He opened Du Niang, logged on to Jinshan's official website, and downloaded a Kingsoft TypePass. He used to play the typing game "Life and Death Speed" in computer classes in elementary school.

Bai Yueling wiped her hands with a paper towel, and sat down next to him. Jiang Qiao looked down at her two smooth feet sitting cross-legged, her toes would occasionally move twice, which was cute.

After a while, the two kittens ran to sleep on their stomachs in the hollows of her legs, and one of them was still resting its head on the back of her feet. Jiang Qiao couldn't help being a little envious.

"By the way, I brought you a few pairs of socks back today. I don't think you can go barefoot all day. You still have to wear socks when you get cold from your feet."

"I'm not cold."

Sensing his gaze, Bai Yueling tugged on her trousers a little.

But after all, this is not a long skirt like Hanfu. It is longer at the bottom and shorter at the top. No matter what, it will show a cute toe.

There seemed to be warmth in his gaze, and Bai Yueling felt very uncomfortable.

"It's not a question of whether it's cold or not, but..."

Jiang Qiao looked away: "Well, it's in the bag at your door. There are many styles, and I bought a few of each."

Bai Yueling always felt that something was wrong with this guy today.

"Hey, it's getting too far, the typing class starts now, my Moon Spirit disciple, are you ready?"

Bai Yueling got goosebumps when he called her, and her eyelids drooped: "Master, can you omit those weird prefixes?"

"Of course... not!"

Jiang Qiao sat upright, not looking sideways, how could he take advantage of the words without him?

"There once was a queen, whose full name was Daenerys Stormborn, descendant of Valyria, queen of the Andals, ruler of Westeros and guardian of the realm, Doss of the Great Prairie Khaleesi the Rakk, the Unburnt, Queen of Meereen, Breaker of Shackles, Mother of Dragons."

"But what does this have to do with me being your apprentice?" Bai Yueling was puzzled.

"This expresses my respect for you. After all, you are a majestic immortal emperor, and I am the emperor's teacher, so the relationship is very close."

Bai Yueling took a deep breath, was so angry that she didn't feel any respect at all, and saw this guy keep putting gold on her face.

"So, can we start now?"

"Here we go."

Jiang Qiao pointed to the keyboard: "I learned Pinyin yesterday, do you see the letters on the keyboard look similar now? For example, if you input yue in sequence, you can recognize and read the syllable yue as a whole."

She nodded slightly, which is very understandable. The combination of letters to form pinyin is like the basic fairy runes arranged in different ways, which can be used as formations, prohibitions, or fairy spells.

"You don't care about the functions of the other keys. The 26-letter keys are fixed. The most commonly used keys for typing are in this area."

Jiang Qiao clicked on the most basic pinyin typing function. Below a row of Chinese characters was a pinyin label, and each letter that needed to be pressed would be highlighted in blue on the keyboard in the picture.

"You see, the pinyin of Chinese characters corresponds to the alphabet, and the pitch is ignored for the time being. Follow the input displayed on the screen. If it is displayed in red, it means that it is wrong. You should practice alone for a while, and see if you are not used to it. "

Jiang Qiao went to mix goat milk powder for the two cats. According to the instructions, the temperature of the water should not be too high, otherwise it would easily burn the sensitive cat's tongue.

Fairy Bai is sitting upright, with her fingers placed according to the diagram. Learning pinyin and typing well is the first step for her to explore the world, so there must be no mistakes.

【I want to give you a home, turn you into my wife, and be the father of three children...】

[wo xiang gei ni yi ge jia, ba ni bian cheng wo de qi zi, zuo san ge hai zi de fu qin...]

Bai Yueling looked at the words on the screen and fell into deep thought for a moment. She turned her head to look at Jiang Qiao who didn't know what he was doing in the kitchen, and wondered in her heart whether he did it on purpose.

Want to subtly brainwash and marry him?

"Don't even think about it!" Fairy Bai squinted at Jiang Qiao and let out a cold voice.

He scratched his head, with a dazed expression, and did something to her again, obviously he didn't do anything.

"It's best to put away your little thoughts, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

Bai Yueling snorted softly, took a deep look at him, then turned to look at the screen, and lightly touched the first button with her finger.

Jiang Qiao's breath stopped. Could it be that she had seen through the idea of ​​all kinds of sexy stockings he bought?No, she obviously hasn't opened the bag yet.

He moved over slowly, and when he saw the content displayed on the screen, his face suddenly became petrified. How could this broken computer speak out the bold thoughts in his heart?
"Cough, Master Fairy, this has absolutely nothing to do with me. If you don't believe me, I'll change to another article."

Jiang Qiao immediately randomized a new article.

[I love you so much, I want to touch your smooth back, touch your hips all the way to your ankles, and kiss your toes...]

The content became more and more outrageous, Bai Yueling's face turned livid, and even his breath was filled with a cold chill.

"And said it has nothing to do with you?"

"I, I, I, I don't know why this happened. This article is random. Even if I thought about it, I wouldn't say it?" Jiang Qiao broke into a cold sweat in panic. Jinshan's thesaurus is poisonous, right?Why do you want to kill him?

"You really have such nasty thoughts in your heart!" She frowned, and this vile apprentice was really greedy for her body. It seemed that the protector should be replaced.

"My Moon Spirit Disciple, please give me another chance to prove myself!"

"Don't bark, who is your disciple."

As soon as she pointed at Jiang Qiao's chest, a crackling electric current burst out, and he immediately lay on the ground convulsed and unable to move.

"How to refresh? I will do it myself."

"Press... to press the next page."

Bai Yueling moved the mouse and clicked lightly.

【I long for you shamelessly, long for your hair, long for your eyes, long for your chin, I want to climb up your instep, drown your legs...】

Bai Yueling froze, and suddenly stood up, looking at Jiang Qiao who was lying on the ground, his eyes were filled with anger.

"Dirty pervert, go to hell!"

(End of this chapter)

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