My Boyfriend Is A Campus Bad Boy

Chapter 70 - 70: May The Best Man Win

Time goes by so quickly as well as someone's feelings for a person they love and cared for. The crowded, popular park surrounded by attractions, filled with joy, loud voices of the people who had tried different activities.

Roy invited Halora to the mini-lake found at the end of the park. It was built in a secluded area to ensure tourists' safety. There were a lot of couples who experienced such a relaxing ride.

While Sebastian and Sandra tried the pirates' arc. Sandra screamed so loud and clear that annoyed the young man beside her.

After a couple of minutes, they left the station hungry and tired. Sandra's hair tangled up caused by the strong, howling wind. Her knees trembled, touched her stomach until she vomited.

"Damn it! I thought I won't vomit!" She cursed, wiped her mouth with her hands. Fortunately, they were at the place with no people around. "Hey, where are you going?"

Sebastian didn't turn his back. He walked straight, away from Sandra. Little did she know, he just bought a bottle of water for her.

He then went back, bought two biscuits. "Here, clean your mouth with this. I don't want to be with an ugly, messy girl." He murmured. Gave the water to her as he stood away from Sandra.

"I don't know if you're helping me or what! And for your information, I am not as ugly as what you are thinking!" She rolled her eyes, gargled with water until she felt great and fine.

She then looked throughout the wide, crowded park, searched for Halora and Roy. "Hmm, have you ever seen Roy and Halora? Maybe they went somewhere!"

"I'm not interested in them. Why don't we try other rides? What do you think?"

Sandra paused for a moment when she heard those words from him. She blinked her eyes several times, waved her hands in front of him until she pinched his pointed nose.

"Aww, why did you do that?" He exclaimed, caressed it gently. His brow furrowed, his lips began to form into a frown.

But Sandra hit her forehead and replied, "I thought I was only daydreaming! D– did you really asked me what I want to do, huh?"

"If you don't want to, then don't!" As it took her longer to decide, Sebastian's mood quickly changed into a cold, serious one. He put the biscuits in his pockets, walked away from the area.

She chased him. She held her chest as she couldn't reach Sebastian's steps.

"Hey! Can you please stop for a moment? You're giving me a heart attack!" She breathed heavily like a patient who lose enough oxygen in his body. Her face turned scarlet until she saw him stopped at the middle of the main path to the garden of eternity.

Sandra widened her eyes, held her breath back at the moment she witnessed a sweet scene clearly. She gasped, watched over the young man who put a flower to the girl's right ear.

It suited to her beauty, the color of the flower matched to the girl's red, long hair. Her smile was sweet like the sugar and cakes.

She was happy with him– that one thing to be sure of.

"Sandra? Sebastian? How long have you been standing there, huh?" Halora saw them first as she quickly stepped back away from Roy. She touched the flower on her ear, suddenly felt afraid and guilty.

"We've been here for almost 120 seconds, and we saw how close you are with each other. Right, Sandra?"

Despite the odds and bizarre feelings, Sandra agreed to him. She smiled, clutched her hands around his arms, and said, "Yes! And that was too sweet if you don't know! And by the way, Sebastian and I decided to go to the mall too but for some clothes. I just want to know if you are interested to go with us?"

Halora looked away from her playful gaze. She then clasped her hands, played it, and hesitant to agree with Sandra. She didn't want to be the princess but she had enough clothes for the entire week.

Roy stooped, whispered to her ears. They talked that way which made Sebastian gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

Roy cleared his throat and looked at Sandra's eyes, "W– we want to go with you but Halora had enough things for the entire week and it would be only a waste of money."

He bowed his head, expected that she had always a plan b. Roy knew her since then, she will never stop until she get what she wanted.

By then, Sandra pouted her lips. She stepped closer to Halora, reached for her cold, handed, and said, "Pretty please, Halora! Say yes! I promise I will treat you since we're friends now, right?"

Hesitant and reluctant, Halora faked a smile at her. She glanced up at Sebastian's eyes but she couldn't read what was in his mind at that moment.

Because she owed a lot of Sandra, Halora has no other choice but to say yes. Although it was against her will, she forced, convinced herself to be good still to other people especially to Sandra.

"Y– yes, I'm going with you but please, let us go back to the hotel before the night." She pleaded.

"Yes! Your wish is our command!" Sandra replied quickly.

She pulled Halora closer to her as she began to walk to the park's exit. While the boys followed their lead silently.

But beyond those sweet smiles, lovely treats, and alluring masks, Sebastian took a deep sigh before he uttered something.

"What is the real score between you and Halora?" He asked directly. His blue eyes glinted while Roy gasped and giggled for a second.

He looked shocked and felt insulted. He wondered why he suddenly opened up about that matter in the middle of their tour.

But to put an end to the campus bad boy's speculations, he stopped, faced him courageously. His eyes shone brightly under the sunny, warm, blue sky.

He said, "After this trip, you will know the answer to your question. But before that, may the best man win."

A light, once in a blue moon mood drawn all over Roy's face. Since he saw Halora with him, he felt threatened by his presence and he will assure that he won't have a special place in Halora's heart, never 'til forever.

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