The Legendary Ruler

Chapter 18 - Eloise Shadowborn

"Oh... interesting"- Henry couldn't help but become awestruck at the sight in front of him.

A beautiful red-haired girl was soundlessly looking upwards as a headless body laid on the ground. The clothes on her body were painted in red and Henry could feel the heavy smell of iron permeating the ambient.

"A bloodbath"

The smell of blood was too much to belong to a single victim. Henry concluded that at least fifteen people died at this place. This girl should be extremely powerful, probably on the same Real as him. He always thought that he was the fastest and the youngest person to achieve this Cultivation Stage in the Gladio Continent.

"There is always someone better"- Henry mumbled.

"Who are you?"- The girl turned her head towards Henry.

Seeing that the purple-haired boy's clothes were made of luxurious fabrics, the girl immediately assumed that he wasn't part of the bandits' group. 

The clothes on his body costed thousands of Gold coins, there was no necessity to such a person resort to robbery. So, the girl wasn't on guard against him.

"A person with no manners...You should introduce yourself first"- Henry responded with a slight smile.

"Eloise Shadowborn"- The girl plainly introduced herself, not caring at all about Henry.

"A person of few words, I see... anyway, nice to meet you, Eloise. I am Henry Anvil"- Henry bowed, deciding to reveal his real name. 

However, after hearing his name, the girl didn't even blink as if his identity meant nothing to her. She didn't know what this name represented and even if she knew, she wouldn't care.

The Anvil Kingdom was only a tiny kingdom in a backwater continent. Her family could exterminate thousands of it in the blink of an eye.

"So, the weather is nice, right?"- Henry asked, trying to strike a conversation.


"Oh really? I love the feeling of the cold air touching my"

"In which direction is the closest city from here?"- The girl abruptly asked, interrupting Henry's speech. She didn't want to chat.

"About two hundred kilometers to the east, however, the path is a bit rough"- Henry pointed towards the east.

They were quite deep into the Million Monster forest. Henry had been traveling and killing monsters without a planned route in mind, so he was far away from any kind of human settlement.

"Thanks"- Eloise bowed in appreciation and began to walk towards the direction Henry indicated.

"I will accompany you"- Henry said and walked beside her.

The girl just looked at him as if he was a nuisance. The boy was like a curious cat and he would probably ask thousands of questions, disturbing her whole journey. However, Eloise really needed a guide as she had no idea where she was.

Henry didn't seem to mind what the girl's stare. He just wanted to know more about this person and her reasons to be here, he didn't want any unforeseen personage wrecking his plans.

"So, Eloise, where are you from?"

"Shadowcairn City"

Henry couldn't remember any important city or Kingdom in the Gladio Continent with this name. This girl was really a mystery. He should order a deep research on her identity when he got back.

"Strange name...Is it near here?"

"...Far away from here"-Eloise responded with a sad look on her face. 

The rest of the journey could only be described with one word...silence. The girl didn't answer any other question as if she was in deep thought, remembering old memories.

Henry decided to respect this moment as he rapidly lead the way through the forest. The questions could wait.

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