The Legendary Ruler

Chapter 20 - The envoy from the Flying Sword Sect

Seven days passed quickly. During this time Henry dedicated his time entirely to cultivation. The kingdom management was held by Godfrey and a couple of trusted subordinates.

The Noble Clans were still putting some pressure on him, however, due to what happened to the Tang Clan, they were much more reserved. Keeping their attention to every one of his movements.

Although the evidence pointed to the direct action of a disciple of the Flying Sword Sect, the Noble Clans still acted with constraint. The Royal Family was still a suspect after all.

Henry was staying in the headquarters of the Imperial Umbra Organization. It was the only place where he had peace to cultivate without being disturbed by the kingdom's problems.

However, to the outside world, he was inside the palace, quietly dealing with the management and improvement of the people's lives.

"Luckily I can count on Godfrey and the others to manage these kinds of stuff"- Henry sighed in relief.

A few months after the king disappeared, Henry assumed the throne. Even though he was really young, history presented previous cases where children took charge of a kingdom. So it wasn't much of a problem. 

The Noble Families easily accepted, thinking that they could use him, like a puppet with strings. Fortunately, Henry knew how to play the game. To maintain his position, he had to bear with it until the right time to eliminate them appeared.

"When I reach the Lumen Realm, they will all die"-Henry clenched his teeth.

He hated to hide like a rat when he had the power to easily exterminate all those disrespectful Clans. But he couldn't show his power yet, not before he had the power to back it up.

The Chaotic God Cultivation technique allowed him to have a powerful foundation, enabling him to dominate every living being in the universe. Time was the only problem.

"Prince, an envoy from the Flying Sword Sect arrived in the palace and is seeking an audience. Minister Godfrey requested your presence as soon as possible"- A man covered in black clothes, like a ninja, appeared behind Henry.

This man was one of the assassins trained by the Umbra Organization. Every one of the assassins was brainwashed into loyal hunt dogs, capable of accomplishing any kind of task. Henry knew that they would never betray him even if it cost their lives.

"An envoy from the Flying Sword Sect?"- Henry shivered.

What are they doing here? Maybe his actions alerted them. Maybe the Noble Families allied with them.

Millions of questions and assumptions passed through Henry's head. He felt suffocated.

"I can't let them suspect us…"

The Intel from the Umbra Organization pointed out that the Flying Sword Sect's headmaster was about to become a Saint Realm Cultivator. It was still too early for Henry to go against this type of behemoth power.

If this incident led to an all-out conflict against the Sect, Henry could only foresee a single future...the destruction of the Kingdom and his death.

"Let's go!"


Inside the Anvil Throne Hall, the hundreds of flags that belonged to the previous rulers danced in the air, exuding a mighty aura that demanded respect.

"Minister Godfrey, my time is precious. I don't have that much time to idle in this kind of place. I have already waited for ten minutes and your prince hasn't come...are you taking me for a fool?"-  An old man -wearing a red robe with a Sword engraved on it- stood in front of Henry. The elder was fuming with anger as he yelled. 

He, an honorable elder from the Flying Sword Sect, was being disregarded by the ruler of a backwater kingdom. He couldn't take this humiliation any longer.

If it wasn't the Sect Head himself who sent him here to ask for the cooperation of this puny kingdom to search for an ancient ruin or else he would have already destroyed this whole country.

The strongest person in this country was a Fundamental Realm Cultivator in the second stage. If he wanted, the old man could level this whole kingdom with a flip of his hands.

"Sir, the prince is already coming. i-"


Godfrey was interrupted by a powerful scream. The elder in front of him was already emanating a powerful aura as if he was ready to attack.

"What is happening here?"- A young voice traveled through the hall, making the old man stop

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