21 – #05. Saint Cecilia (4)

After she told Cecilia not to visit her, she did not visit her for several days.

People often come here to prepare meals or laundry, but basically, the place I stay is a spacious room with no exit.

What happened to Lenny?

Are all of Cecilia’s words sincere?

What should I do here?

My thoughts got entangled and tangled.

Unraveling thread.

In order to solve it, I had to escape from this room first, but it was difficult because I couldn’t come up with a clear way.


I heard knocking outside, and after a while, the door opened and two paladins came inside, pulling a cart.

“A meal.”

A paladin who is blunt and only says what is necessary.

She was wary of me using charm to break this situation, so she basically placed mostly males here.

Even if there is a woman, she did not intend to use her fascination to escape, but she got the impression that she was thoroughly thorough in the part where she even crushed even one probability.

“Over there.”

“What are you doing?”

I was speechless at the blunt answer.

Basically, they treated me in a businesslike manner, and I couldn’t tell if it was because of a separate order or because I was just too close to them.

“…… How long do I have to stay here?”

“The saintess will honorably serve you.”

It was always the answer that came back.

It’s not some simple program, and they often evaded most of my questions, saying they were the saint’s will, or didn’t answer properly.

“How is the weather today?”

“It is sunny.”

“Where did the girl I was with go?”

“Please confirm that through the saintess.”

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Damn this.

It’s always like this.

I couldn’t figure out the situation here.

Cecilia said that she took care of Lenny well and told her to be at ease, but she always ignored the words she wanted to meet and kept me locked up here.

It shouldn’t be like this.

I know that, but how?

Two paladins stood in front of me.

They were lightly armed with no weapons on their backs and light armor, but it doesn’t make sense to defeat them with bare hands without weapons.

I would struggle with just one, but there are always two or more accompanying me.

Besides, if you try to deal with the paladin waiting outside, it would be virtually impossible to break through them with force.

“Cecil… What is the saintess doing right now?”

“He is taking care of the church members as usual. It is his responsibility to speak the word of God and to soothe the sick and wounded.”

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Does such a person talk about war?

It was not meant to be called a temple.

Gather the world as one.

It was clearly intended to use my fascination to charm high-ranking women around the world, turn them into allies or prevent them from becoming hostile, and unite the people in the name of s*xual intercourse to confront the empire first.

“…… If you have time, ask me to come.”

My complicated thoughts have been sorted out.

I still thought of her as her victim, and I believed that she became strange because of her fascination with me. Maybe he wanted to believe.

So, she wanted to have a proper conversation with her.

To let me meet Lenny and to get me out of here.

It was a simple request, but it was questionable whether she would listen to it properly.

If she doesn’t like her, I thought about getting out of her by pretending to obey her, but I still feel guilty about whether I can just kick her again after having charmed and teased her once.

“The saintess will surely welcome you.”

“…… I guess.”

That was my great sin.

My life now is probably a punishment for that sin. The fact that Neira left like that, and the fact that Cecilia is so obsessed. All of them were the door of curiosity opened by my ignorance, the foot of my lack of affection, and the box of my sins.

If I had been obsessed with one thing, I would have accepted it.

It is definitely my responsibility to make her that way.

Then at least it was right to take responsibility for the aftermath, but if it leads to Lenny and even to the war, it doesn’t just end with me and Cecilia.

“Then we will leave.”

“…… You have a lot of trouble because of me alone.”

“I heard that you are the new saint to lead us. It is the joy and blessing of every saint to serve the God-given One.”

Those words made my taste bitter.

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Do you really believe in such nonsense just because you belong to a religion? I wondered if it was brainwashing in some sense, but I had no right to point it out.

After everyone left, I looked at the meal in front of me and thought for a while.

“…… There is no escape.”

I have no choice but to meet and negotiate with Cecilia.

If possible, I wanted to put her Lenny’s safety and her foolish schemes all a blank slate, even as long as I was subordinated to her.

But what if that’s impossible?

I have no choice but to escape through coercive means, but will I be able to escape from the capital of the Holy Kingdom, their home base, by circumventing so many paladins and the saintess herself?

It was infinitely close to impossible, but I couldn’t give up because it looked like something would go wrong if I was caught like this.

Cecilia’s expression when I said she was a saint was infinitely serious.

If the aftermath of this fascination spreads to a global war, there is no way that a single human being can handle such karma and sin.

* * *

Seongguk’s sudden movement.

The Empress sat on her throne, crossed her legs, and thought quietly.

Basically, she knew that the expansionism of the empire would be strongly opposed in various places, but she did not know that she would move even in the Holy Land, which blocked the borderline leading to it by dealing with the demons.

s*xual intercourse was currently the mainstream religion of the continent, believing in monotheism and spreading the doctrine, and now it is also the state religion that the majority of the people of the empire believe in.

“That’s funny.”

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Do religious people dare to get involved in secular affairs?

She hadn’t liked Cecilia for a long time, but if she said that she would stop her treachery by blocking herself in earnest, that would be another story.

Of course, if a war was waged against religion as an enemy, there would be a lot of chaos even in an empire with many followers, but even so, it was not an opponent that could not be defeated by force.

“It’s a pity that she couldn’t kill the b*tch she didn’t like since he was around by calling her a saint.”

The Empress rubbed her fingers while talking to herself.

The principality that resisted expansionism at the northern end of the empire was eventually trampled by military force.

It is receiving worldwide criticism for that, and it was true that it would be a headache if even the Holy Kingdom were openly hostile to the Empire in such a situation.

“At times like this, Seo, it would have been comfortable if you were here.”

If she’s capable of it, she’s about that kind of woman. She was able to keep her mouth shut lightly.

At least when Seo was in her palace, there were no people who acted unexpectedly like that, and she, the Empress, also suppressed her own greed as much as possible and only saw her opportunity.

“Where are you?”

She was obviously greedy, but her greed was the result of her greed to take over everything. She never aimed at a single human being.

Seo was the one who changed the empress.

Because of him, the empress forgot her ambition of conquering the world, even for a moment, and was terribly uncomfortable with the women who coveted what she had marked, but she was able to endure it.

But he is gone now.

He said that everything he had affection for was a lie, and suddenly left the palace and disappeared from her presence.

Perhaps the empress’s sudden expansion of armaments was felt as a desire to fill the void created by her departure.

That much she loved him, and everything about him was good.

To the extent that even the empress, who prefers monopolization, took a step back and allowed another woman in order not to offend Seo.

However, despite such concessions, he eventually left.

She dared to judge the emperor’s feelings at will, and said that they were all fake, ignoring all the childish feelings she harbored and left his side.

“I can’t fully trust Mea either.”

I hoped to find it soon, but it’s already been 5 years since he left.

There the Empress thought.

She had the idea that maybe she dared to go out on her own too weak. Next time we meet, wouldn’t it be better to keep him by his side, even if it means breaking his leg?

“I miss you today.”

She reached out and stirred the air around her.

There were so many memories here.

Her overbearing man The man who laughed softly at her bewildered. The memory of her who shared her love, just seeing her as a woman of her own, regardless of her status as a female empress.

“Come back to Jim’s side even now.”

Now, it’s not too late.

If it was too late, then I would really not be able to stand it, and if I really met her, I felt like she would cut off her legs right away so that I wouldn’t be able to escape from her side.

“…… Uhhhhh…….”

The moment the empress was lost in thought, a man’s moaning was heard from below.

At this she lowered her head slightly.

One man had all his limbs cut off.

He was not a commoner because he was dressed in luxurious clothes, but the middle-aged man was also groaning as he wriggled desperately with blood spattered from his limbs.

“Woe, Your Majesty the Emperor… Please, have mercy…….”

“This stupid thing.”

Somehow, she wriggled her body and moved desperately, but even with that pathetic movement and thin voice, she didn’t budge.

“Jim is immersed in memories after a long time, can’t he overcome the pain and break his thoughts?”

It was somewhat ambiguous to say something to someone whose limbs were cut off, but it was not her business.

The unreasonable human being wriggling right in front of me was once a man who openly led the aristocratic faction to stop the dictatorial tyranny in opposition to the appointment of the empress.

“Please forgive me!! Ah, from now on, I will never defy Your Majesty…… !!”

Before he could speak, his forehead was pierced by a knife.

He probably didn’t even know he was going to die until right before he died.

“Tsk, this is unpleasant. Take that trash away.”

As soon as the empress’ words stopped, several soldiers waiting behind the pillars of the palace approached and dragged the corpse and disappeared outside.

Even then, she looked at it like rubbish, and only when it disappeared before her eyes did she turn her head again.

“There are many things I want to say. So come back.”

The floor of the palace was soaked with blood.

A bright red road that was formed while dragging him out. It continued for a long time as if it had been brushed with blood, and that alone reminded her of a brutal scene at the scene, but she did not dwell on such a trivial matter.

Heart of the Empire, the Imperial Palace.

There was still a cruel dictatorship that washed away the blood with blood, but she was wearing the expression of a girl she loved, missing a man.

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